Chapter seventeen

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On the first day he sent me flowers.

The second day he sent me chocolates.

The third day he sent me Emily and a bottle of wine.

"Blaze looks like shit girl I think you should go talk to him." Emily says and I groan. We've been avoiding this conversation all night but it was only a matter of time. I already downed a whole bottle of wine by myself now I'm working on a 6 pack.

"Take me to the club." I say and she smiles.

"Man I miss him so much. I just needed some time to myself." I tell her as we arrive and she nods. I go into the club house and Bear points me in the direction of his office. I lightly knock on the door and I hear a grumbled come in. He immediately gets up when he sees it's me. I run into his embrace.

"Baby I thought you were gonna leave me." He says and I shake my head crying.

"No. I'm sorry I made you feel like that. I love you so much it hurt like hell every minute I was away from you. I just really needed to confirm my feelings for you. I never wanna be without you again." I say and he cups my face kissing me then going back to hugging me.

"I love you so much I'd give you everything I have if it made you happy." He says.

"I just want you Blaze. You make me happy. You make me love myself. You make me see a better future. It's all because of you and all for you I want to be better." I say and he kisses me again more passionate this time. "Upstairs now." He demands grabbing my hand pulling me with him.

I smile at Emily giving her a thumbs up letting her know everything is going to be fine. We go upstairs and all our clothes come off. I lay on the bed and he comes on top of me catching my lips.

"I need you Blaze." I moan and he swallows it up. "I know baby I'll give you what you need." He says and I groan as he lines up with my entrance pushing in. He leans down sucking my breast biting them softly. He is being so gentle like I'd break under his touch. I love all sides of him. I know he isn't gonna last long but that's okay. I have no doubt he'll make me finish before him. He lets go of my breast making a pop sound and claims my lips.

"On your back I want to ride you." I tell him and he pulls out laying on his back. I grab his cock slowly sitting on it.

"Fuck baby that feels so good. I'm close." He groans. I lean forward and he thrust into me as I rub my clit. He is deep in me hitting all the right spots. I come on his cock before I want too but his orgasm comes right after. I fall on his chest and he pulls out. His cum leaking all over us.

"I'm gonna need some more of that." He says and I laugh. I fall asleep in his arms. A second and third round follows that. We are up all night. In the morning we are sweaty and exhausted and we sleep until noon.

"I want a puppy Blaze." I say and he turns to me.

"Well I want kids. We can't always get what we want." He says.

"Maybe you're just too old Blaze and that's why I'm not getting pregnant." I say laughing and he cocks an eyebrow.

"Who you calling old? You weren't calling me old last night while I was fucking that sweet little pussy." He says and I blush.

"When can I ride on your bike with you?" I ask and he becomes serious. "When you become my old lady." He says and I sigh. "You haven't asked me yet." I pout and he turns to look at me.

"It's serious Eve. Becoming my old lady is like marriage in our world. Are you ready for that?" He ask and I shrug.

"I still want to get married and have a traditional wedding." I tell him. "We can have a beautiful wedding baby. I'll get you whatever you want. When I ask you to be my ole lady I want you to be 100% sure." He says and I nod. "What if I want to have some more experiences before I get married?" I ask and I can see the hurt in his eyes.

"If you'd like to see other people I'd understand but I would too. However I think your just pushing me away. So stop it. I know you love me. You deserve to be happy. If you try pushing me away again. I'll punish you." He says and I blush.

He knows me too well.

I'm not used to having people care for me. I know I only want Blaze. I'm trying to give him a chance to leave me but he'll never takes it. I don't deserve Blaze.

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