Chapter 15: Battle of the Islands

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Dragon Empery Sea, Pacific Ocean
Citadel POV

I'm with Gettysburg to support the Dragon Empery against the Sirens at their waters, but part of me start to feel sick of helping the Chinese due to the Great War from my world, but Gettysburg told me that they are different from the ones in my world, so I threw my hatred away for the time being. We continue to move until Gettysburg ask me a question between men.

Gettysburg: "So how is your relationship with Sovetskaya Rossiya?"

Citadel: "What do you mean?"

Gettysburg: "Come on; don't play dumb with me. You like her don't you?"

Citadel: "I guess, but she is a USSR kansen."

Gettysburg: "So; I'm marry to Akagi despite been a Eagle Union kansen and we have a child together. There is no shame of fallen in love with the opposite faction. We're pretty much humans except have rigs. Let me help you and once Nijmegen arrive from Iron Blood. We're going to have a men meeting and help you out."

Citadel: "Nijmegen?"

Gettysburg: "Iron Blood heavy cruiser and like me he is also married."

We continue to talk until we can see a large formation of Siren fleet while seeing a defense of man-made island that was built by the Dragon Empery.

Gettysburg: "Looks like we need to deal with the defense before helping the Dragon out."

I summon my rig while Gettysburg summon a giant ice wolf that has a largest carrier deck with planes made of ice. He put on his wolf mask and consume by white flames. I notice the water is turning into ice that surrounds him, so I stay back and looks like the Sirens notice us.

Gettysburg: "Looks like they notice us. I provide cover fire while you hit them hard."

I switch to nuclear shells and fire at them which cause a medium size mushroom cloud. Three ships were destroyed within seconds. Gettysburg continue to provide air support by taking out enemy fighters that is heading right toward us.

Gettysburg: "I'm not allow you to interfere with my friend's barrage."

The ice planes open fire at the fighters which cause them to be frozen into ice and fell into the water. The fight rages on with me shelling their position, but they return fire by using the defense guns on the islands, but the distance is too far for them to fire so they miss a lot; however, my guns won't miss a thing. While the fight continues on; a high ranking Siren arrives to deal with us. It was Tester.

Tester: "So the big ship has arrived

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Tester: "So the big ship has arrived. Observer order me to capture you and destroy that ice kitsune."

Citadel: "I want to see you try."

We open fire at Tester while she dodge and open fire with her lasers which Gettysburg use some of his planes to block Tester's laser. Some of his ice planes was destroy so he is running out of ammo, but I still have some left over with the nuclear shells; however, I need to use them for emergency only. I  open fire at her with conventional shells and fire my AA guns at her which she continue to dodge untili she was close to my face.

Tester(happy): "Got you."

Citadel(happy): "Nope, I got you."

I grab her by the neck and load a couple of large ammo of shells by using my three ball-size guns which pierce right through her.

Tester(pain): "AAAAAAAH!"

I threw her across the sea and fire more shells at her which finish her off.

Citadel: "Sad."

Gettysburg check his planes out and see that he is running out of planes.

Gettysburg: "We better check on the Dragon Empery before heading home."

We head out and check on the girls at Dragon Empery.

3rd POV

While the boys head out to the Dragon Empery; they didn't notice that they been watched by Observer who is carrying a dead Tester with interest look on her face.

Observer: "That battleship will be an interest Siren, but he is too dangerous to get close."

She starts to think while Purifier arrive with the black wisdom cube.

Purifier: "We manage to finish another prototype of the wisdom cube."

She stared at the wisdom cube and came with an idea.

Observer: "How about we let that nuclear battleship have it?"

Purifier: "How? We can't get close to him."

She smirks with a evil smile.

Observer: "Time to sell it."

Both of them went through the portal, but what plans do they have.

Time Skip

Dragon Empery Port
Citadel POV

We arrive at the port of Dragon Empery to see the girls are building up defense until they saw us which they are happy to see.

Gettysburg: "Help as arrive."

DE Kansen: "Thank you for coming. Did you deal with the Sirens?"

Gettysburg: "Correct and your islands has been liberated; also, Tester is defeated."

The girls are excited to hear that and some of them head out to secure the islands before the Sirens return to recapture them. Gettysburg head out to report the success of the liberation to their Commander while I wait at the port so we can head home. I wait until I can hear the voice which is this.

 I wait until I can hear the voice which is this

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This woman was sitting on a wheelchair which means she took some hits during the Siren Invasion.

???: "I want to thank you for helping us. My name is Yat Sen and the flagship of Dragon Empery."

Citadel: "BSS Citadle; the nuclear battleship."

Yat Sen: "I heard that Azur Lane recover a mystery battleship and I overheard from Gettysburg that you're from a different world."

I was shock that Gettysburg mention other world to everyone.

To be Continued...

Chapter 16: Dragon Empery 

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