Chapter ten

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Blaze and I are doing well. I moved back into my apartment and he comes over to my place a lot. I go to the clubhouse to do the books twice a week when I only really need a couple hours to get it done.

I head to my first clients store then going to my next clients not far from there.

I leave a little early not having much more to do than some paperwork. I see the same black car that was at the other place. The car is blacked out it's definitely not inconspicuous. Blaze got a prospect to tail me. I call him and he answers immediately.

"Hey baby how is work? I got us both lunch before you start my books." He says but I ignore it.

"You seriously put a watch dog on me!?" I say back and he goes silent. Guilty. "Baby I didn't send anyone to watch you. Come straight to the clubhouse don't stop. What does the car look like?" He asks and I start to freak out. "It's a black G-wagon." I tell him. I look in my review mirror. Seeing a big buff scary guy on my ass.

"Should I try and lose him?" I ask.

"No baby I don't want to risk you getting hurt. Come straight to the clubhouse. He won't follow you in. Stay on the phone with me. If he wanted to do something he would have done it by now. His directions were probably to tail." He says.

"I'm scared." I whisper. "Don't be. You know I'd never let anyone hurt you." He says. It's a 45 minute drive when I get near town he makes a u-turn.

"He left and turned around Blaze!"

"Damn right he did it's my territory." He says.

I pull up to the gate seeing him outside. I turn off the car running to hug him. "It's okay I got you." He says hugging me. "I sent the guys to get your stuff. You're moving in with me." He says.

"Not here my actual house." He says and my eyes widen. "Wait don't you think it's a little early! We just started dating! We aren't even married!" I say in protest.

"Will you marry me." He says and it takes me a minute to see he's joking and I wack his arm.

"I'm going to keep you safe and this is how I'm choosing to do it." He says dragging me inside. "Go upstairs were having church." He says and I nod. "Good girl you'll be rewarded. Food is on the bed." I blush knowing a couple others heard that.



The guys came ten minutes after church was called. They take their seats.

"As you know. Ray escaped from the basement. Ray was some how afflicted with the Kings and has been living on our turf for awhile. We took Ray because of the things he did to Eve. We did not know at the time he was afflicted with the Kings. We think there is a King among our ranks who helped him escape. The kings also think that's why we got him until they found out about Eve. Someone tailed her to work today. The Kings have always wanted our territory. We will strike first and hard. We will be taking care of the rat accordingly until then watch what you say and around who." I say.

"Meeting adjourned." I say everyone left except Jack, Snake, Copper, and Bear my most trusted men.

"I'm setting up a shipment to fail. If they hit that shipment the rat is in our higher up ranks. I think he may have been here for a while. I want background checks on everyone except you four. Anything that's not lining up or is fishy send it to me. Meeting adjourned." I say getting up to go see my baby girl.

But she wasn't there.

I search the clubhouse and text her but her phone is in our room. I run to check the prospect at the gate.

"Did you see Eve leave?" I ask and he nods.

"She left with Harry a couple minutes ago. Said they were going to your house." I told no one to take her to my house. Eve would not go there without me. I send people to go check my house when they say it's empty we fan out check the highways and back roads.

I'm not fucking losing her.

However it's been hours of searching and no luck.

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