Chapter 24

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Jay slept for a whole day. I must say it was the first time in this world with him. Yes, for him to spend so much time sleeping... an unacceptable luxury. But considering that now, compared to the day he came into this world, he can make ends meet and even have employees. He fully deserved this little rest. Therefore, without accusing himself of laziness, Jay got out of bed with a full charge of energy and went to breakfast. Or rather to have dinner, since it was at this business that he found his employees.Joining them silently, Jay, when they had almost filled their bellies, asked if everything was all right these days while he was away. The butler slowly reported that nothing interesting had happened. There wasn't even a job as such. Having collected two beds, they plucked all the ripe berries in the garden, as well as vegetables in the garden. And so far they have not found a new case for themselves. Well, here, accordingly, Jay did not delay and immediately told about some of his future plans, so that he would not worry about idleness at all. And then somehow it's not good. They'll slow down again, and then try, make them work. Bad habits are such a thing... it's better never to instill them.First of all, he said that he wants to build a couple of buildings by winter. Accordingly, you need to choose a place for this, install the pillars at least to begin with. While he gets the money for the main material. After all, Jay himself had no intention of following him into the woods. After all, forces were needed to extract it, and what kind of forces do they have here? Old people, children, and women... you can't do much with such things, even if one of the children has great physical strength.Then I did not forget to mention that we need to start preparing supplies for the winter. Dried fruits are dried there, sauces can still be made, well, and all sorts of other little things. So that you can eat yourself in bad weather, but also sell to your main buyer – a magician.Last of all, he asked where he could buy a stone mill. Despite the fact that basically all the small settlements in this world were under the account of one or another nobleman. And usually, after harvesting, the harvest was sent to the mill to get flour. Some commoners still kept stone mills at home. And that it was very convenient and did not require any expenses other than physical strength. After all, the miller did not work for free and there were cases when he took finished products for his work. And even if Jay had a little extra food... he would rather sell it than just give it away.But that was only Jay's opinion. The butler, on the contrary, was not happy about this turn of events. And I must say that the merit here is in his past. Yes, there were times, in his distant childhood, when he personally had to use a similar tool. And let's just say this experience was not the best. Hands torn to the point of blood... this is perhaps the most terrible life experience for him, which he never wanted to go through again. Therefore, after waiting for him to let go of the tremor at the mention of the stone mill, he told about several addresses where it is not too expensive to buy flour.Jay did not interrupt the old man and carefully memorized them. Although he himself planned to grind flour, but it was rice and corn. And certainly not wheat. And speaking of the latter... in addition, Jay also wanted to buy wheat itself. So that future chickens, which he will definitely acquire before the winter period, have something to feed. After all, he planned to get rid of turkeys in the fall. They have already grown up and for another two months, they will be able to gain a decent weight and it will be possible to earn good money on them.- Okay, I'll pay attention to it. – When the butler finished with the addresses, and wanted to tell about how terrible the stone mill is, Jay stopped him here.After all, he knew it himself. After all, in his past life, despite the fact that there was a technological age, they kept a similar thing at home, inherited from his great-grandmother. And one day as a child, at a time when Jay liked to poke his curious nose everywhere, he tried to play with her. There was such an uncomfortable handle, and the scrolling alone required so much physical strength that Jay lost interest in it very quickly. Ha! But who knew that he would have to work on this thing again after so many years, like some prehistoric dinosaur, and not out of childish curiosity at all, but because circumstances require it. Yes, life sometimes knows how to make fun of people.- Well, so, where can I buy a similar mill? – When the butler wanted to be glad that he was finally listened to, Jay returned to the previous topic.Knowing already a little about the boy's temper, the old man decided to save his nerves and named the seller, and in the end, as if by chance, he added that he would not approach her in life if he really decided to buy her. At this moment, Jay looked questioningly at the butler, as if trying to understand if this man really assumes that he will make him turn a stone mill day and night? At this old age? Does he think he's some kind of villain?Yeah... that's how you provide a roof to completely strangers, feed them, do not force them to work particularly, and even pay good money. And it turns out that they don't consider you their savior at all. Can we take them and drive away these ungrateful and practically free workers? After all, if you think about it, he hasn't paid them wages yet. Yes, right now... they'll demand it then. And I'm sorry, he doesn't have an extra coin right now. Then, perhaps, leave them. And it's even better to end this conversation before the butler has a similar idea in his head.The next second, Jay did exactly that. Having quickly finished his dinner, he asked to mark the place for the buildings tomorrow and without saying another word, he went to the cart for