Chapter 14: Back and Forth

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Northern Parliament, Azur Lane
Citadel POV

I start to wake up back at the Northern Parliament Dorm where we enjoy a celebration with the Russian kansens which is weird for me  to see the Wasteland again, but was that a dream or a illusion that I'm seeing. I start to think until I can see USS Gettysburg staring at me with his ice eyes.

Gettysburg: "I hope you have a nice dream."

Citadel: "Gettysburg; what are you doing here?"

Gettysburg: "Commander ask of you but looks like you and the Northern Parliament went hard with your vodkas. Especially you and Sovetskaya."

I was confused of what he meant until he points his finger at something behind me which is Sovetskaya naked and found ourselves on the bed.

Citadel(shock): "Why is she naked and why are we in the bed?"

Gettysburg: "Like I say before you two went hard on those vodkas."

I put on my clothes and follow Gettysburg to see the Commander which we need to head for the Command Center; however, I notice a little girl hiding in Gettysburg's tail which is the same small kitsune I met when he returns from his trip.

I put on my clothes and follow Gettysburg to see the Commander which we need to head for the Command Center; however, I notice a little girl hiding in Gettysburg's tail which is the same small kitsune I met when he returns from his trip

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???: "Hello there."

Citadel: "Hello and who are you?"

???: "I'm Nippon."

Gettysburg(happy): "She is Nippon; she's, my daughter. I hope you two get along well."

Citadel: "I take her mother is Akagi?"

Gettysburg nod while Nippon went back inside Gettysburg tail which I wonder of how that little kitsune can hide in someone's tail which he laughs and say that her thing.

Gettysburg: "She does the same thing for Akagi."

Command Center, Azur Lane

We finally reach the Command Center, and the Commander is waiting for us at her office which Gettysburg knock on the door.

Gettysburg: "Commander; I have Citadel with me."

Akami (behind door): "Come in."

He opens the door to see Akami sitting on her chair behind the desk along with Enterprise who is standing by her side. We both salute to her and Nippon got out of Gettysburg's tail and start to fall to sleep on the couch. Akami smile at the little kitsune before getting to business.

Akami: "Citadel; we got words that the Dragon Empery is under attack by the Sirens."

Citadel(confuse): "Dragon Empery?"

Gettysburg: "You can say that they are China in this world."

That was enough to make my blood boil, but Gettysburg hold him and tell me that they are not the enemy.

Gettysburg: "Besides; this Chinese are Nationalist before the Communist took over."

So, they don't have a Communist Party in Dragon Empery which Gettysburg nod due to the Sirens invasion. He told me that the nearest Azur Lane port will be in the Sakura Empire which is right near Dragon Empery. After she told us about our mission of helping the Dragon Empery out; we decide to head for the port to prepare for departure.

Port, Azur Lane

We head to the port to prepare to leave for the Dragon Empery and help them against the Sirens; I notice Akagi arrive with Nippon on her arms talking with Gettysburg. Must be nice to have a wife who cares about you. They both kiss while Gettysburg hug his daughter before we depart for our first mission together.

Gettysburg: "Ready to go?"

I nod and we depart to the Dragon Empery.

Dragon Empery
3rd POV

We can see the Dragon Empery attacking the Siren Fleet leading by Tester who manage to defeat couple of kansens while her production ships are getting hit hard by the light resistance.

Tester: "You call this a challenge? I was expecting more, but you are a disappointment."

She continue the assault while the girls from Dragon Empery are exhausted and force to retreat back to their nearest port while losing their manmade islands with defense to the Sirens. The flagship of the Dragon Empery is named Yat Sen who is gravely wounded during the battle which Chen Hai deploy her planes to hold off the Sirens while everyone gets Yat Sen out of there.

Chen Hai: "Get Yat Sen out of here. I'll hold them off for a while."

Dragon Kansens: "Yes."

They grab their leader and make a dash retreat back to their ports and once everyone is out of there the Sirens are moving to capture their defense islands.

Tester: "This will make perfect defense against those Azur Lane kansens." 

The Sirens are deploying their forces to capture the enemy guns on the islands and act as a defense line against Azur Lane.

Port, Dragon Empery
3rd POV

We can see the fleet of Dragon Empery kansens retreating from the Sirens with their flagship wounded which the medics toke her to the hospital.

Chen Hai: "We need to set up defense against the Sirens once they arrive."

Ting An: "I will take care of Yat Sen while you guys set up the defense. We expect help from Azur Lane Pacific Branch HQ soon."

Chen Hai: "Then they better up because they are closing in on us."

The Dragon Empery forces are setting up the defense while the Sirens are building up their perimeter to prevent any support from Azur Lane.

To be Continued....

Chapter 15: Battle of the Islands

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