Chapter 1

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Jay opened his eyes again and looked carefully in the mirror. A plump boy of about five with dark brown hair and emerald eyes was still sitting opposite him.

- So it's true... not a dream. – he pinched his fat cheek now and thought deeply about his current situation.

First of all, apparently, he died, but this is a thing of the past. After all, he became alive again after that. However, there is nothing to be particularly happy about here, since, judging by the appearance of his current body and some of the memories he received, he is now an abandoned prince character, an otome-game, for which his younger sister has often been sitting up lately. 

Moreover, the character who dies at the very beginning of the game plot due to hunger. The people looking after him abandoned him a year ago, and while he had money, he bought his own groceries and tried to live. But money has the properties of running out... and now it's spring, there's still not much you can find edible in the forest. His current end is rather sad.

- Yeah... the situation. Here you need to think with your head, and think well. – Jay leaned back in his chair and, looking at the ceiling, carefully reviewed other people's memories. - Judging by the recollections received, in addition to the house, this guy also owns a piece of land. Hmm, what if we develop it and plant something on it? Some vegetables were left here, in a fairly fresh form, which means there will be no problems with obtaining seeds. It will be possible to grow and earn them for the first time. Although I do not know the current economic situation here, but there will be no earnings. So... the money was sorted out. Now about what to eat while the harvest in the beds will ripen. After all, you can't last long with an empty stomach. But here I think I'll have to go to the kitchen myself and inspect everything. – Jay got up from his chair and, leaving his now small room, went to the kitchen.

Passing through the hall, he opened the doors of a familiar room from his memories and looked inside. The setting was quite interesting, such as he had never seen in his past world. A small stove, a wooden table, on which there were dishes that had not been stolen by the former servant. A spacious large window, where several ears of wheat from last year and miraculously preserved from winter were inserted in the corner. 

On the windowsill were two large ripe tomatoes, one ear of corn, one hot pepper, a salt shaker."Is that all?" – Jane went into the kitchen and tried to find something else in the cupboards standing at a distance from the oven. He opened them and... found nothing but holes in the corners gnawed by rats.

- The prince lives wonderfully in our times, you can't say anything. They didn't even leave those crackers! Everything was taken out clean! And there is no one to complain to. After all, the current parents deeply do not care about their son. Although whether it is possible to call them so. One mistress of the king, the second, the so-called king, has a dozen more such children. I'm just surprised, somehow the game was rated +12, because there are better passions than in any Mexican TV series going on. What kind of shit is not being released today ... - Jay smiled and shook his head at his words. - What I'm thinking about right now... we need to distribute food, and not loaf around. – Closing the cupboard, the boy went to the window and collecting all the food that was on it, took a deep plate and went to the exit of the house.

Outside, the sun was shining brightly, forcing everyone to wake up after a long winter. No sooner had Jay stepped onto the porch than it shone on him, right in his eyes. Yes so bright...

"Well, another case has appeared. To make a hat before there is hunger, and the sun itself has not finished me off."

 Jay tilted his head down, adding to his to-do list, and when his vision was restored, he went to look for the well. Still, this world was not modern, and water from the tap could not be collected. And not because the pipes have not been installed anywhere yet, for this case, but because no one has yet come up with such a way of extracting water. 

Although I am now a prince, but in order to survive...BLWhere stories live. Discover now