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Blaze let me ride on the back of his bike shortly after we got engaged and I've been addicted to it. The rush. The wind. Me being pressed tightly against him.

I also got a cut saying Property of Blaze. I love it. I love his over protectiveness.

The wedding was amazing.

It was everything I ever dreamed of. Uncle Jack walked me down the isle in my white dress that Blaze swore showed too much cleavage.

Everyone in the club was invited. Some of my old coworkers. Emily was my maid of honor and Owen Rebecca's son and Parker's nephew were the flower boys. I had a great time and got a little too drunk and danced all night.

Emily gave birth a couple weeks before that and they had a little boy named Ethan. Me and Emily work from home now and we are currently expanding our business.

Blaze is so proud of me. I stared going to therapy.

We get into petty little arguments sometimes but they are forgotten when we are in bed. The sex is amazing. Blaze pushes me to new highs, pushes more limits.

We are trying to get pregnant. We are using varies techniques. However we both agreed when the time is right we will adopt as well. He got us a dog named Bella. A beautiful black lab from the shelter about 3 years old. He hasn't fulfilled his promise about the cows yet but I have no doubt that one day he will.

We've been married for 5 months now. I turn over looking at him. He is gorgeous. I don't know what I did to deserve him. I flip the pregnancy test around in my hand. He wakes up with a yawn and I smile.

"Stop starring at me creep." He says and I laugh.

"Stop being so fucking adorable then." I tell him and he wraps his arm around my waist pulling me in for a kiss. "Blaze." I moan pushing back before we get carried away.

"I have to show you something." I say putting the pregnancy test in his hand. He looks at it studying it and his mouth drops up. "Surprise. I'm pregnant baby." I say with a smile and he smiles so wide before tackling me with a hug. "Baby were pregnant!" He exclaims and I laugh nodding. "It's a girl I already know it is." He says. He kisses me giving me mind blowing orgasms all morning.

Sure enough, he was right it was a girl. Her name will be Delilah Ann Matthews.

Life is amazing.

Nothing could be better than this. We still have our ups and downs. But we are always there for each other. He saved me and I will spend the rest of my life loving and repaying him.

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