Chapter two

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At my old job I worked under a company helping businesses with their finances. My boss helped me secure a job at a local restaurant so I could work from home for a while.

Last week I was also able to secure a job at a small bakery as well. I'm becoming an independent financial analyst. After looking at a lot of apartments I finally found one. I'm moving into my apartment in a few days. It's not far from here 30 minutes or so. Lillian is very proud of me. I can't wait to start fresh.

Ray has got a new number and has been texting me. He text me saying he misses me and to come back to him. Then when he is mad he says that I'm his and when he finds me he'll show me for thinking about leaving him. He's been calling shelters. He called the one I'm at today hoping to get information about me.

My best friend Emily told me he has been showing up at my old job asking about me or just waiting in the parking lot hoping I'd come.

I declined I'm getting the rest of my things today. I walk into the living room about to leave when I see Blaze. I've never seen a man like him. He is huge. 6'5, piercing green eyes, tattoos all over his body and jacked. My body does weird shit when I see him. He could crush anyone in his way. His friend Copper is here as well. He was a couple of inches shorter than Blaze but big like him. They were definitely eye candy.

"Eve come here. You remember Blaze and Copper right?" She ask and I nod. Who could forget them they are fucking hot. "They offered to go help you move into your apartment!" She says smiling and they nod. Blaze's eyes are locked on me.

"I couldn't ask that of you guys!" I say surprised.

"You aren't asking we offered. Plus it's our job to keep you safe." Blaze says still looking at me and I become self-conscious.

"I'm ready now if you guys are." I tell them and they nod following me out. I hop in my Honda as I hear their bikes roar to life. It should be illegal to be that sexy.

Blaze catches me looking and throws me a wink and I blush. We get to my house and I see Ray is not home. I sigh a breath of relief.

It's been 20 minutes. They are helping me pack everything. I'm leaving the furniture behind. I don't have much so I easily packed everything. I was on the last box when I hear screeching tires outside. I look out they window to see Ray stepping out of his car. I run downstairs.

"WTF IS GOING ON HERE? WHY ARE YOU GUYS IN MY FUCKING HOUSE!? LET ME IN WHAT ARE YOU GUYS TAKING!" He yells getting in Blazes face. The level of calm Blaze is, is scary.

"They are here with me! I asked them to come help me move out." I told him and he whips his head over to me. If you thought he was mad before he was absolutely livid seeing me.

"You little bitch! You can't fucking leave me!" He yells walking up to me spit flying out of his mouth. "I gave us another chance I asked you to stop drinking and hitting me whenever you were mad! I'm not dealing with it anymore!" I yell back tears falling. He reaches out to grab me and I push him back.

In seconds Blaze is in front of me. "Touch her again. I fucking dare you!" He growls at him. "Is this the dude you're fucking now! You're a fucking slut! You're the Devils Angel's little whore now?! Take her! I don't care! She is shit in bed." He yells at me grinning.

"Watch your fucking mouth! Don't speak to her that way! Let me tell you what's about to happen. She is going to finish getting her stuff we are going to leave. And you leave her the hell alone. You understand me!?" Blaze says. Ray staggers back scared.

"Go get your stuff sweetheart. He won't touch you if he knows what's good for him." He says with a growl.

I run inside grabbing the last box closing it not caring what is left behind. I walk out the door and Copper grabs the box. "I'm done." I say looking at Blaze and he nods wrapping an arm around my waist leading me to my car. He opens the door for me then goes back to close the trunk. Once both bikes roar to life he looks at me in the rear view mirror and nods.

They help me bring everything to the third floor which my apartment is on and even tried to go as far as helping me unpack things.

"Thank you for everything you don't understand how much I appreciate it. Let me pay you guys. I'm so sorry you had to deal with all this." I say.

"Look at me sweetheart you got nothing to be sorry for. That piece of shit isn't a man. You never lay your hands on a woman. You don't need to pay us we offered to help. If he gives you any more trouble you call me okay?" He says and I nod handing him my phone to put his number in.

Blaze smells very good. It's an earthy musky wood smell. He turns around about to walk out when I grab his hand.

"Let me take you out for drinks sometime. Both of you." I say. Blaze looks at my hand and smirks. I quickly pull it away embarrassed. "Yeah I'd like that sweetheart. Also what was that scumbags name?" He asks.

"Ray." I tell him.

He just nods walking out and I exhale a shaky breathe. I just asked one of the Devils Angels to get drinks. Not just any Devils Angels the President. I don't know much about them. I know they aren't saints but damn they sure look like some. If all of them look like that I might be in some trouble. Later that night I'm back at the shelter not having a bed at my place. I look at my phone and see a text.

Blaze: So how's moving in going?

Me: It's good so far! My mattress comes tomorrow so I can officially sleep there. Me and my friend are going out tomorrow to buy some stuff and finish unpacking!

Blaze: That's good. If you need any help doing some heavy lifting you know who to call

Me: Yup. I'll call Copper. I bet he can lift a lot 😂

Blaze: You got Copper's number?

Me: No. Should I?

Blaze: No. You only need mine. So about those drinks you free Saturday?

Me: I believe I am. Any place in mind?

Blaze: yeah you can come to our clubhouse I'll send you the address Saturday

Me: Sounds like a plan!

Blaze: Sweet dreams love

I go to sleep smiling like a fool.

 Devils Angels MC RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now