Chapter twelve

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It's been days.

I haven't slept.

They have her.

After they sent that video of what they did to her I lost it. I destroyed everything. I'm going to get her. I just can't find a way to attack without losing my men. They have a fucking fortress guards surrounding the building. I get a phone call from an unknown number I answer immediately.

"Blaze... Blaze it's me. I killed him. I killed the guard. I'm shaking. I killed someone."

I recognize her voice instantly though it's raspy and dry I know it's her.

"Eve is that you?! Baby are you okay what's happening?" I ask as she is breathes heavily. "I escaped! I'm running in the trees. There gonna know I left and are gonna come find me any minute now. I'm running for my fucking life. They'll kill me Blaze. I killed one of his men. It's a 2 hour walk to the clubhouse I checked I won't make it. I can't send you my location because they are probably tracking this phone fuck." She yells.

"I love you baby. I know you haven't stopped looking for me. Come find me please." She says.

"We are in a hotel. We are ten minutes away from their base we planned to strike in a day. I'm coming baby. You'll hear the bikes. Smash this phone. Keep hiding. Fuck. I love you too." I say shortly after I hear rustling and the line goes dead.


I don't know how long it's been I just keep running however Kings men haven't found me yet. My feet hurt. My heart is pounding so hard it's ready to burst but I keep running. That's when I feel it.

The rumble of bikes.

My ears are ringing so I can't hear them but it's a straight road and I can see them. I run even faster. They are here. They came. I start crying. Tripping over a root falling to my knees. Tires screech when they see me. The truck stops near the side of the road where I'm laying. I know it's him.


We are at the hospital. I told Gavin to be ready as soon as we got there. They checked her out. She is malnourished, and they are currently flushing her system of drugs but other than that she will be okay. She has minor cuts on her feet that they cleaned. I don't know if she will mentally be the same but I'm glad she is safe now.

It's been a couple hours and she's still sleeping. As soon as she wakes up I'm getting Gavin to check on her again and I'm taking her home. My head rest on her thighs and I feel someone stroking my hair I shoot up and she smiles at me.

"Good morning sleepy head." She says and I smile. I grab a nurse telling her to get Gavin.

"Did you get my knifes?" She ask and I laugh. Of course that's what she thinks of first. "Yeah baby I got your knifes. You had a death grip on them the nurses struggled to get them out of your hands." I say pressing a kiss to her lips as Gavin walks in.

He checks her out one last time and frees us to go home under strict orders. Rest, food, and keeping her feet clean. She changes into my clothes and we are off. To my house. My house is a couple minutes from the clubhouse. I carry her straight to bed. She gets up laughing.

"Jeez Blaze I can take care of myself. I need a shower." She says walking to what she guesses is the bathroom.

"On the phone you said you loved me. Is it true or was that something just in the heat of the moment. I meant it when I said it back." I say and she stops in her tracks.

"I don't know Blaze." She says going into the bathroom. The pang of hurt subsides as I take a shot of whiskey. She was very emotional at the time and it's understandable she's confused.

Sooner or later we both fall asleep. The next day Bear brought us food. For the next two days we ate, slept, and cuddled until she started getting antsy begging to go back to the clubhouse.

Eventually I give and we take a shower and head over to the clubhouse. When we walk in the door everyone yells "Welcome Back!" And she smiles. I know she is trying hard not to cry right now. The ole ladies come up to hug her. Bear and Emily come up too. Something is definitely going on between them.

"Okay guys don't crowd her." I say and they apologize. She goes to the bar grabbing some food and I'm right behind her. Taking food off her plate when she smacks my hand away.

"Make your own plate and shooo I'm having a girls talk." She says and I say yes ma'am grabbing a beer food and sitting down. I see her talking and laughing just how things were before. She hasn't told me much about what happened there but she has had nightmares.

"How's she holding up." Uncle Jack ask sitting in his recliner. Bear was next to me and Copper was on the other couch. "She will be okay. This will be over soon we're gonna hit them hard. She killed a guard I'm fucking proud of her but it shook her up." I say and we all take a swig of beer. We look to see our old ladies laughing and having a good time. She spins around and gives me a thumbs up smiling. I know it'll be okay.

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