Chapter six

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For my safety Blaze thinks I should stay here for awhile. It's been 3 days. I work, eat, and sleep next to Blaze every night. I could get used to this. Blaze says it's fine for Emily to come over and we are gonna meet some of the ole lady's and girl friends in the club.

There are no sluts here... for now. We are having a family friendly cookout. I go downstairs kids are running around I smile. Blaze sees me walking up to me when I am bull dozed by Emily.

"OMG ARE YOU OKAY! IM GOING TO KILL HIM! I missed you so much." She says and I laugh.

"I'm okay I promise. They have been taking really good care of me. I feel like a Princess." I say smiling at Blaze.

I went around introducing her to the guys. Then going to meet the ole ladies. "This is Big Ma Jack's ole lady. Teresa Snake's ole lady. And Rebecca Razor's girlfriend." Blaze says and I smile introducing myself and Emily.

"This place smells awesome yall need any help." I ask and Big Ma nods.

"Yes honey these boys eat like horses!" She says and I chuckle.

"I'm gonna go help out in the kitchen don't be getting into trouble while I'm gone." I say to Blaze and he laughs.

"Yes ma'am." He says walking to get another beer.

The kitchen smells amazing. I set up the tables out side. Putting out the food. Ribs and grilled chicken to baked potatoes and corn on the cob. Then for dessert Ma's famous chocolate pie and pecan pie.

I find out that Teresa is 6 months pregnant with a boy so she is on dish washer duty. As we talk we crack open a bottle of wine.

"So you and Blaze?" Rebecca ask and I giggle.

"He is super sweet. I heard he isn't the type to date though." I say putting the potato salad in a big dish finding a serving spoon. Copper and Snake are handling the grill.

"I haven't seen him with anyone for almost 3 weeks now." Big Ma says and that catches my attention.

"Yeah Razor told me he made an announcement last week saying he was off limits to all sheep after you left that night." Rebecca says and I blush. Did he do that because of me?

"I appreciate everything he's done for me. I owe him big time. I don't want to over step and think him helping me is more than just kindness." I say and they nod understanding.

"Well since you guys are taken I'm definitely jumping Bear's bones tonight." Emily says and I burst out laughing.

The women and children get there food first and I bring a plate to Blaze who is sitting on the couch. I see Emily making a move giving Bear his food which he greatly appreciated. I hand Blaze the plate and he looks surprised. I go to the bar getting us beers.

"Thank you darling you didn't have too." He says pulling me down next to him. "I wanted to thank you again. I don't know how I can make it up to you. You've done so much for me." I tell him shyly. He smirks.

"How about one kiss and we'll call it even." He says with a big grin and I blush. Jack comes up behind him and smacks him in the back of the head.

"Boy if you don't stop teasing that poor girl. Eat your food." He says and we laugh.

The food was delicious I had no doubt. When I was done Blaze got up to get us some pie. He comes back with two very big slices of pie. I take the first bite moaning. They were right Big Ma's pie was to die for. I take another bite and moan again and I lock eyes with Blaze who is studying me. He takes a bite and groans too. Sending my body into a frenzy. Just being around him affected my lady parts.

I'm stuffed.

I lean into Blaze who wraps his arm around me pulling me close. I smile up at him and he winks back. I see some sheep walking into the dressing room. One sheep was giving me a mean glare. The same one that was sitting on Blaze''s lap before.

"I need to help clean. I'll be back." I say getting up despite his protest. The sheep are in the kitchen getting food as I help clean. One purposely slams into me making me drop a pan.

"Excuse you." I say and she snarls at me.

"You're excused. Slut." She says.

"What did you just call me?" I ask.

"Blaze is mine don't think for a second you can just take him. He'll come back to me when he gets bored with you whore." She sneers. I reach for my knife pressing it against her throat.

"Call me a name again and I'll cut out your vocal cords." I say and the kitchen is silent. "Okay whatever. You're fucking crazy." She says pushing me away. "God damn right I am. Don't be mad Blaze doesn't want you... I wouldn't want you either." I say and she walks away. "That was so bad ass! I can't believe you talked to Bethany like that!" Rebecca says and I laugh picking up my dish off the floor finishing cleaning.

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