Chapter twenty

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I wake up and Blaze is already awake just starring at me. I smile leaning up to give him a quick peck. "Go back to sleep baby it's too early." I say and he nods.

"I don't deserve you." He says and I spin around.

"What the fuck did you just say?" I ask. "I don't deserve you. You deserve better than me. This world is different. I have to keep stuff from you. I couldn't even keep you safe god damn it. That shit would have never happened if I didn't take Ray. I'm so fucking sorry baby. I think I should let you go. You'd be safer away from me. I don't know what the future holds." He says making a few tears escape.

"Shut up Blaze. I love you and I'm not leaving you. If you want to leave me or you are happier without me, I'll understand. You fucking saved me Blaze. I owe you my life. I don't deserve a man like you. You are perfect in my eyes you have no faults. I'm not scared of what the future holds as long as you're beside me." I tell him stroking his new growing beard and he leans into my hand.

"I love you Blaze." I tell him and he leans down capturing my lips. "I love you too baby. You don't understand how much you mean to me." He says then his phone rings we both jump and then laugh. "Blaze." He says answering it. "I'll be right there." He says hanging up jumping out of bed. "What's wrong baby. I'm coming too!" I yell and he stops shaking his head. "Stay here. I love you baby." He says then walks out the door. I check my phone to see he is headed to the clubhouse I take his keys driving his truck there.

It's the cops. About 5 of them. When I pull up I visibly see Blaze curse making his way towards me.

"I told you not to come!" He yells and I flinch back. "It sounded like an emergency. I'm not fucking leaving you when you need me." I tell him and he growls. "Go home now." He says and I shake my head. The guys are gathered outside as well. The officers have there gun drawn at us. Blaze doesn't seem to care. He leans down kissing me slow and sweet. I don't want it to end.

"Come to us with your hands in the air Jonathan. You're under arrest. We don't want any trouble." One of the officers say. He starts walking with his hands in the air. They put there guns away. I walk up too heading straight for him. Copper sees and try's to stop me but it's too late. I walk up to Blaze and they draw their guns again. Not there tasers. Their guns.

"Why is he being arrested. Don't touch him!" I yell grabbing him. "Stay the fuck away ma'am! Who is she?" The police officer ask who is trying to cuff Blaze. "I'm his fucking wife. Why are you arresting him." I ask again. Reaching for Blaze but the cop pushes me back hard and I fall on my butt.

"Don't fucking lay a hand on her!" Blaze roars pulling away going up to me helping me up.

"Are you okay?" He ask and I nod pushing him behind me. "Get out of the way ma'am. Or we will use force." He says grabbing his taser. "If I have to ask y'all again you will have to use force to remove this foot up your ass. Now why is he under arrest?" I ask walking towards the officer who moves back. Blaze tries to stop me but I push him off.

"Ma'am stay back last warning!" He says. "I want your name and badge number!" I say walking forward.

"Don't touch her she is pregnant!" Blaze yells. I hear his foot steps coming up behind me. I don't know who the police were aiming for but it certainly hit me. It went straight into my stomach sending electricity through my body and I'm on the ground within seconds. I hear yelling in the background as I groan. Someone is on top of me trying to handcuff me kneeing me in the back. I groan as another body crashes on top of me forcing the air out of my lungs. I see 3 cops tackling Blaze and getting him to the ground. He was trying to get to me.

"She is pregnant get off!" He roars and that's all I hear. I struggle under there grip. I'm pregnant.

"Stop resisting!" An officer yells at me spit flying on my face. "Get off on me." I yell as they final get my arms cuffed.

"You're being detained!" He yells at me. Dragging me to a cop car. "Call a fucking ambulance. Let me see her... I wasnt fucking asking." He said dragging all three cops and himself to me.

"Hey baby look at me are you okay?" He ask I nod trying to be strong for him but I know a tear escapes. "I'm pregnant?" I ask and he nods. "Yes baby we are. It'll be okay Princess. You're going to get checked out. I love you baby. I'll be back." Is what he said. But two weeks after that he was still in jail.

I was 6 weeks pregnant. They said the baby was a miracle with the shape my eggs are in.

I wasn't allowed to see Blaze he didn't want me too. He told me take care of myself and the baby. I'm so stressed. I've cried every night. Everyone is being super supportive but all I want is Blaze back home. It's been 3 weeks since they took him and he is finally coming home. They said that he had a part in Ray's disappearance but the club has a good lawyer. They couldn't hold him on barely any evidence. It's a Saturday night and the clubhouse is buzzing waiting on Blaze's arrival. I'm outside I want to be first to greet him. Bear went to go get him in a cage an hour ago.

They pull up and I smile. I run to him and he opens his arms wide. "Blaze I missed you so much. I love you! I love you more than I love cows! Never leave me again!" I cry and he holds me laughing. It was a good night. We stayed at the clubhouse for an hour or two until we went home and made love 3 times. In different places of the house. It was amazing. I fell asleep in his arms crying.

Happy tears this time.

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