Chapter 4: Citadel vs Fredrich der Grosses

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BSS Citadel POV

I can see Fredrich is challenge me to one on one fight since Z23 can't leave a dent onto me.

Fredrich: "I don't know what you made of, but anyone who hurt my children will have to deal with me. Prepare yourself."

I didn't do anything to her, but I can tell that she is more powerful then Z23 so I prepare myself. She came right at me with her rigging firing at me which I took some damage, but it was light. She is more threaten then that puny little girl so I decide to open fire at her with my AP shells which she took some moderate damage from it.

Fredrich(hurt): "Damn that hurt; so you aren't joking to be a battleship."

Citadel: "There is more I can do."

She decide to kick me and my thigh, but same result that it was light as always which she was shock.

Fredrich(shock): "You're really aren't joking that you got more about you."

Citadel: "I take that as an compliment."

I grab her leg and thrown her toward Z23 which knock her out and I thought I almost kill her after that throw, but she's still alive; however that anger Fredrich.

Fredrich(angry): "HOW DARE YOU HURT HER!"

Citadel(panic): "Sorry about that, but you girls are trying to capture me so I'm not going down without a fight."

The fight continues on and the result is that Fredrich is cover in blood while I don't have any dent on my except some scratches. I think it is time to stop this endless fight.

Citadel: "I think we need to stop."

Fredrich(tired): "No; we're going to capture and that's the end of that."

Citadel(worry): "What about that little girl over there; she's still out and start to sink if you don't hurry."

She can see that little girl start to sink which she is worry, but looks like someone try to kill her so I block the blast to protect her which she was shock. The laser manage to get some hit in me and I notice a couple of flying girls with some kind of alien rig on them. Fredrich collapse on the water while I deal with our unwelcome guests.

Citadel: "I take it that you're not with them?"

???: "Looks like our plan work, but didn't expect Azur Lane to find you so early in the game."

Citadel(confuse): "What do you mean?"

???: "You enter our portal without question about it. I thought that we're going to have trouble with you, but your crew did the most the work. Now let's see the strength of a nuclear battleship."

They open fire however I need to protect the girls since they collapse on the water while the other one is sinking. This isn't good for them and if I move then they're doom. The laser is doing some little damage on me, but it won't be long for they too pierce through me so I need to activate my AA guns with AP rounds.

Time Skip

Enterprise POV

We're heading to where the detection of Sirens in the area and they're on the same location of where Fredrich der Grosses and Z23 hunting route. I have Vestal, Cleveland, and Spee to fight the Sirens.

Spee: "We need to hurry and help Mutter and Nimi."

Enterprise: "Don't worry; we'll get to them."

We continue to head our destination until we notice a giant smoke coming at the distance which is the same direction of where the Sirens are at. We both heading there and notice a large fleet of Sirens been destroyed including high ranking Sirens as well.

Enterprise(shock): "Who could done this?"

Cleveland: "Someone with extreme firepower to deal with it. Don't you think it was Fredrich der Grosses and Z23?"

Spee: "I don't see them."

We explore the wreckage of the fleet and we saw Fredrich der Grosses and Nimi cover in bandage laying on the wreckage of a Siren ship.

Enterprise: "Found them."

We both head there and Vestal examine their bodies.

Vestal(relief): "They're still alive, but require medical attention."

We grab those two and notice that Fredrich start to wake up.

Fredrich(hurt): "Enterprise?"

Enterprise: "Don't we got you... What happen here? Did you do this?"

Fredrich(hurt): "No; it was that kansen we encounter. I saw the whole thing."


Fredrich POV

While I was injure and he protect me from a high rank Siren; he start walking right toward them.

Siren: "Going to join us?"

Citadel: "Nope, but I can't have you hurting this women and you say that you want to witness the power of a nuclear battleship then it is your funeral."

He open fire which destroy one the battleship class Siren ship with one shell and he rip one of the Siren in half with his bare hands. I'm start to lose darkness while explosion is happen all around us.

Time Skip

Citadel POV

I finally finish dealing with those bloody alien girls and they should learn to keep their mouth shut about facing against someone powerful then them, but that was their fault for underestimate me. I head over to the girls who are pass out and start to sink underwater so I grab both of them and take them to one of the wreckage. I check my medical supplies and have some stimpaks plus I have some cloths for bandage.

Citadel: "Time for treatment."

After I finish the treatment my radar detects a group of signatures heading this way which probably their allies searching for them. I decide to hightail out of here before I get into more trouble.


Fredrich POV

Fredrich POV: "He left as soon you guys are arriving, but he is capable of dealing this much damage to the Sirens."

Enterprise: "We better watch out for him if he become a threat to us."

Cleveland: "How about he join us?"

Everyone stare at Cleveland.

Cleveland: "What? If he's powerful of taking out a fleet of Sirens including high ranking Siren then he can be a good asset."

Enterprise: "You have a point and he help the girls. I can't believe the Siren defeat you Fredrich."

Fredrich: "I wasn't defeat by the Siren. That kansen defeat me and Nimi before the Sirens arrive."

After hearing that everyone stare at Fredrich.

Everyone(shock): "WHAT?"

To be Continued...

Chapter 6: Lone Battleship  

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