Chapter fifteen

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3 months have passed and I'm sitting in our room when Blaze drops a grocery bag next to me.

"Go take it." He says and I look in the bag to see a pregnancy test. We aren't exactly being safe.

We've only worn a condom 5 times in the last 3 months. And trust me we've been doing it almost every night. 

"I'm not pregnant Blaze." I tell him and he just looks at me.

I haven't had my period in 3 months but that is normal for me. The birth control I'm on makes me skip it sometimes. I get up and go take it.

It better come back negative.

Blaze and I already had the conversation of kids. I don't want kids I don't think I'd be a good mom. He doesn't agree. I know he wants kids but I'm still young. He is almost 30 his 28th birthday is in 2 weeks. Even Uncle Jack is asking me when he'll gets grandkids. We aren't even married yet.

The test came back negative and I don't know if he is happy or sad about it. Later Blaze heads to the clubhouse and I go to Teresa's house to have a girls night. It's hard for her to get out of the house with a newborn. He is in bed now and Snake is taking care of him.

Me, Big Ma, Teresa, Becca, and Emily are here tonight. We have all become really close. I bring beer but only me Becca and Big Ma drink. After a couple hours and I'm for sure drunk.

"Guys I think Blaze is trying to get me pregnant. He made me take a pregnancy test today. And he doesn't like when I mention wearing a condom but he'll do it if I ask. Last month he "forgot to pick up my birth control" and he was very active in those three days. I don't know if I should confront him." I say.

"Girl you need to confront him! You're still very young. Do you even want kids?" Big Ma ask and I shake my head no.

"No I don't. He keeps bringing up kids every chance he gets." I say with a sigh.

"It's getting late I think I should head home." I say stumbling getting up. Rebecca didn't have much to drink unlike me. She drives me to the clubhouse. She has to wait for Razor either way.

"You know what Becca I'm gonna confront him." I say marching inside. When my eyes land on him. Copper sees me first and taps him. He sees my drunken state and frowns. I feel Becca pulling on me saying something most likely trying to stop me but it's too late.

"Jonathan Matthews! I know you've been trying to get me pregnant! You can't hid it! The girls told me to confront you so what do you have to say for yourself." I say pointing at him. He just smiles.

"I think your drunk and we should go home." He says getting up wrapping his hand around my waist but I push him away.

"NO! I'm not drunk! I want you to answer me right now! Have you been trying to get me pregnant?" I ask him and everyone is watching us he growls.

"Fine. Yes I have been trying to get you pregnant. You're mine! I want you carrying my child. Is there something wrong with that!?" He says.

"Yes Blaze! I'm not ready for kids! You've lost your pussy privileges! Actually you've lost all sexual privileges for a week!" I say walking to the door and he follows me.

"We'll see about that." He says smirking and his confidence pisses me off. "Don't test me Blaze I'll make it a month. Now drive me home! Not because I'm drunk but because I don't want to drive." I say and he raises an eyebrow obliviously seeing I'm drunk. When I get home I pass out pretty fast.


It's been 5 days. I've been stuck jerking myself off. This is killing me. Just sleeping next to her and showering with her makes me hard. The other night she was playing with herself and all I could do was watch.

She comes out of the shower and gets into bed. I snuggle close to her.

"If you don't want me anymore because I don't want kids I understand." She whispers and I shoot up.

"Where the fuck did you get that thought from. If you honestly don't want kids in the future then we won't have them. I'm not leaving. You're mine. I just don't understand why you don't want kids." I ask and she starts crying.

"I think I'd be a bad mom. I remember Ray saying how much of a terrible mother I'd be. I want kids with you but I can't. If I see my baby cry it'll kill me. What if I fail them as a mother." She says and I hold her close.

"Baby. Don't listen to what that jackass said. You'd be a wonderful mother. Everyone makes mistakes you're not a terrible mother if you make a mistake. I know I'm not gonna be the best dad in the world but I'm gonna try." I tell her making her cry harder.

"I love you Blaze." She tells me and I hold her soothing her. "I love you so fucking much baby. You are the one I want. I want no one else." I tell her. She falls asleep in my arms.

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