seeds. Despite the fact that it was already evening, Jay wanted to find out today what kind of seeds he had managed to acquire. Even if it meant going to the forest, to your secret cave. Since only there was enough growth potion in the soil for this case so far. In his own garden... considering how many times he sowed it, there's about ten percent left at most. It was too little to germinate even one seed. The minimum that could come out of this is the ripening period of the crop to decrease.But, whether fate itself was against Jay today, because of what he had to turn back halfway is unknown. But one thing is clear for sure, the matter of sowing seeds will have to be postponed for that period of time until he deals with the trouble that has appeared. And if we start talking about the latter here... it all caused Jay irritation and incredible anger. But it's not surprising, considering that the harbinger of trouble was a spirit that owed Jay money unilaterally.- So where did you say you came from? From the magic tower? – Jay looked at the wounded spirit, who smelled of blood a kilometer away, and squinted. So that's why this bug seemed so familiar to him initially. This is the same friend of the wind spirit who ruined his entire harvest.- Yes, that you're so stupid. I said it right away. Is the wind spirit in place?- At the moment I can't say for sure. - Jay pretended as if he did not see someone's faint flapping of wings and coldly replied. – Who knows, maybe he flew away somewhere.- You ... - The Spirit tried to fly higher, realizing that it was gradually decreasing, but immediately hissed in pain. – It's urgent, man. Don't piss me off.- That's how. Hmm, I'm afraid that's impossible. After all, you already pissed me off when you sent your mice. Do you know what losses I suffered? Here is such a pile of coins. – Not knowing if the spirit can count, Jay visually depicted a large mountain with his hands. – I haven't seen any compensation from you, at least not yet. So why do you think I'm going to help you?- As if I asked for your help. I'll find him myself. – When the spirit was reminded of his offense, he only vaguely remembered it and without delay twisted his face in displeasure, instead of apologizing.- Ha... - Jay, who has lived with the spirits for several months and knows well that they all consider themselves the navel of the earth, only laughed at this behavior of the bug. – Well, well, just happy to die. Because you can hardly get there with your dead body now. – After seeing off the spirit, Jay went further down the road, whistling a cheerful melody.- Wait... - Less than three minutes later, he was called. Jay grinned, but didn't stop, starting to whistle even louder. – That's what kind of people have gone today. Do I really have to do this? The Spirit paused, as if thinking about something. And then he started screaming, catching up with Jay with the last of his strength. - Wei, you fool, you will deal with this yourself. All right, you'll have coins instead of mice. Now quickly take me to the wind spirit. - He sat down on the boy's shoulder and began to pull his clothes.- Are you sure? Jay stopped and looked at him incredulously.- None of the spirits just throw away a promise like that. Exactly, exactly. Well, are you going to delay any longer? Mind you, if someone dies there, in my absence, I can take my word back.- In this case, I want to warn you that I am still the only supplier of food to your magic tower. If anything, I can complain to the magicians about you. – Jay turned in the opposite direction and walked towards the house.The spirit, seeing that the boy was finally going where he needed to go, ignored his words and began to think about how he could persuade his brother to help him. Now that he calmed down a little, he realized how thoughtless his actions were initially and even somewhat ridiculous from the outside. After all, Eyra has had nothing to do with the magic tower for a long time. And the last time he saw him, he definitely made it clear that he would never return there. Even if he himself will die. Should he then even try to ask him for something?Anel pressed his hand to the wound and sent a small stream of magic there. The pain subsided, but the answer to the question was never found. Perhaps it was because he still hadn't forgiven him for the death of his master. Or maybe just because he didn't have the right to do it. After all, to be honest, what happened to them then was mostly his fault. But now it's too late to admit his mistakes (and he didn't want to do it at all). But how then to gain the favor of Eyre without this?Anel wanted to continue thinking, but he felt an evil look on him. He raised his head, and he was immediately forced to face the eyes of his brother wind spirit. It turned out that he was so immersed in himself that he did not notice at all how they arrived.- Brother, I haven't seen you for a long time. He flapped his wings and flew up to Eyre. The man put his hand forward, not allowing him to approach.- I already said last time that if you want to come visit, I won't mind. But don't call me to the tower or ask for help. I'm never going back there. – The wind spirit was gloomy and not at all happy to see his old acquaintance. Unlike the same Jay, who watched with great pleasure what was happening. Yes, that trait had woken up in him again, watching other people's gossip. And it is perhaps unnecessary to blame him for this. After all, but at the moment he had absolutely no entertainment in his life.Meanwhile, Anel, seeing his brother's tenacity, decided to push with force and called on his magic. Soon the bucket of water that was near the well was empty and what was there rose into the air and began to surround the wind spirit.