Chapter One

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I creep down the stairs making my way to the front
door. Ray got drunk again and came home in a bad

He is currently knocked out in our bed. I used to love him. He used to be an amazing boyfriend but he changed. I shut the door quietly careful not to wake him. I packed a duffel bag with clothes and basic toiletries. He doesn't leave me alone for too long because he's scared I'll leave but today I knew he'd be gone long enough for me to pack.

I saved enough money to make it on my own for awhile.

I put the keys in the ignition and drive. This time I'm not coming back. I gave him a second chance. I feel my eye swelling from the place he hit me. Tears fall as I get closer to the shelter.

Happy tears.

Knowing I'll finally get away from him. It's past midnight but they know I'm coming. I told them I planned on escaping tonight.

I parked the car out front grabbing my things and knock on the door which opens immediately. Lillian comes to the door pulling me into a hug.

I met Lillian at the coffee shop in town. She is a sweet old lady. She came up to me after witnessing an argument I had with Ray. She told me the shelter was always open to me and don't be afraid to call.

"Come in dear. I already got a room ready for you." She says leading me to it.

"It's late. I'll let you get settled in. If you need anything my door is the last one on the right." She says pointing to it.

I lay down sending Ray a text telling him I'm leaving him. I block all contact to him. When he came home last night I told him I was leaving and he got mad and beat me.

He isn't happy in this relationship and has cheated on me multiple times so I don't know why he won't let me leave. When he was done he called me a piece of shit and told me I'm not leaving him then passed out. Tonight I can go to sleep not worrying about if he wakes up mad. Or if he'll "punish me" for my behavior.



I get to the shelter early this morning with Copper and Bear. Lillian called saying she needs a couple things fixed around the house.

I'm standing in the kitchen talking with Lillian as a women comes out. She is in her early 20's. She is on the bigger side looks about 5'4 maybe shorter. I frown seeing her black eye and busted lip. She is about to turn around when Lillian walks up to her.

"Please come eat some breakfast don't let these boys scare you. This is Blaze, Copper, and Bear. They are a local motorcycle group and one of our biggest supporters. If it weren't for them we wouldn't have this place. They are just here for some handy work around the house." Lillian says with a big smile.

I nod my head at her and she gives me a forced smile then cringes at the pain in her face. After all these years working here I'm still not used to seeing this.

"We got some work to do so we'll leave you lady's alone." I say and I hear Copper complain about him finishing his coffee. I shoot him a glare then turn to the young lady.

"It's nice to meet you miss..." I pause waiting for her to say her name.

"Eve." She says and I shake her hand.

I walk away getting started on the list of appliances that need fixing.

"Thank you so much Lillian. I'm already looking for a job. And I'm looking to secure an apartment. I saved up money. I should be out of your hair in a week, two weeks tops." Eve says while scouring the fridge for food.

"Oh there is no need to rush dear. Did you ever get in touch with that restaurant?" Lillian ask and she nods. "I contacted them. I should be starting next week. I quit my old job but maybe I can go back to it again someday. I just want to be sure he has no way of contacting me or finding me." She says obviously scared.

That makes my blood boil. She deserves to feel safe. I step away starting on a new task. "I'd like to go back to my old place and move my things into my new apartment. I'm scared he'll be there." She says.

After a couple of hours we finish work and head to the living room to tell Lillian bye.

"How long has Eve been here?" I ask her and she grins.

"She just got here last night. She is a sweet little thing isn't she. I'd like to beat that scumbag of a boyfriend myself. She needs some things from her house. I was wondering if you guys could help her. Keep her safe when the time comes." She asks looking at me but she already knows the answer.

"Of course darling just give me a call." I tell her walking out. We peel off on our bikes back to the club house.

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