Chapter 5: Lone Battleship

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2 Weeks after Chapter 5

Azur Lane Main Base, Hawaii

Akami POV

It was 2 weeks after Fredrich der Grosses and Z23 was defeated by that mysterious battleship; I have the entire patrol to locate this battleship, but so far they can't find him which is strange since he need to refuel at the nearest port which they're under the control of Azur Lane. Bismarck arrive to report that Tirpitz is patrolling the Arctic Sea by herself.

Bismarck: "Commander; here is the report from Sister."

She hand me the report.

Akami: "Why is your sister by herself?"

Bismarck: "By the higher ups since they believe she will attract the battleship."

Akami(sigh): "He defeat Fredrich der Grosses and destroy entire Siren fleet by himself; what are they thinking."

Bismarck: "Higher ups want to capture this battleship and study him. They think they approach him non-hostile way."

I sigh again and watch the news which the report of a mystery battleship that destroy a mountain on a island and destroy a entire Siren fleet by himself. I can hear people question about the event toward the Secretary of Defense.

Reporter: "What faction is this battleship come from?"

SD: "I have talk with the leaders of Azur Lane and they denied any involvement of the fight."

Reporter2: "That ship didn't appear out of nowhere and where is it now?"

SD: "We don't know where the battleship is. It was 2 weeks since the incident."

Reporter(shock): "WHAT? How can you guys miss a big ship that can cause so much damage."

The talk continues on while I sigh that this battleship is getting more attention than Enterprise who is famous in Azur Lane. Speak about her; she arrive.

Enterprise: "Hello Commander; I got some letters from the higher ups."

Akami: "Thank you Enterprise."

She hand me the letter and I start to read while she is looking the news.

Enterprise: "They're talking about the strange battleship?"

Akami: "Yup and it was 2 weeks since the incident."

Enterprise: "Did they talk about what happen to Fredrich der Grosses and Nimi?"

Akami: "Nope; looks like the Iron Blood government is covering that one up since this will embarrasses their navy."

I read the letter.

Akami: "Looks like our main orders is to hunt this battleship down and capture him if possible."

Enterprise(worry): "After what we witness with Fredrich der Grosses; I don't think we have the power to capture him."

Akami: "Bismarck came and told me that Iron Blood is sending Tirpitz to the Arctic to see if she can draw him out... By herself."

Enterprise(shock): "What? He took down Fredrich der Grosses and now they're sending Tirptiz by herself to capture this battleship."

I understand where she is coming from and I disagree what the government is doing, but I hope they know what their doing and hopefully capture that battleship.... I hope the Sirens don't know about this.


Arctic Ocean

Tirpitz POV

Back to the coldness again just like last time my own government order me to station here, but I'm used to the cold and alone. My order is to locate this mystery battleship and try capture him if spotted, but I doubt I can capture him after what he did to Mutter and Nimi. I continue to explore the cold water to find him.

Tirpitz(sigh): "Nothing but emptiness here. How can a battleship disappear within 2 weeks and not get spotted. This kansen is good of hiding and must have a good mileage in him if he didn't dock of any of our ports."

I continue to explore the Arctic and notice a large fleet of Siren ships leaving the area.

Tirpitz(angry): "Great. Sirens."

I was about to summon my rig until I can hear explosion coming from the fleet of Sirens which later result of the entire fleet destroy in one go with a big giant mushroom cloud appearing at the distance.

Tirpitz(shock): "What was that?"

After the cloud disappear I can see the same battleship within the wreckage of the fleet of Sirens before departing. I decide to chase after him before he disappear. I even send out warning shots at him but he continue moving.


Arctic Ocean

BSS Citadel POV

I open the hatch at the bottom of my ship so my nuclear reactor can cool down before moving forward with seawater since back at my world that refueling is difficult to get so Brotherhood of Steel invent a system to use my nuclear reactor as fuel, but don't overheat it. They built hatches on both side so the water can flow through the tubes into the reactor so it can cool off. Once that is done then I can continue on. I continue to explore the Arctic Ocean until I come across a fleet of those black and red ships so I decide to use a nuclear shell on them.

Note: "You know what happen."

Time Skip

After I finish off the ships; I head off to explore the waters again, but unknown to me that someone is shooting at me, but I didn't notice it and continue moving forward. I look at the sky and the water.

Citadel: "The water and the sky looks beautiful, but I do miss the greenish sky and radioactive water. Because I have some thrill against a mutated Kraken or Queen Mirelurk in the ocean. God that was exhausted, but this place is too relaxed for the likes of me."

I continue moving forward and unfaze about someone shooting me since that fellow isn't a threat to me.

Same Time

Tirpitz POV

I continue sending out warning shots, but he still keep going so I decide to hit me with my shell; however that shell bounce off of his hull.

Tirpitz: "What's his hull made of?"

I load up another one until I got a call from my bridge.

Tirpitz: "Hello?"

It was sister.

Bismarck(radio): "Did you make contact with the target?"

Tirpitz(sad): "Yes, but he got away."

Bismarck(radio): "Where at?"

Tirpitz: "Looks like he left the Arctic Ocean and heading to Bering Sea."

Bismarck(radio): "That far? I contact Sakura Empire and Eagle Union to continue with the mission. Head home sister."

Tirpitz: "What about the Northern Parliament?"

Bismarck(radio): "They already have ships in the area so he's going right toward them."

After that I watch the ship getting smaller and smaller before heading home.

To be Continued....

Chapter 6: Soviet Steel   

Azur Lane: Battleship of Steel (Azur Lane X Fallout)Where stories live. Discover now