- So you chose this method? Okay, then I won't be idle either. – The wind spirit began to summon its magic.In the distance, small hurricanes began to form. They gradually became bigger and bigger. As a result, such a wind rose that Jay lost all desire to watch it. And he seriously began to fear that not only all his works would disappear, but the only house too. And when he noticed that the water was rising from the well, he could no longer stand aside. Taking a few steps forward, he grabbed the spirits and squeezed them tightly, began to shake them, saying from time to time.- I don't give a damn what you didn't share. But I won't let you smash anything here. And either you're going to start talking normally now, or..." Jay squeezed his fingers tighter. "I'll dig a grave and bury you both in it." Is that clear? The spirits groaned in pain in response and nodded their heads like chickens.- What's going on here?! Who do you want to kill?! – At that moment, the spirit of the earth flew to the noise and, without understanding what was going on, resorted to magic to save his comrades.Jay, looking at how the earth golem wants to kill him, felt a great desire to take and bury all three bugs together.In the end, everything was sorted out and, having finally arranged a truce, they still listened to the spirit of water (as Jay defined it for himself). And it's not the point that he didn't go into much detail. Personally, one of his short sentences was enough for Jay to be seriously interested in this."So you're saying that the tower was attacked by its former owner. If he was the master, then he must know a lot of spells. Including-" Jay suddenly stopped. He didn't want to continue the thought out loud anymore, otherwise he would scare off his luck. Although it might well not be the person he was looking for at all. You never know how many magicians there are in the world who know about old spells.- I didn't expect anything else from the next owner of the tower, especially if he was simply chased away and left alive. Tc, what a mistake. While Jay was hiding his thoughts, the wind spirit began to gloat over his brother's situation."What do you mean?" What kind of mistake are we talking about? Are you hiding something? The water spirit narrowed his eyes and stared unblinkingly at his comrade. He suddenly began to guess why he did not want to return to the magic tower. But only on the surface. And to guess, and not to know everything at all. Perhaps it has something to do with the owners of the tower. And maybe... To hell with reasoning. It's better to shake the wind spirit to find out everything. The water Spirit raised his hand and a small ball of water formed on it.- Aren't we having a truce now? What are you starting again! And you think I'm going to tell you everything. You just won't believe me. And you'll also say that I'm talking nonsense. – The wind spirit felt a threat, hid behind Jay.- Why won't I believe it? Is our former master somehow involved here? – The water spirit removed the ball, but he still continued to drill with the eyes of the wind spirit.- Think what you want. Anyway, I'm not going to help you. Even if the magic tower collapses, do not contact me with such requests anymore. Anyway, I'm going to bed. Earth Spirit, are you coming? – The wind spirit completely ignored his former acquaintance and, yawning for the sake of appearance, headed to his place of sleep.- Well, I actually had to go to the tower. So I wouldn't mind going with him. – The spirit of the earth, who had been silent up to this time, thoughtfully replied. Rejoicing in the depths of his soul that he has not yet decided to leave here.- Well, as you know ... - the wind spirit soon disappeared."Is that all?" Is he really not going to help?! The water spirit, watching his retreating figure, shouted angrily. – Then why did I come here?- Well, in general, to pick us up. Jay replied. – And we'll figure it out somehow without him. I hope you have a transfer scroll?- I hope you're not serious, otherwise... how exactly are you going to help in a magical battle? Boy, you don't have not only magical talent, but also strength, as I see it, too. You're a kid at all. The water Spirit looked Jay up and down with disgust. Well, he didn't have a special love for ordinary people.- Blah, blah, blah... Finish the chatter and let's go before your former owner of the tower kills everyone and gets out of there with what he came there for. – Jay didn't care who had what opinion about him. He, ignoring someone's meaningless babble, asked to hurry up.- And what makes you think that he came there for some reason? Meanwhile, the water Spirit cast a suspicious glance at Jay and turned in the opposite direction. No, he didn't have any ego at all and it didn't hurt him. It's just... is this kid here the smartest one? He himself, by the way, did not immediately realize that the former owner of the tower had returned there for some reason. He believed that he wanted to regain his warm place. And this one... no, well, just look at it, he immediately thought of everything. These people... no, he would never love such creatures, much less treat them with respect. – I came for the wind spirit. Since he refuses, I go back alone. Goodbye, simpletons. – He took out a hidden scroll and was about to use it. But suddenly he was sternly hailed from behind.- You will go, but with us. The water Spirit turned around and shook nervously when he saw another boy. Well, of course he wouldn't behave like that when he felt that Eastern blood flows in the veins of this "dwarf". Those same damned people who, for as long as he could remember, had been the enemies of all spirits. They always loved to make fun of them, and to mock them in every possible way. And where only Aried looked when he rewarded them with such power. This God does not spare them at all."W-why should I take someone with me?" – But, despite the fear, the water spirit tried to object. – I don't know you at all. Here."You don't have to. All you have to do is take us to the tower.