Chapter nine

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I wake up to my beautiful girlfriends ass. Her very big ass. She is currently changing clothes into a very sexy night gown. She turns to grab her thong when she yelps noticing me watching her. She throws it at me and I catch.

"You can't look that sexy and not expect me to watch you baby. Come here." I say sitting up and she quickly runs over to the side table where I see a big plate of breakfast.

"I made you breakfast in bed baby. Eat." She says putting her hair up in a pony tail. I put the tray down quickly pulling her in bed.

"I'm gonna be eating but it won't be that." I growl.

My dick is very hard from what I dreamed last night. Then waking up to her sexy ass. That sealed the deal. This boner ain't going away I need to jerk one off. I'm not proud to say it because I feel like a teenager boy not in control of his emotions.

She giggles and goes under the blankets until just her head is peaking out. Her giggles turns into moans when I kiss her. I throw off the blanket so I can bite and suck her neck and her hands slip into my hair. Tugging and pulling me back to her lips. I push the spaghetti straps off her shoulder when she stops me.

"Lay down baby." She says in a husky voice. She goes under the blankets and settles in between my legs. She pulls my dick out of my boxers and it hits her face.  I laugh which turns into a groan when she strokes my length. She licks the pre cum off the tip and I almost shoot out of the bed.

"Tell me Blaze. What actually happened to Ray?" She ask.

"I told you we can't find him." I say trying to get back to the good stuff however she's about to leave when I stop her.

"Nooo no no. We had him in the basement but he escaped. For the first week there was no threat I just wanted to keep you in my bed." I say quickly and she smirks. She planned this. I'm gonna get her back for this. Using my man hood against me.

"Good boy." She says then taking my whole dick in her mouth. Whimpering on my cock. I smirk. I know I'm above average but she is taking me like a champ. This feels like heaven. She gags looking up at me drool running from her mouth to my dick. I could bust just from the sight.

"So will you actually let me go back to work and sleep in my apartment?" She asks squeezing the base of my dick and I groan.

"Yes baby anything you want. I'll let you stay at your apartment and go to work." I say grasping the edges of the bed.

"I'm not sure if I'm any good at this so please teach me." She says taking my dick in her mouth again. Then stroking what she can't fit. I grab her hair using it to control her head pushing down so she is gagging on my cock. I do this a couple more times letting her come up for air.

"You're doing so good baby look at me." I say and she looks at me through watery eyes choking on my dick.

"Fuck baby I'm gonna cum." I let go of her head thinking she would pull off but she didn't. She sucks me deeper massaging my balls. I shoot deep in her mouth. She swallows it all not letting a drop go. She licks my dick clean and puts it back.

"That was fucking amazing baby come here." I say kissing her flipping her on to her back removing her clothes. I sit back looking at how beautiful she is.

"You're so fucking beautiful baby Don't try and hide from me." I say growling taking her breast in my mouth. She lets out a loud moan. Her breast are big round and perfect. I suck, tease and nibble on them. My hand going to find her clit.

I go up kissing her breathlessly before I go down to her sweet little pussy. I kiss both thighs and she groans grabbing my hair pulling me to her core glistening with wetness. I lightly suck on it and she moans arching he back.

"Blaze! Please Blaze more!" She begs and I laugh going back for more. I lick her clit then going down to tongue fuck her hole. She is a moaning mess and I love it. I push a finger inside her tight pussy while I devour her. She comes undone. Moaning my name. Cumming on my face and fingers.

I ride it out until she is done. Then I lick her clean moaning at the taste of her juices. I get up grabbing the plate of food and start eating. She is still shaking her eyes are closed legs open and I marvel at my work. She came so hard for me.

"That was the best breakfast I've ever had. I don't know if this can beat it." I say chuckling and I hear her laugh too. She gets up planting a kiss on my lips resting her head on my thighs.

"Thank you." She whispers and I look down stroking her face.

"For what baby?" I ask.

"I've never came before. No guy has ever made me come. So thank you." She says.

"You were with Ray for 4 years and he never made you cum!?" I ask in disbelief and she nods.

"He believed I was there for his pleasure. On a good day I'd just fake it." She says. "You better not do that shit with me. I'll make you cum I don't care how long it takes." I tell her and she smiles. Imma have a lot of fun taking her to new heights.

We go downstairs and I see Razor, Jack, and Snake looking defeated while there ole ladies have the biggest smiles on there face. I sit next to them on the couch and Eve sits with the women at the bar fixing herself a plate. "Did they get y'all too?" I ask. They all nodded and I laugh.

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