Chapter 17: Fixture Love

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Northern Parliament Dorm, Azur Lane
Citadel POV

I went with Sovetskaya Rossiya to the dorm to get her rig fix with the tools that we found in my ship and I notice a couple of girls talking about missing the snow.

Citadel: "You girls like winter?"

Sovetskaya Rossiya: "Remind us about our Motherland. Do you like snow?"

Citadel: "To be honest I prefer that than Radiation Rain or the burnt of the Radiation Summer. Snow is the only thing that I only looking forward to."

She was happy that I like snow since it helps us cool down from the heat of the Radiation since they burnt like crisp. We head inside to her room and we start to get the fix on the rig. I help her out with the part that requires two people. To be honest I know how to fix it since Brotherhood of Steel need to fix stuff to get things working like our flagship The Prydwen and other machines that we got our hands on. We took breaks for couple of hours before we return to work; I grab some drinks for both of us while we continue to talk.

Sovetskaya Rossiya: "I want to thank you Comrade for helping me."

Citadel: "To be honest; I have a hard time of talking to you and the Northern Parliament due to what happen at my world, but Gettysburg told me that you girls aren't not bad."

Sovetskaya Rossiya(happy): "I'm glad that Gettysburg tell you that. I don't know what happen at your world, but this world everyone is doing their best to fight against the Sirens despite our difference."

I agree with her and we're about to get working until someone rush at the door which knock Sovetskaya Rossiya in the behind after she got up and was about to head to her workbench. It was Gangut with her vodka and she's drunk.


Sovetskaya Rossiya land on top of me after she got hit by the door and I try to save her from falling since there are machine parts all over the floor and don't want to hurt her. She land on my chest while I glare at Gangut who is having difficulty standing up.

Citadel: "Do you ever heard of knocking?"

Rossiya open her eyes and notice that she was on top of me which cause her to blush red and quickly get up.

Rossiya(blush): "Sorry about that."

Gangut(drunk): "BUT THE DOOR WAS OPEN!"

Rossiaya/Citadel(shout): "IT WASN'T!"

Gangut(drunk): "YOU DON'T HAVE TO YELL!" 

Gangut collapse on the ground and fell asleep which Rossiaya sigh.

Rossiaya: "Sorry about that. I better get Gangut back to her dorm before she get sick."

I help her out with carrying Gangut to her dorm room which is at the second door after Rossiaya since this is the battleship sectors of the dorm who it wasn't difficult to get Gangut to her dorm, but she's heavy; however I keep that in my head so I don't be rude. Rossiya knock on the door to see another girl open the door from the other side.

 Rossiya knock on the door to see another girl open the door from the other side

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???: "Comrade Rossiya; let me guess that sister Gangut got drunk?"

Rossiya: "Sorry Comrade Sevastopol, but can you help us get her to bed."

Sevastopol notice me.

Sevastopol: You must be that nuclear battleship that I heard about Comrade Citadel."

Citadel: "Correct created by the United States."

Sevastopol: "A new revolution of battleship in our midst. I want to see those nuclear shells."

Citadel: "Maybe, but only if I need to."

We carry Gangut to her bedroom which is all messy.

Citadel: "This place is a mess."

Sevastopol: "I keep on tell her to clean her room, but she won't listen to me."

I decide to grab the cleaning tools and start to clean up the place while the girls get Gangut to her bed.

Time Skip

I was able to finish cleaning the bedroom up and the girls are talking about different kinds of vodka which of course they enjoy their vodka until they notice me.

Citadel: "I finish."

Sevastopol: "Thank you Comrade Citadel for helping my sister out. Tell me; do you have siblings?"

Citadel(sad): "I have, but I don't know them since I didn't have chance to see them when I was finish constructed."

 Sevastopol: "Must be mean to not visit you."

Citadel(sad): "They didn't have a choice during the war and once I was finish constructed; I wasn't able to leave the shipyard and trap there for 200 years."

Sevastopol(shock): "200 YEARS!"

I nod my head and I never meet my brothers and sisters in battle because of the nuclear destruction. The girls are sad that I never meet my siblings, but I tell them that I found new companionship within the Brotherhood of Steel. We continue to talk until it was time for us to finish up with the repairs of Rossiya's rig. We exit the room and we continue to walk until I decide to come out and said it otherwise I waste a good opportunity.

Citadel: "Hey Rossiya?"

Rossiya: "Yes Comrade Citadel?"

Citadel: "Do you want head for dinner after we fix your rig?"

Rossiya: "Sure thing; I need some food anyway after all of that."

I was happy and this is good progress for me since I still don't know anything about dating, but I hope I have some guidance with the boys here. We head back to the dorm and start working on the rig until it was getting sunset so we decide to stop for the day and head to get something to eat.

To be Continued...

Chapter 18: Dinner Comrade 

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