Chapter eleven

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This is crazy.

I got kidnapped. I willingly got in a car with my kidnapper. To be fair, I didn't know he was a King. It's been 3 days. I know because the guard told me. I'm chained up in the basement and the only light is from a small window which is how I know it's the third morning.

I don't remember much from the last two days because I was drugged up but I'm starving right now.

Right on queue the door opens and it's not just the one guard that I usually see. It him a short man with a round tummy and fucking Ray. He smirks at me.

"You miss me baby." He ask and I shiver.

"What do you guys want." I say glaring at them.

"That is King. You will give him respect." The guard says yanking my hair forcing me to bow down.

"Oh come on that's no way to talk to our most honored guest. Come here beautiful what's your name." He ask eyeing me like I'm candy. I'm half naked I'm only in my underwear and socks. They stripped me down before I even got here and took all 3 of my knifes. Motherfuckers.

"Blaze is gonna come get me! Once he comes you guys are dead." I yell at them and they just laugh.

"Well Eve we gave your boyfriend enough time to come forward and he didn't. I guess he doesn't love you as much as you hoped." Ray says laughing.

"I'm hungry." I say ignoring them. I have no doubt that Blaze will come... but will he?

"See darling that's the thing. Is it even worth it keeping you alive. I think you'd make a good whore. I can sell you for a lot baby. You already got a 100 men that want to use you." He says and I throw up all over the floor where I sleep. Fuck.

"Don't be scared I'm gonna give your boyfriend one last chance. Hold her down Ray." King says. The guard starts recording I scream kicking pulling on the chains that lock me to the wall.

I'm too weak like always.

Ray pulls me so I'm stretched out. King hovers over me with a needle. I don't feel a poke.

"Poor thing passed out she hasn't had anything to eat or drink in days." King says laughing.

When I wake up there is bright lights on me. I'm chained to the bed and my body is moving up and down by some force. I open my eyes wider to see King fucking me. I kick him rolling over and throwing up, dry heaving. "Drug her." He says and I get pulled back down by Ray and King. I flail until I feel a needle in my neck.

"I already had my turn with you sweet heart. You're gonna be having my baby." Ray said and I black out again.

When I woke up again it was dark. I laid there relieved they were gone. I'm sore and cum is on me and dripping out of me. I groan turning to find a bottle of water and crackers I maneuver my way around the bed bringing it closer to my chained arms. I eat and drink slowly.

"HEY... HEY!" I yell at the guard that always stands outside the door.


They aren't completely inhumane they let me use the bathroom as long as I'm blindfolded until I get into the bathroom. He comes and gets me knowing the routine. I'm sitting on the toilet using the bathroom as he tries to avoid eye contact.

"Did you enjoy me." I ask and he smirks. I finish up flushing the toilet. "I'll enjoy you more later." He says coming up behind me pressing his hard on against my back. I finish washing my hands drying them.

"Whose room is this?" I ask and he frowns.

"It's a guest room. Why?" He asks and I smirk. "No one will mind if we use it. Right?" I say grinning and so does he.

"You're big. I felt you inside of me while I pretended to be blacked out. You felt amazing unlike them." I say grabbing his dick stroking it through his pants and he groans.

"I knew you were awake you little whore. Did you like how I came all over you?" He ask and I moan as he catches my lips.

Truth be told.

I was passed out I honestly don't know how it felt nor do I care. I'll chop his dick off when I get out of here. I walk out of the bathroom and go to the bed. He already has his dick out and I quickly scan the room. I see my knifes. I'm a lucky bastard. I slip one in my hand. I straddle him slowly sitting on his disgusting dick.

He closes his eyes and groans. My pussy is the last think he'll feel. I take my knife digging it into his neck. Not once but twice. He struggles to breathe choking on blood.

I get off washing my hands and knife. I take a non-bloody blanket wrapping it around me.

He's dead for sure.

I search his body for a phone grabbing it. I grab my two other knifes and exit the room. It's quiet. I make it to what definitely is the front door I open it and a guard is standing there. Shit.

"Hey pretty little lady. I haven't seen you before." He says looking me over.

"Hehe I just got done having some fun with King. My clothes are a little ripped don't mind me. I called an Uber it should be here soon." I tell him. He looks me up and down and smirks.

"Why do you have to go so soon we can have fun too." He says and I almost gag. "Don't worry baby I'll come back tomorrow just for you." I say giggling and he laughs smacking my ass. He opens up the gate and I take off running.

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