Chapter seven

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"So I heard you and Bethany crossed paths." I say laughing and she nods. We are outside in the backyard sitting on the swing.

"I saw that bitch eyeing me while she was walking in. Then she bumped into me in the kitchen calling me a slut. Yes sir I fucking said something." She says.

"Copper said you have more knifes than him." I say more as a question then comment.

"Yup they are my baby's I'll show you them sometime."

I pull her in closer to my side.

"Thank you for helping the ole ladies today. I know they appreciate it. Does Emily need a ride home?"

"Trust me I think she is staying here tonight. She was just telling me all the stuff she was gonna do to Bear tonight." She says laughing.

She looks beautiful while laughing. She looks beautiful doing nothing as well.

"So what are me and you doing tonight?" I ask and she shoots straight up. "I was kidding Princess. I'll never ask you to do anything you aren't ready for. Plus you're under doctors orders right now of lots of rest. Wouldn't want to hurt your pretty little-" she yells interrupting me and I laugh.

"Body. I was gonna say pretty little body." I joke but my mind is already stuck on me deep inside her pussy. I groan shifting trying to get comfortable with my dick hardening in my pants.

"You're going to get two things tonight. A kiss to show my appreciation and cuddles while we are watching the movie I pick going to sleep." She says and I grin. "Well I do like my cuddles." I say and she laughs getting up pulling me with her.

"Wait where are you going. You still have to show me your appreciation." I tell her and she blushes. I walk her back so she's leaning on the railing. She wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me closer. My lips find hers in a slow and sweet fashion.

She opens her mouth and lets our tongues tangle. She moans into my mouth and I groan swallowing it up. I'm fucking hard no doubt about it. I push up against her showing her how she makes me feel. She gasp coming up for air and I smirk.

"I don't think all my gratitude came across with only one kiss." She says leaning back in for more. I kiss her until she is breathless. She lets out a long deep moan once she's caught her breathe.

"You need to be careful moaning like that. You did that while we were eating and I almost took you right there on the couch." I growl.

She grabs my hand leading me upstairs and points to the bed and I lay down. She straddles me and my dick is screaming to be free. She kisses my forehead, nose, skipping my lips going for my neck. She's definitely trying to leave a mark and I let her.

I groan at her sucking on my sweet spot. When she is done she pecks my lips and gets off of me admiring her work. "Now those girls downstairs know you're mine." She says triumphantly. "Mmm so I'm yours now?" I say with a grin leaning up on one elbows. She blushes. "Well only if you want that." She says looking away.

"Yeah I think I would like that. Eve would you like to go on a date with me?" I ask and her face lights up.

"Yes Blaze I'd love that!" She gets into bed snuggling close to me. I turn on the tv putting on some anime shes always watching.

"What's your actual name?" She ask snuggling closer into me. My dick is still very hard but we do our best to ignore it. "It's Jonathan Matthews. Yours?" I ask already knowing the answer.

"Eve Grant. When I'm safe will this all be over?" She asks and I turn to her.

"No Princess. I'm asking you out because I can see a future with you. I know you're gonna be mine for awhile." I tell her with a kiss on the cheek. I did not tell her that she is the only girl I've wanted to get to know and not just fuck. However then she'd think I didn't want to fuck her and trust me I really do but not after everything she just went through.

There was a knock on the door and I get up kissing her one last time. It's Copper.

"Ray is gone. Someone here must have helped him escape. Ray is a mule for the kings. I think we have a King among us." He says and I curse.

The kings are in the next city over but they try coming into our territory all the time.

"They must think we took Ray because we realized he's a king not because of what he did to Eve." I sigh.

"Let's not jump to conclusions yet. Keep this between us until morning." I say going back to bed. This is going to be a long week.

"What's wrong?" She ask concerned.

"You aren't in my arms." I say and she smiling snuggling up close to me.

This girl is doing weird shit to me. I'll eventually have to tell her that we had Ray the whole time but he escaped.

I'll have to tell her I lied about her not being safe so I could have a couple more days with her in my arms.

I know she'll be mad at me but I don't regret it at all.

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