Chapter eighteen

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That bitch Bethany is still here. Me and her are gonna have a talk. I'm sitting at the bar when a drink spills on my back. I whip around seeing Bethany's scum ass. Perfect timing.

"I told you that he always comes back to me. Ask him what he was doing while you were gone." She says grinning.

"It wasn't you and that's for sure. He doesn't want your fake ass." I say smiling back. I get up shoulder checking her. I wasn't expecting her to grab my shoulder but I'm so happy she did. I've been waiting to beat her ass. I grab her hair and she grabs mine. We tussle for a bit until I drag her to the floor. I hit her repeatedly. She is scratching pulling my hair and any article of clothes.

"Stay the fuck away from him!!" I yell and she screams. "He is mine stay away from him or I won't hesitate to beat your ass next time." I say literally wiping the floor with her. Dragging her by her hair to her friends. Her friends don't even step in until I'm dragged off of her by a pair of arms. It's not Blaze it's Copper who is dragging me to Blaze who is sitting on the couch. "You okay baby?" He asks hugging me to his chest.

"I'll wipe the floor with any bitch who thinks she can touch my man. Fucking try it!" I yell and he laughs.

"It's okay baby. I think they know now." He says and I cuddle into his chest my adrenaline still rushing. Bethany has blood running down her face as she gets dragged out of the room by her friends.

"I'll beat any motherfuckers ass Blaze I'm ready!" I tell him and he kisses me lightly. "Let not get too cocky now." He says and I smirk. I get up taking two shots of whiskey. "Come on Blaze fight me!" I tell him and he chuckles getting up. "Do you really wanna fight me baby?" He ask and I nod. He crosses the floor in two steps. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" He ask and I nod gulping.

I lunge at him and he easily picks me up throwing me over his shoulder. I squeal as he slaps my ass. He goes up the stairs to our room and puts me down on the bed. He ties my arms to the top of the bed.

He puts on a collar that forces my head to be straight forward with no room to turn my neck. He has two clips and I jump in surprise as they clamp onto my nipples. Something cold and wet enters me but sadly it's not his dick.

That's when I feel the vibrating. I arch my back moaning. He takes out the vibrator and I groan in protest but then I feel it right over my asshole.

"Blaze!" I whisper yell and he chuckles. "It's okay I'm not gonna fuck your ass today. I'm just getting you used to someone being in the area." He says and I nod. I'm not gonna lie. It's starting to feel very good. He moves the vibrator in my back entrance. I feel fire for a few seconds then I moan.

I widen my legs for him to enter me. He enters my dripping cunt in one swift motion and I scream his name. The pain in my nipples turn into only pleasure as he fucks me hard.

"Oh god Blaze it feels so good!" I yell and he groans as I squeeze my cunt around him. He leans down kissing me gently then wraps his hand around my throat squeezing cutting off circulations.

"Yes Blaze! Fuck me just like that!" I moan and he goes even deeper with long fast strokes. I'm not gonna last long. "I'm gonna cum daddy. Please let me cum on your cock sir." I moan trying to catch my breath but I already feel it coming. "Cum on my cock baby." He growls and I do. I scream his name as I feel his cock throb inside me and fill me up with his come.

Maybe secretly deep down I want to get pregnant. I've never stopped him from coming inside of me. I want to be with him. I want us to have a future together. I don't know what I'm so scared of. He'd never hurt me. I start crying and he gets off immediately getting the vibrator. Taking off the clamps and collar. Uncuffing me he holds me.

"I'm so sorry baby was I too rough? Did I hurt you?" He ask me. "No baby you were perfect. That was amazing. You know my body perfectly." I tell him wiping my tears. "Then what's wrong baby. Talk to me." He says squeezing me. "I love you so much and it scares me. I know you'd never hurt me but you deserve someone better someone who makes you happy. Someone whose not broken. Someone that wants to give you kids. You deserve someone better who is more experienced." I tell him and he turns me so I'm facing him.

"Eve. I'll tell you this everyday until you understand. I want you. Only you. You're perfect. You make me happy. You're amazing in bed. You fulfill my fantasies. I want you in my life forever." He says and I hug him cuddling into his chest. "I don't think I'm ready for a committed relationship. I went out with you right after Ray. Don't you think I'm moving a little fast?" I ask and he shakes his head resting his chin on my head. "I think you need time to figure out what you want. If you'd like I'll wait for you. However if you think you are just scared and pushing me away I won't allow you to leave." He says and I laugh.

"Then keep me forever. Even though I really want to run so I don't get hurt. I trust you. I feel whole again with you. You picked up all the pieces of my heart and put it together." I say smiling. "I'm so fucking happy you aren't leaving me. I said I'd be okay with a break but I lied. Seeing you with any other man would make me a murderer." He says and for some reason I knew he wasn't joking.

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