Chapter four

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I come out from the bathroom to see some girl on Blazes lap. I don't know what I expected. I've been seeing girls all night with little to no clothes on or none at all. Doing various activities with guys. They look like they are enjoying themselves I admit I'm a little jealous.

"Blaze isn't the kind of guy that has one girl. He doesn't want to settle down yet." A guy next to me says. His vest says prospect on it.

"Let me get you a drink darling." He says and I nod.

"Two vodkas." I tell him and he calls Razor over. The guy isn't bad looking he's shorter than most of the people in here. And is on the way to growing a beer belly. Bald head and long beard. Razor looks over my shoulder seeing the same thing I did and frowns and gives me a sympathetic smile. I bet Blaze is great in bed so I hope that girl has a good time. I take the shots one after another and the guy smiles at me.

"My name is Link what's yours baby girl." He ask eyeing me like I'm some type of prey.

"I'm Eve thanks for the drinks. Razor another beer please." I say grabbing it and walking away and he follows me. "Where you going the party is just getting started." He says grabbing my arm and I yank it away.

"Imma say this one time and only one time. Don't fucking touch me." I tell him then flashing him a big smile. "Listen here bitch I was trying to give you a good night. Obliviously pres didn't want you. Now why don't we put that mouth to good use." He says grabbing me pulling me close.

In seconds I pull out my knife and point it at his jugular. He's taken aback and the club goes quiet.

"Try something I fucking dare you I'll sink this shit so far into your jugular that even a surgeon can't get it out." I say and he steps back letting go.

"Good boy." I say walking away.

I see Blaze watching from the corner of his eye. The girl no longer on his lap. Grabbing my bag that was sitting on the couch next to him walking out with a little extra sway in my hips.

I keep a knife on my thigh garter. Or various other places of my body depending on what I'm wearing. Copper was on my ass in seconds. "He told me to take you home." He tells me and I nod. I was gonna call Emily but she should be sleeping.

I thanked him for the ride and offered him gas money but he declined. He walked me to my door even took the elevator with me to make sure I got home safe. The next morning my car was back in the lot. I text Blaze a thank you. I work from home now I have to find more businesses to work with to support myself.


It's been a week and Bear has checked on me. He must have got my number from Blaze. He wants to beat me at another round of pool.

Ray has text me from ANOTHER number. Sending threats. I don't answer I just block him. I get back from dinner with Emily and I go back to my apartment. I open the door to see someone in my apartment. I turn to run out as I see Ray but he slams the door shut grabbing me.

"You thought you could get away from me you little slut. I heard you went to there clubhouse last week. Did they all take turns with you." He ask choking me. I gasp for air, prying at my neck until he throws me down.

He grabs my hair dragging me to my bedroom.

"Where is your little boyfriend now. He can't save you." I struggle and fight. My nails digging into his arms breaking the skin. He grunts and lets me go kicking me. The air gets knocked out of me as I dry heave trying not to throw up.

He doesn't wait he picks me up tossing me on the bed.

I scream.

"You fucking bitch shut up!" He yells shoving my face in the bed. He flips my dress up pulling my underwear down my legs I struggle not to let him. He grabs my knife off my leg slicing my underwear off of me. He put the knife to me throat and I whimper.

"I have eyes everywhere Eve. I have friends everywhere. Where ever you go I will find you. Now be good and lay still or I'll give you something to cry about." He says whispering in my ear. I fight him flipping over on to my back. Which I guess he didn't like that because he hits me.

He hits me again and again and again.

I protect my face and he laughs. I hear a zipper in the background as my ears are ringing. He gets off of me taking his pants off. I'm dizzy there is blood running into my eyes and mouth.

"Look what you made me do baby. I didnt want to hurt you." He says smacking my face lightly to make me open my eyes. I see him stroking himself. This turns him on. Seeing me weak broken and bleeding turns him on.

I throw a punch that he easily dodges. I turn reaching for my bed side table grabbing the knife in the draw. He slams my fingers in the drawer making me scream and drop the knife and clutch my fingers.

"What were you trying to do? Kill me?" he ask grabbing my legs dragging me down the bed. I can't keep my eyes open as loud ringing sings in my ears.

"Try and kill me it'll be the last thing you do. You love me Eve. You could never hurt me. Except by leaving me. Like you fucking did you bitch." He says grabbing my throat with two hands.

He's gonna kill me.

I scratch his face kicking. I'm grabbing anything I can to pull him off. Nothing is working. I can feel my chest tightening needing air and my eye almost budging. He lets go and I gasp for air.

"Don't worry baby I want you awake for the things I'm about to do to you." He says.

"No please Ray please." I beg.

He lines up with my entrance pushing in. Pain shoots through me.

"I hate you." I cry.

This isn't the first time he's done this. I thought I loved him and I didn't satisfy his need so he took what he wanted from me.

When he cheated on me he said it was my fault. I don't know why I stayed with him so long. It was never love.

I hear him telling me to wake up right as I pass out.

 Devils Angels MC RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now