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Kali Garcia...

"Why do I have to go to this party again?" Kali asked her bestfriend for the thousandth time as they drove to a party.

"Because my mama is making me take you, and shut the fuck up you aggravating me." Kenzo said as she mugged her.

Kali immediately shut up because she knew for a fact that Kenzo would not hesitate to beat her up.

She really did not like parties with a passion, she wanted to stay home and read books and watch romantic movies but her bestfriend mom made her bestfriend take her out of the house.

Kenzo parked the car and making Kali mentally groan as she seen a lot of car of in the street with a lot of people standing in the driveway of a house.

"Get out bitch damn." Kenzo yelled, Kali got out of the car and Kenzo locked it and begin walking making Kali follow behind her closely.

"Don't touch shit, don't take none from nobody, and stay out my fawkin way." Kenzo instructed her before walking away from Kali once they were inside the house.

Kali stood there stuck, she couldn't believe her sister left her by herself at a party.

She's only 17 and she knew nothing about parties, Kenzo on the other hand was 19 and she had all the experience on parties.

She begin walking around and seeing she recognized anyone from her school but she didn't, she grabbed her phone and begun scrolling on TikTok in a corner.

"Kali I thought you didn't like parties." She heard a familiar voice yell making her turn around, it was her classmate Desia.

"I don't like parties, Kenzo dragged me out here." Kali raised her voice a little because the music was loud.

Once Desia heard Kenzo name she rolled her eyes, she hated Kenzo with a passion but she put up with her for Kali.

"That bitch, you wanna come out with me and my friends?" Desia asked, Kali was hesitant because she heard about the group Desia hanged with, and from what she heard they were bad news.

But then again Kenzo left her all by herself at a party where she don't know anybody.

"Sure." Kali said and then Desia softly grabbed her arm and linked their hands and carried her through the crowd.

Desia pushed through the people and it kind of made Kali nervous, once she seen the people Desia pushed through turn around, but it didn't bother Desia cause she knew just because of who her brother was nobody was gone touch her.

"Y'all meet my friend Kali, and be nice, don't be tryna flirt with her either she's innocent." Desia said making Kali snap out of her thoughts.

Infront of her was a group of males and probably 3 girls.

"This is Kay, don't mind him he always mugging, Setty, B-love my twin brother, Jenn Carter, Cblu, and Dougie, he on percs so don't mind him either.

"Desia shutcho ass up." Dougie said as he mugged her, he didnt like Desia with a passion, mainly because she was always aggravating him.

"You can sit down over there, do you want a drink?" Desia asked as her and Kali sat down on a couch.

"No thank you I don't drink." Kali spoke up.

"W- Desia leave da girl alone, we not gone mess with her go have yo fun." Jenn Carter cut Desia off, she knew how Desia can ramble to make another person feel comfortable.

Desia sighed and then hesitated before looking at Kali to see if she was gone be okay, Kali nodded her head and Desia hesitated again before walking off.

Kali sat on her phone and begin watching TikTok with one of her AirPods in since she didn't know anyone.

"So how old you is." Jenn spoke up making Kali turn her attention away from her phone.

"I'm 17, you?" Kali kindly spoke.

"I'm 20." Jenn responded.

"Whatcho young ass doing out here at a party?" B-love asked.

"My bestfriend dragged me out here, I don't really do parties, plus it's my first party." She said, when she said it was her first party it surprised the group.

Kali noticed most of them had dreads, curly hair, or twist, and a airfros.

"I like y'all hair." Kali spoke as she looked between each of them.

"Thank you mami, you wanna touch it." Cblu smirked making Kali shake her head no.

"You lost me at the 'mami' part." Kali cringed making the group laugh.

She also noticed their tattoos and was very interested, "So what inspired y'all to get tattoos." She asked.

"I got some people names, some of these tattoos express me." Setty said making them nod agreeing with him.

"Setty you should get a face tat, it fits you." She said and he smiled.

"Thank ya." He said as he rolled his blunt.

"So yo bestfriend left you?" Kay asked, he didn't understand how someone could invite they friend to a party and then leave them.

"Yea, she left to go do something, but I need to find her soon because she's my ride home." She said making them nod their head.

She noticed Dougie was sweating really hard and became worried because it was a little cold in the house and no one else was sweating.

"Is you okay?" Kali asked as she looked at Dougie.

"I'm straight." He responded, but Kali didn't accept his answer.

She grabbed a water bottle of her big Micheal Kors purse and handed him to him, it wasn't cold but it'll help cool him down.

"You can have this water to help you cool down." She said, but instead he pushed the bottle away.

"I said I was straight damn, leave me alone." He said bitterly, he didn't want anyone sympathy.

Kali was taken back by his harsh tone but she was okay.

"Muddy leave her alone she just tryna help yo ass." Kay said as he kept his usual mug.

"I don't want her fucking help." He mugged Kay back.

Kali just decided to leave him alone and put the water back in her purse.

She continued scrolling through TikTok on her phone trying to hold her tears back.

She was sensitive to everything, literally.

Kenzo texted her telling her to come to the front of the house so they can leave.

"My bestfriend texted me back now, so I'm leaving, it was nice meeting you guys." She smiled at them as she got up.

"I'll walk you to her." Jenn volunteered, Kali was little and she also looked like she couldn't defend herself if a nigga grabbed her, so she was gone make sure she was straight.

"Oh no, it's okay I'm meeting her in the front of the house." Kali said, she didn't want to bother her, or the group more then she already did.

"It's straight girlfriend come on." She grabbed her hand and begin walking through the crowd.

Kali thanked her once they met up and with Kenzo, "Why the fuck you talking to her?" Kenzo asked once Jenn was out of their sight.

"Because you left me." Kali softly replied as they got into the car.

"I don't give a fuck, you do to much." She huffed and begin speeding down the road.

Kali sat in the passenger seat and silently cried because she didn't like the way Kenzo talked to her, she was ready to go home.


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