Chapter nineteen

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We get out of church and I see Parker and Eve sitting on the couch together laughing about something he said. Her and Parker have become a lot closer. He is younger than me but older than Eve being 24. He is a prospect. Every time we have church I send him to guard her they are always talking and having a good time. She tells me what they talk about. When she is not with me she is with him or the ole ladies.

Yesterday they went to the park together with his nephew. I was definitely jealous of her spending time with him.

"Baby get ready we got to go to an appointment." I say taking her hand dragging her off the couch away from him. "Wait Blaze where are we going?" She ask pulling away. "We have a appointment baby." I tell her and she nods coming with me. We get to the clinic waiting for a doctor.

"Hey guys I'm doctor Potters. I'll be helping y'all today. You're here because you want to see why you haven't been getting pregnant. I heard you were on birth control but it's been a couple months since you've been on it." She says and I nod and Eves mouth drops open. If I told her why we are here she wouldn't come.

"I'm gonna take a sample of your eggs and sperm and see what's going on." She says after she takes the sample we leave. I should get a call in less than a week with the results.

Eve is not happy she gets in the car and slams the door still quiet. As soon as I pull up to the ice cream shop I see her smile. She gets her ice cream and we sit outside and eat.

"Don't think I'm not mad anymore Jonathan. You have more kissing ass to do." She says and I laugh. I'll make sure to dick her down until she forgets about it. It's not that I want her pregnant right now. It's that something is wrong if she hasn't gotten pregnant by now. If she some day wants kids I want her to be able to have as many as she wants. I take her to Walmart to get whatever she wants. She got another stuffed animal. A cow named. Sir Moomoo. It's just another to add to the ones on our bed. I tried to put them on the floor but she gets mad saying I'll hurt there feelings.

We go back to the clubhouse and she shows everyone her cow and I mean everyone. Parker has now claimed Sir Moomoo as his kid. Which pissed me off if anything he would be my kid.

An hour later she comes running up to me sitting on my lap. She wants something. "Can me and Parker go to the store." She ask giving me puppy dog eyes. "Hell no." I growl. "He promised to give me another Moomoo so we can have a cow army." She says and I smile. "No you're going to bed soon." I tell her and she pouts. "If you don't let me go I'm gonna punish you." She says and I smile.

"Oh really how will you punish me?" I ask. "You'll have to wear condoms for a week." She says and I groan. Being inside her without a condom is a gift from god. It brings me to my knees. "Fine. Make it fast." I say and she comes home almost 2 hours later.

"Blaze it was so fun we went to Walmart for another cow and named him Peter Pot Roast. Then on the way back we snuck into the out door movies. Then after we went to the countryside to see cows IN REAL LIFE!" She says and I'm happy she had fun. However this dude just took my girl on a date. She obviously didn't realize it but it was basically a date. Parker then walks up smiling.

"My lady." He says extending his arm bowing. And she gets up taking his arm. HE IS TRYING TO TAKE HER FROM ME! I wasn't going to over react in front of Eve, but when he is alone. I'm having a talk with him. "Where are you guys going?" I ask sternly and she turns around smiling. "We are having a sleep over!" She says proudly. Yup. I've had enough. "Like hell you are! Where are you even going to have one?" I ask and she dangles my keys to my room. "You're not having another guy in our room. Sleep overs aren't a girl and guy thing baby. I love you but it's crossing the line." I say and she pouts.

"I'm sorry Blaze. The only friend I was allowed to have was Emily. I just get really excited to make friends." She says with a sad smile. Shit I don't want to be anything like him. "How about you guys go up to my room and play on the PS4 for a little while." I say and she nods. "Thank you baby." She says going up kissing me. I slap her ass hard and she squeaks embarrassed. I trust her. I love her. She would never cheat on me. Later in the night I go up to get her to go to bed. I walk in to see she is knocked out on the bed. Parker is sitting next to her on the bed rubbing her back. I growl his hands should not be on her. She snuggles close to the cows and I hear her soft snoring.

"You should leave now." I go over to her picking her up bridal style. He nods about to leave. "Parker." I say and he turns back.

"What are your feelings towards Eve?" I ask.

"I love her and want her happy. Me and her are close. I've held her multiple times as she cried. We always text and talk. She cares about me and takes care of me. It was hard for me not to fall for her. She is an amazing women. You're so fucking lucky to have her. If you hurt her again I will kill you myself. She loves you and will never love me." He says and he's right. I'm so lucky she chose me.

"Thank you for always taking care of her. You're special to her as well. Goodnight Parker." I say and he leaves and I follow behind him. I take her home. I take her to our home.

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