Chapter twenty two

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We are almost back from the beach we spent 5 days down there. I really needed that get away. I text the old ladies calling for a girls night immediately. Everyone welcomes us back.

"I have an announcement to make!" Blaze says in his booming voice.

"I asked Eve to marry me and she said yes! We are getting married! Eve is officially my ole lady!" He says and just like that it was party mode.

I show the girls my ring. And they swoon over it. Blaze won't tell me how much it cost. I look over to see Parker in a booth drinking with Bear.

"Congrats!" Bear said giving me a hug. He has Emily on a tight rope. He won't let her out of his sight. He is serious about his new family and I'm happy for them.

"Parker aren't you excited! I'm getting married you'll have to help me with the wedding. Oh gosh don't get me started on the wedding. I wish you could be one of my bridesmaid but Blaze said that was a bad idea." I say laughing but he doesn't. I sit next to him motioning for Bear to skedaddle. I take Parker's beer downing the rest.

"What's wrong and don't lie to me. We are friends. I don't care if I'm taking a vacation you ALWAYS tell me your problems. It's best friend code." I tell him and he laughs.

"Don't you think you guys are moving fast?" He ask and I'm taken aback. "Honestly yes. And we talked about it. Nothing has ever felt so right before. Blaze is everything I've ever wanted." I say smiling. He calls Razor asking for a whole bottle of whiskey. We both take a swig before continuing. "Why him?" He asks.

"He saved my life Parker. He saved me. Protected me. He made me love the women I am today." I tell him proudly. "So you feel like you owe him?" He says more as a statement than a question.

"Honestly. Yes I feel like I do owe him and I'll pay it back everyday. In love, in bed, in late night conversation. He makes me happy. He puts me before himself. He has never and will never hurt me. I still get butterflies when I see him." I say grabbing the bottle from his hand so he can stop drinking so much.

"You can't marry him. We are already married and have two kids. You'd be cheating on me." He says.

"Parker what is this really about?" I ask and he sighs.

"No one wants to see the girl they fucking love with someone else. But I can't tell you not to marry him. I know he makes you happy. I could never make you that happy. All I want in life is for you to be happy. God damn it Eve. I love you. I want to be the man you wanna be with. I want to be the man in your bed at night. I want to be the man you love." He tells me and my heart is beating way too fast.

Parker loves me.

"Parker why didn't you tell me?" I ask placing my hand on top of his which is resting on his thigh.

"Would it have changed anything? Would you have left him for me?" He ask grabbing my hand holding it tight. "Parker you're such a good person. I never knew how you felt. I'm so fucking dumb. I never ever would want to hurt you. I'm so sorry. You deserve to have love with someone that can love you back. You deserve the fucking world Parker. I wish I knew what to say. I care about you a lot. I love you as a friend." I tell him.

"I'm just gonna need some time. I can't get over you while seeing you everyday especially with him. I'll kill him if he ever hurts you. You know I'm always here for you. And I always will be." He says and I nod.

"Let me take you home. You've had enough to drink." I tell him and he nods. Hand in hand. I lead him to Blazes truck. When I get there I unlock the door leading him to his bedroom.

I've been to his house before. I even met his mom. His neighbors own a farm and have cows that he always lets me come see.

He pulls me into a hug and we stand there in each others embrace. Parker is a fucking Angel. He deserves better than me. So does Blaze. He pulls back grabbing my chin and kisses me. Nothing aggressive. No tongue. Just a sweet light kiss. I pull away.

"I'm sorry I needed to do that. I just needed to feel close to you on last time. Blaze can beat my ass for it later." And he definitely will. I kiss him on the cheek telling him goodnight going home. Blaze is already in bed waiting for me looking fucking adorable as he reads a book.

"I kissed Parker.... Well he kissed me. He told me that he loved me. I took him home. He hugged me then leaned down and kissed me and I let him. I'm sorry. It's okay if you're mad at me but you can't leave me I won't allow it." I say and he gets up sitting on the side of the bed. "Me and him talked. I knew he had feelings for you. I'm happy you guys finally got to talk about it. However the question is do you love me?" He asks and I nod.

"Yes Blaze I love you with all my heart. I never meant to cheat on you but-" he stops me by pulling me in for a deep kiss. "I love you too baby and thats all that matters. I'm definitely going to punish you later and beat his ass though." He says and I laugh.

"How I see it he kissed you. Did you kiss back?" he asked and I shake my head quickly. "No sir it was just a peck and I pulled back." I tell him and he nods getting back in bed. "Come lay with me. Your punishment can wait until tomorrow." he says and I shiver climbing into bed after him. "I love you." I whisper. I hear him mumble some words before sleep consumes us.

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