Chapter thirteen

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Two months have past. As much as Blaze doesn't tell me I know they blew up multiple warehouses, they took 3 major shipments and they had the police snooping around the Kings base.

I also know they have 3 people in the clubhouse's basement. I don't know if they are still there or living but they were definitely in there.

I've been living with Blaze. We haven't had sex yet. We just mess around. I know he is giving me time but I honestly think I'm ready.

Teresa's baby boy is named Owen and is giving us all a bit of baby fever. We were all surprised to find out Emily was 10 weeks pregnant. I'm gonna be an aunt. Her and Bear are locking it down. I know he is super excited to be a dad now.

I've been at home all day. Blaze had to do a run today and said he'll be home late. He is always worked up after his runs and usually needs release.

I'm seducing him tonight.

I put on my best lingerie and wait. I hear his bike turn off and the front door open. I giggle running up the stairs.

"I hear you Eve what are you up too." He calls and I laugh harder from up stairs. He takes the stairs 3 at a time making me scurry. He growls catching up to me closing the door behind him.

I'm laid out as sexy as can be struggling to put on a pair of hand cuffs. He takes his clothes off and he is on me in a second his dick hard against my leg.

"You're going to be the death of me." He growls kissing me making his way down my body with sloppy wet kisses.

"Blaze I need you." I beg and he kisses me one more time before he makes his way down to my aching core.

"Hands on the head board don't move them or I'll stop." He says.

"Yes sir." I say knowing how much he likes being called that.

He eats me out until I cream on his face and breathless.

"I want you in me daddy." I whisper and the look he gives me makes me think he's about to go feral.

"Say it again." He growls sucking my left tit into his mouth then the right one. "Please fuck me daddy. I'm ready I promise." I say and he let out a loud groan. I know he's struggling internally. "Please sir." I say turning his head to stare at me. I lean up and kiss him softly.

"Are you sure you're ready?" He asks. "Jonathan Matthews I'm sure I want to have sex with you." I say. He kisses me deeply like he needs me to breathe.

"I'm clean baby I promise." He looks so vulnerable right now. I know he doesn't want to hurt me.

"I want it raw baby. I'm on birth control. I'm clean too."I say. He kisses me lining up with my entrance.

"This might hurt what's the safe word baby? I'm not gonna be rough but just incase you need it?" He asks and I smile. "Raspberry's." I say and he kisses me again pushing in. He swallows up my moan. Pain shoots through me. He is big. I knew it would hurt but damn. Tears form in my eyes and he kisses my face apologizing. When he was all the way in I am shaking.

"I'm gonna move okay?" He ask and I nod. It's slow and painful. He sucks on my breast and the pleasure pushes the pain away. After a few minutes it starts to feel good.

"Harder baby please! I need it." I moan he pulls out and I whimper. He drags me to the end of the bed flipping me over so I'm bent over the bed ass up. I spread myself so he get better access and we both moan as he slides in.

"Holy fuck you're so damn tight baby." He says and I grin. "Fuck me Blaze." I moan and he does. He starts slowly going in and out and I meet his pace pushing back making him go faster. He grabs my hips going a little deeper and I moan.

He is definitely holding back but not for long.

He takes my hips pounding into me making the bed hit the wall. He's lifting me up my feet barely touching the floor. He grabs my hair pulling it. "Oh fuck Blaze right there!" I yell. "I'm close baby. Come for me. Come all over my dick." He growls and I lose it. I come hard yelling his name my legs shaking off the ground while he fucks me hard a few more times before he cums deep inside of me.

He roars my name slowly letting go of my hair putting me down. My legs are shaking and I almost fall to the floor but he pulls me back up laying me on the bed. He goes to the bathroom getting a warm wash cloth. I open my legs for him.

"You look so fucking sexy leaking my cum." He says and I groan completely drained. He comes back laying down pulling me onto his chest.

"You did so fucking good baby you were amazing." He praises me and I smile falling asleep in his arms.

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