- I...It seemed that these two could endlessly push like this: one was tirelessly bragging, and the other was telling him what to do. But Jay had neither the desire nor the time to watch this circus. Despite the fact that he was oh so curious to find out where his neighbor came from and how long he had been eavesdropping on them. And that's definitely what he's been doing for the last few minutes. That's a nasty boy! No personal space with him. He goes everywhere and sticks his nose in. Does he have no life of his own?!But it already happened that seeing the magician was more important for him now. Therefore, he joined his neighbor and soon the two of them, having already psychologically pressed the water spirit, convinced him to take them with him. At the same time, before leaving, they almost forgot the spirit of the earth, who removed to a safe distance when Jay's neighbor appeared. And there was nothing for the crows to consider, which is exactly what Jay wanted to tell this spirit when they were on the spot. But as soon as he saw the magic tower famous from his sister's mouth... he opened his mouth and immediately closed it, swallowing all the words he wanted to say.A picture opened before his eyes: a tall old tower towered on a mountain ridge. Occasionally, when a strong wind blew around her, the howling of a pack of wolves could be heard. There was a feeling as if these animals had set up an ambush and were just waiting for a person to approach them. But at the same time, not a single trace could be seen on the ground strewn with large flakes of snow. It was white white, to such an extent that the eyes had to be closed for a while to get rid of the resulting blindness. A little further there was a green field with young spring grass, on which a herd of mountain goats grazed. They bleated loudly, eating juicy and fresh grass, leaving only untouched, white snowdrop flowers growing in places in the clearing. Spring was followed by autumn, which lived in the forest: either covered with purple leaves, or with pitch-black bark on the trees. Jay couldn't see him, he was too far from the place where they landed. Except perhaps only the black clouds hanging over the forest, due to the fact that they stood out very much in a cloudless sky.- Magicians live well. Jay said softly, having finished examining the area and turning his gaze to the goats. He suddenly wondered if there was cheese in it.It seems that he ate something similar in baking. But to see how a familiar product is sold with heads ... there was definitely no such thing. But why? Maybe it's just not common among the locals and it's only made in small quantities? Hmm, if no one has invented pizza here yet, macaroni has not been made, and no one has thought about cheese sauce at all, this is not surprising at all. After all, even if it is so and it is wrong to store it, it can get wet and moldy. And given that there is no refrigerator, in general it becomes clear why this product is not particularly popular. Of course, it's a shame that his taste is underestimated, but on the other hand it's good. It should probably be sold on the cheap.- Heh heh... My cheese company. – Jay smiled when he imagined how much he could earn on cheese sauce alone.Not one or two coins, but a whole bunch. With such wealth and winter can be safely met. And then spend it there, earning money on it every day. After all, here, unlike the same ketchup or guacamole, you can get cheese at any time of the year. In the beginning, of course, he will buy it if the price is satisfactory and the suppliers are good. And there you can already think about the cheese factory yourself, up to the goat farm. Again, there will be more profit if the company has its own.- My money. Ha ha... ha. – Jay's imagination was just playing out, and he almost went crazy about his future wealth. At least until someone hit him on the head, it was like that. – Ay, it hurts.- Stop counting crows. You said you'd help. So why are you standing here? An angry water spirit flitted around him.- Exactly. Then show me where to go. – Jay was not very happy that his thoughts were interrupted. But remembering that someone owed him money, he didn't get angry and soon followed the water spirit to the magic tower with the others.The closer they got to the entrance, the more clearly the noise was heard. Screams, the sound of blows, someone swearing, the clang of dishes.- Wei, I brought help with me. Are you still alive? The water spirit screamed, flying into the broken window. - what? This can't be happening. The dog! – After which his angry reaction followed.Jay did not pull and think what the water spirit saw there. Without stopping, he went to the door and was about to open it so that he could see the situation with his own eyes. But the door from the inside opened earlier."Who else is this? Jay looked at the man, who, judging by the gray hair on his temples, was in his early forties, and stepped aside as soon as he noticed the movements of his hands.- Get out of the way. – The unknown man said rudely, without raising his head and about to push Jay into the snow. Seeing that, in the end, they gave way to him, he left the tower and, after walking a few steps through the snow, suddenly turned around and cast a surprised glance in Jay's direction. – You?! It can't be... it's impossible!Jay didn't know what to say to this behavior of the peasant, since he didn't understand what was going on at all. Why did he suddenly stop and start shouting at him? Is he trying to accuse him of something? What kind of business is this... It's the first time he's ever seen him. Maybe some kind of money fraudster? And that his past world was full of such. And meanwhile, while Jay was wondering, this unknown turned around and ran away.- Fool. – Jay's neighbor said contemptuously and entered the tower.- I agree. – Jay traced where the unknown disappeared and followed him into the tower. Soon he completely forgot about what had happened, not attaching any importance to it.Alas, without even realizing that because of this so insignificant event, his fate has once again changed.

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