Chapter 12: Steel Bear

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Northern Parliament Base

BSS Citadel POV

I'm heading to the Northern Parliament after their fleet arrive, but require repairs after they found a Siren fleet so I come with Gettysburg to see if they need help.

Gettysburg: "Looks like their flagship went inside so I advise talk with her while I get the workers ready to see if she needs help."

I head to the Northern Parliament Dorm while Gettysburg head to the port to talk with the workers on the repairs. I head inside to see Gangut walking out of the dorm.

 I head inside to see Gangut walking out of the dorm

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Gangut(happy): "Hello comrade; we meet again."

Citadel: "It was not a while ago over at Northern Russia. I heard that you girls fought the Sirens."

Gangut: "Yup and we got them good; however we didn't have any vodka left to celebrate our victory so I'm heading to the market to find some. If you're looking for Comrade Rossiya then she is in her room right now doing maintenance."

She left to fetch some vodka for their victory against the Sirens while I head to see Sovetskaya Rossiya to see if she needs help with the repairs. I continue to explore the dorm to see a lot of Russian tradition decoration in the building until I can hear someone yell at something.

???(shout): "DAMN IT!"

I follow the voice and take me to the door said Sovetskaya Rossiya so this is her room. I open the door to see a mess in the room like it was blown up by something. I try my best to avoid stepping on the mess until I can see someone's butt sticking up and notice this is Sovetskaya Rossiya, but not in her regular outfit.

 I try my best to avoid stepping on the mess until I can see someone's butt sticking up and notice this is Sovetskaya Rossiya, but not in her regular outfit

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Rossiya(angry): "Where's that bloody thing?"

Citadel: "Hard to find something if your entire room is all a mess."

Rossiya(shock): "WHAT?"

She turn around and notice me.

Sovetskaya: "You're the battleship we met at the Arctic."

Citadel: "Yup and what your're looking for?"

Sovetskaya: "I lost a screw for my rig and I can't find it."

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