Chapter 21: Lost Hills

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Boston Airport, Commonwealth
Jackson POV

I give Lost Hills the tour of the base while everyone is confuse of why there's a little girl exploring the base with me around which explains to everyone that she's my daughter, but let's leave with that part. I decide to order some new outfit for her since she's going to explore the Commonwealth with me during my trip, but I give her a question.

Jackson: "Lost Hills. How did you get here?"

Lost Hills: "Akashi was messing with the Siren portal during her experiment and drop my wisdom cube into the portal which send me here and couple of stuff with it."

That explains of how some of the Azur Lane and some Siren stuff was over there at the Glowing Sea, but I wonder if Rossiya found out about it. She would murder Akashi if she finds out about it. I talk to her about Rossiya, but she was sad.

Lost Hills(sad): "Mommy died after she give me birth, but I hear a good things about you from other girls of Azur Lane."

Jackson: "What happen to the other me over there?"

Lost Hills(sad): "The other you died fighting against the Empress, but your sacrifice made Azur Lane victory and brought hope to the world. Mommy was pregnant at the time so she didn't have the chance to fight against the Sirens. After Mommy died from childbirth; everyone toke care of me until Akashi send me through the portal."

I was about to cry after learning all of this, but I was comfort by my daughter Lost Hills who is glad to see her father for the first time. We continue to explore the base and greeting the other soldiers of Brotherhood of Steel while Lost Hills was amaze of the Power Armor, but I told her that she need to grow older before she can fit in the Power Armor.

Time Skip to 4 weeks

It was 4 weeks since Lost Hills was summon to this world and everyone from the Brotherhood greets her like part of the family and she makes everyone very cheerful. We continue to enjoy father and daughter time, but of course we have our own mission to do which is to collect techs from the ruins from Boston which means I need to leave daughter by herself while she is safe from harm within the flagship. Once I come back from the mission; I spend some time with Lost Hills, but there are times that she cries for Rossiya which I don't blame her since daughters always have her mother side the most, but I know she will be strong and independent daughter.

Time Skip to 20 years

It was 20 years since Lost Hills have arrive to our world and as my daughter who reach the certain age that she goes out with the others to help with our mission around the Wasteland. I remember her first mission that occur 4 years ago which to deploy at New York City to gather information about new techs and one thing for sure is that she's start to look like her mother except wearing Brotherhood of Steel's outfit. I talk with Elder Pandora who become the new leader for the Brotherhood of Steel after Elder Maxson died from disease and put Lost Hills in the Recon Team. I was in charge of the operation as General of the flagship Prywden. I continue to monitor Lost Hills progress while observing the rest of the team across the Wasteland. I got report that Lost Hills has finish complete her mission and returning home which I'm glad to hear. Pandora arrive to hear her progress.

Pandora: "How's Lost Hills?"

Jackson: "She's doing great. She's on her way back."

Elder is smiling at me and heading out to the bridge to observe the situation at New York City after we complete our mission at the Commonwealth. We been send here to deal with Super Mutants and Feral Ghouls that troubles the settlers. Lost Hills arrive with her armor.

 Lost Hills arrive with her armor

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Jackson: "Welcome back Lost Hills."

Lost Hills(happy): "I'm back father; we manage to repel the Super Mutants from the settlers and gather some tech along the way."

Jackson: "You did a good job; get some rest and I'll be with you shortly."

She left while I observe the crew. I know my readers that I never able to return to Citadel during those 20 years ago which is strange too me to, but there must be something wrong with the other wisdom cube or I never encounter the event that triggers it. I even have Doctor Qualan to check on the result, but nothing and I can still feel my other self on the other side. It's there like a time lapse or something. I continue to observe the crew until I got a flash again which means I'm heading back to the other side which means something happen.

Azur Lane Base
Citadel POV

I'm back with Citadel so that means that something has happen until I notice Sovetskaya Russiya laying on my side in the middle of the field wearing her normal military outfit and it's snowing out here. I start to think of what's happening which I manage to gather that I'm at Russia and the main reason of why I'm here it's because it's been 6 months after I return to the Wasteland. Other me and Sovetskaya Russiya start dating during the 2nd month cycle. The reason for been at Russia because she want me to explore her homeland together while station here under the Commander's orders.

To be Continued...

Chapter 22: For the Motherland

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