Chapter 8: Azur Lane

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Azur Lane Main Port, Hawaii

Akami POV

After we got reports from the Sakura Empire that they manage to capture the unknown battleship after he escape from the Northern Parliament. I'm waiting at the port with Enterprise to wait for our welcome guest and hopefully recruit him to fight against the Sirens. We wait for couple of minutes until Enterprise notice a fleet heading this way.

Enterprise: "Commander; there they are."

I can see the Sakura Empire fleet heading to port while escorting a strange battleship in the group.

Akami: "So that is the battleship that is causing a ruckus and able to defeat Grosses including the Siren fleet all by himself."

I have some girls on standby just in case things go south from here, but I doubt the girls can do anything toward since our shells bounce off of his hull. The ships port while the battleship has a weird design that I don't recognize and he doesn't have a flag on it. The ship port right near me and I can see the hull of the ship was built different then the girls. We wait until we can see the male kansen walking down the ramp with an officer outfit, but don't recognize it, but it does have a symbol on it.

 We wait until we can see the male kansen walking down the ramp with an officer outfit, but don't recognize it, but it does have a symbol on it

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Akami: "Greetings and welcome to Azur Lane; I hope the girls aren't causing you trouble?"

???: "Apart from getting attack at the Baltics and force surrender me at the North of Russia then I say those girls are making trouble for me, but at least someone was nice enough for me to be in service to this Azur Lane thing you running here. Name BSS Citadel and a proud ship of Brotherhood of Steel."

Akami(confuse): "Brotherhood of Steel?"

Citadel: "We're the organization to protect and preserve Humanity after the Great War ended with it's destruction."

Akami: "How about we talk about this with the leaders when they arrive."

He agree and we decide to wait for the leaders to arrive.

Time Skip

Guest Room, Azur Lane HQ

Citadel POV

It took a 7 hours for the leaders to arrive while I was sitting in the guest room having couple of guards standing near my door to make sure that I don't escape which I'm not unless they provoke me or do something that angers me; however one of the maids enter the room with food and drinks for me while waiting for the leaders to arrive.

???: "Here is the drink sir."

Citadel: "Thank you."

It was tea and some crackers. It took couple of hours until the same maid arrive to inform me that the leaders is waiting for me so I follow her to the meeting room to talk with the leaders.

Meeting Room, Azur Lane HQ

We enter the meeting room where I can see all the leaders of this organization and I can tell feel some glare coming from that blonde hair woman wearing German outfit, but I stand there waiting for answer.

Akami: "This is BSS Citadel from Brotherhood of Steel which I want you explain of what faction is it?"

Citadel: "Brotherhood of Steel is a faction to protect and preserve Humanity after the Great War which destroy the entire world in a nuclear holocaust."

Akami: "Nuclear? Holocaust?"

Citadel: "Where I'm from; the entire world was destroy in a nuclear blast which Humanity is pretty much close to extinction. My faction is to make sure what happen at the Great War will never happen again by collect pre-war tech and protecting it under our control. I'm one of the pre-war tech they recover since I was never service to fight in the Great War. I was stuck in the drydock for 200 years until Brotherhood of Steel came in built me back up to service them during their rebuilding of Humanity."

Everyone(shock): "200 YEARS!"

Citadel: "More like 207 years old."

Akami: "You look young, but your old?"

Citadel: "Probably because the Brotherhood of Steel add some maintenance to me to preserve my living years. Since I'm the only ship left alive and my sisters and brothers both died during the Great War. So I'm the last of my kind."

I continue talking about the mutation of radioactive waste cause towards humans which result of ghouls, Super Mutants, and everyone is fighting each other like the Raiders. I also discuss them about the Gunners and the enemies of the Brotherhood. Everyone was scared of the fact that everyone took themselves out with nuke and turn the world into a wasteland of monsters created by the destruction of the Great War, but I told them that Humanity manage to hold with people helping each other out.

Akami: "What's the people's opinion of you guys?"

Citadel: "A mixed bag. People hate us because we don't share technology to everyone."

???: "Why is that?"

Citadel: "To prevent another destruction so we keep it to ourselves for Humanity's safety."

Some of them still don't agree with me, but I'm not in charge. After I tell everyone who I am; they decide to recruit me for Azur Lane which I agree for the sake of Humanity of this world. I lost my chance during the Great War, but I hope I can safe Humanity in this world unlike my world which Humanity almost wipe out. We head to the port to see Sovetskaya Rossiya the woman I met during my Northern Russia tour which they got drunk and I escape during their sleep.

Akami: "Rossiya; welcome back."

Sovetskaya: "Greeting Comrade and I see that our target was finally capture."

Akami: "Nope, but we did recruit him to join our fight against the Sirens."

Sovetskaya: "I see. I better do some fixing before going to my next commission."

Akami: "Very well! Citadel; I think we should explore your ship to see your ship."

Citadel: "Understood, but there are places that I can't allow everyone to enter for purpose."

???: "What would that be?"

I turn around to see a white hair woman wearing a admiral's hat and I explain to her

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I turn around to see a white hair woman wearing a admiral's hat and I explain to her.

Citadel: "I show you."

To be Continued....

Chapter 9: Nuclear Battleship

Azur Lane: Battleship of Steel (Azur Lane X Fallout)Where stories live. Discover now