Chapter twenty one

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She had a miscarriage.

She didn't come out of our room for a week. She was 3 months pregnant. They already told us this baby was a miracle. Most of Eve's eggs were in bad shape and the baby probably wouldn't make it past the second trimester. She blames herself. She took vitamins and medicine. She visited the doctors regularly. Nothing that happened was her fault.

"Baby come on eat." I tell her and she doesn't move.

"I'll call the doctor and tell him to give you a feeding tube. I know you're sad but please eat." I beg her.

She turns over grabbing the plate patting the bed. I sit down.

"I'm horny." She says and I go quiet and we burst out laughing.

"Eat first then I'll fuck you until you're shaking." I say and she happily agrees. When she is done I follow through on what I said. I quickly strip her down picking her up and she squeals with laughter. I cup her ass in my hands pressing her against the wall. In one swift motion I enter her. Her laughing turns to moans. She is clawing at my back. Her tits bounce every thrust. I turn tossing her on the bed taking her tits in my mouth unable to help myself.

I stick my thumb in her mouth she sucks on it then I use it to rub her clit. I know I'm not gonna last long so I need to get her there too. I capture her mouth swallowing a moan.

"You're so fucking beautiful baby." I tell her kissing down her body. She wants it rough but not this time. I take her again deep and her legs are shaking.

"You're doing so good princess. Take my cock baby." I say letting out a groan as she squeezes me. She rubs her clit squeezing her nipples and it makes me fly to an orgasm just watching. Hers shortly follows. She screams my name.

"I love you." She says breathlessly.

"I have plans for us today. After I fuck you a couple more times." I say grinning and she laughs. After another round we take a shower. She is dressed in a cute sun dress with flowers. Her tits are on display and I can see her ass jiggle when she walks. We pack a couple bags and we head to the beach. She is super excited. I knew that would make her happy.

We get to the airbnb I rented putting our stuff away then went straight to the beach. This woman is the love of my life. Seeing her happy again makes me smile. I give her a massage on the beach my hands definitely wondering to her juicy ass.

I take her out to a very nice restaurant with a beach view and private tables.

"Blaze I literally don't know what to say. No one has ever done this for me. Thank you." She says. The music slows down and I know it's my cue. "Come here baby." I say getting up and taking her with me. I walk to the beach to a little pavilion. I blind fold her as I get closer. I stop and get down on one knee. There are flower petals and flowers everywhere. There are huge light up letters and balloons.

"You can take off your blind fold princess." I say. She takes it off gasping and blinking. Then looks down at me seeing the ring in my hand.

"Eve. I love you so much. We've had a lot of ups and downs. You always stayed by my side. I'm so lucky that you came into my life. I want you to know I've never been so sure of something in my life. I know I want you. I know I love you. And I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Eve will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" I say and she starts crying.

She looks beautiful crying. She looks beautiful everyday. She is perfect. Even if she can't see it. "Yes! Yes Blaze! Yes please! Marry me!" She says jumping with joy wrapping me in a hug. I stand up slipping the ring on and I kiss her. Slow and passionately.

"Blaze." She cries and I hug her even closer to my chest. "Baby don't cry." I say laughing almost crying myself. I'm so surprised she said yes. I knew she had some doubts. I knew she was struggling. I knew she deserves someone ten times better but she chose me.

"And don't worry I plan on getting those cows you've always dreamed of... if that's a deal breaker." I say and we both laugh. The professional photographer I hired to stay in the background and take pictures congratulates us taking his leave. The beach is empty and no one is around. My fiancé looks fucking amazing. I need her. I need to touch her. Now. I can tell she wants it just as bad as I do. I come to her and she walks back running into the table. I turn her around so she is facing the table my front against her back. I bend her over it growling and she smiles back at me in anticipation.

"Hold on to the edge of the table and don't let go." I tell her and she listens. I pull up her sundress so it's bunched at the waist. I move her thong and she steps out of it. She goes on her tippy toes swaying her ass in the air and I smack it hard. She moans.

"Daddy please fuck me." She says and every bit of restraint I had is gone. My pants are off and I'm slipping inside her deep and hard. She moans my name as her pussy clenches around me.

"Ahh fuck Blaze! It feels so good!" She moans gripping the sides of the table. I slap her ass a couple times for good measure and pull her hair ramming into her.

"You can let go now." I growl in her ear as I put her back to my front reaching around to choke her. She is panting hard racing towards an orgasm.

"Tell me how much you love me." I say and she moans as I thrust harder. She twist her body so she can kiss me and I devour her mouth.

"I love you Blaze. I'm all yours. I'm your ole lady. I'm your wife. I'm your princess. All of me is yours." She yells falling to the table as I let go. I grab both of her hips. Fucking her deep and hard. She reaches out to grip the table as if she is bracing herself for what's about to come.

"I'm coming Blaze! Don't stop!" She yells.
As she falls apart on my cock. Her whole body shaking as I pump her full of come. My legs almost buckling.

We are there for a little while before I pull out and she whimpers. "I love you baby." I say leaning down kissing her. I pick her up bridal style and walk across the beach to the car. We get back to the Airbnb and she is walking with a limp. I smile going to help her. I fuck her again in the shower then later that morning. She is all fucking mine.

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