Chapter 13: Battle at Glowing Sea

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Glowing Sea, Commonwealth 

BSS Citadel POV

I somehow return to the Commonwealth, but how did I get here from Azur Lane; however looks like my answer lies in the Institute facility in the Glowing Sea so I was wearing a hazmat when I arrive at the Commonwealth. Some of my brothers report that BSS Citadel was missing after went through the portal, but the crew manage to reach the Commonwealth just fine. I look at the greenish water and see that I'm the captain of me, but reason is unknown. I'm with the Third Platoon Division which is couple of men with Power Armor and some military soldiers with Brotherhood of Steel outfit with assault rifle and miniguns for the Heavies. Our job is to hunt the facility controlled by the Institute after learn from their headquarters that was destroy by our main force leading by a Vault Dweller. We continue exploring the Glowing Sea while watching our radiation level since this place is still cover in radiation after the nuke drop during the Great War. We look at the radar and found nothing.

Citadel: "We found nothing yet; are we sure that the Institute have a facility here?"

BoS Knight: "Yes sir; we manage to recover some data from the ruins and found a facility is control by them through synths."

We continue going through and notice a abandoned facility ahead of us which is strange because it wasn't touch by the blast or radiation. The men notice it too and be on a lookout for any strange like something that wasn't suppose to be here.

Citadel: "Be on a lookout."

Everyone nod and we head right toward the facility, but we came under fire by laser fires. We both duck behind cover to see where it was coming from and it was from the building ahead of us which means we found our target. The knights use their power armor to absorb the damage of the laser while we grab our sniper rifle and kill some of the synths. After we confirm that we dealt with security outside of the facility we decide to breach one of the doors to the facility.

Knight: "Ready?"

Everyone nod and the Knight bash through the door before we rush inside to see what is going on here. We notice the facility was your average building from the Great War, but why was it intact and not like the other ruins in the Glowing Sea so we decide to investigate of the building.

Knight(shock): "To see this building intact in this god forsaken region is impressive."

Scribe: "I wonder how many tech hasn't been touch by the Commonwealth or the synths?"

We continue to explore the area until we can see some kind of device to the building.

Knight: "What is that?"

The scribe inspect the device.

Scribe: "Looks like some kind of gate, but I don't know the symbols on it."

 I look at the symbol of the gate.  

Citadel: "Looks like a symbol of a Siren

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Citadel: "Looks like a symbol of a Siren."

Knight(confuse): "You mean in those myth of women singing to drag down the sailors to the bottom of the ocean? What kind of organization use the symbol?"

Scribe: "Guys; you better take a look at this."

We head where the scribe is at and notice another symbol, but this is a symbol I do know about.

That is Azur Lane symbol, but it is all rusted from same goes for the Siren symbols which I'm more confuse then ever that I didn't know Azur Lane is in our world as well, but if there is a case then why we didn't heard of shipgirls

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That is Azur Lane symbol, but it is all rusted from same goes for the Siren symbols which I'm more confuse then ever that I didn't know Azur Lane is in our world as well, but if there is a case then why we didn't heard of shipgirls.

Knight: "I don't know any of this symbols mean, but looks like this doesn't belong to the Institute; however it's enough to draw their attention. Let's bring the technology to Boston Airport so we can have someone analyze them."

We deploy a beacon so the vertibird can be deploy, but require care hands since we're in the middle of the Glowing Sea. Everyone is preparing to send the devices to the Airport until I notice something glowing in the rubble so I inspect it and it was a wisdom cube.

Citadel(confuse): "What is going on here? Why is a wisdom cube doing here?"

I know this is the life source for the shipgirls, but I don't know how they are getting here unless they went through the same fate as me, but I return to my world from Azur Lane. I continue to observe the wisdom cube until one of the Knights tell me that it's time to leave.

Knight: "Sir; we need to leave."

Citadel: "Very well then."

We hope on the vertibird and heading to Boston Airport while I stare at the wisdom cube, but the question is who does this belong to.

Boston Airport, Commonwealth

We have at the airport and I can see the flagship in the distance hovering over the airfield.

We have at the airport and I can see the flagship in the distance hovering over the airfield

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This is the flagship of Brotherhood of Steel; the Prydwen. I can see a military base underneath of the flagship and also Liberty Prime station here as well.

We land at the helipad and carry the device to the testing area where we can continue investigating the devices, but I have someone to inspect this wisdom cube to Proctor Quinlan who can do research on this subject since he is in charge of R&D

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We land at the helipad and carry the device to the testing area where we can continue investigating the devices, but I have someone to inspect this wisdom cube to Proctor Quinlan who can do research on this subject since he is in charge of R&D. He probably need to come down to study on this devices and see what we got here. I stare at the wisdom cube, but for some reason the cube bright light all the sudden which blinded me and I see nothing but light.

To be Continued....

Chapter 14: Back and Forth

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