Chapter 13

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Jay, not having had time to leave the Earl's mansion, began to read the letter he had just received without delay. The news was not joyful and not bad:- It will take six months. Not bad. – He shook his head and noticed that someone was coming in his direction, hid the letter in his clothes.- Mr. Messenger, wait. The butler ran up to him. – A young gentleman wants to see you. Jay frowned."What could this fool want from me?" He thought for a minute about what other things needed to be done today and, nodding, went for the butler. He still had an extra minute.The butler led him to the back wing of the mansion, where there was a small training ground. Usually knights or the owners of the house themselves were engaged here. It looked like an ordinary field, only with a trimmed lawn.- It's yours. As soon as they were in place, the butler pulled out a sword from the air.- And for what purpose are you giving it to me? Jay picked up the sword, weighing it by its weight. It wasn't easy, so it's real.- The young gentleman wants to train, but can't find a partner. Since you are the right age, you will be his companion today. The butler adjusted his glasses, which he had recently begun to wear, and looked at Jay with a hard stare. Trying to hint, as it were, in this way, no refusals are accepted.Jay at this time wanted to say, what about the servants' children? When he passed by the kitchen, he saw three children of different ages. But seeing that they were looking at him like that, swallowing their words, suddenly guessing about the possible reason for all this. "That's an evil boy..."- OK. He smiled and took the hilt of his sword more comfortably, looking around for his temporary training partner. It turned out that he had just appeared and was walking towards them at a leisurely pace.Oddly enough, he was unprotected. Jay barely concealed his surprise, as this was clearly not in the character of the earl's son. The last time he rubbed his wrists after binding, he even let out a tear. Did you really stop being afraid of injuries so quickly? Something was clearly wrong here. So, his previous guess was correct. He's definitely up to something. And if so, so... Well, then let's enjoy participating in the upcoming conspiracy.Jay was waiting with great joy for them to start fighting with swords. Although he had experience in this matter, the cat did not cry. But he hoped that the sword would not be as difficult to control as the knife. Because he used to practice handling the latter from time to time. After all, who knows when trouble may come.It didn't take long to wait, as soon as the count's son approached, the butler stepped aside and allowed them to begin.Lunge. Retreat. Lunge. Contact with someone else's sword.Each movement required a certain amount of energy. Jay gradually began to sweat, but he was still trying to breathe evenly. The count's son looked no better than him. All his clothes were soaked with sweat, his hair was stuck together, but he also did not want to retreat from it. After all, he hadn't even wounded his opponent once yet. Well, what can I say here ... yes, Jay knew how to defend himself.This tug-of-war, when one tried to attack the other, lasted for some time until the butler got tired of it.- I think that will be enough for today.- It's too early to finish. – But the count's son did not agree with him."Young master, practicing the sword requires daily effort. It is impossible to comprehend everything in one day. – Knowing well how he wants to win, the butler began to persuade him, fearing that a little more and he would collapse from fatigue here. At this time, Jay came to his aid.- He's right, everything takes time. Besides, I'm already forced to take my leave. I have to go. He lowered the sword and wiped the sweat on his forehead, handing it to the butler. Not even believing that he had been involved in all this for so long, and also that the boy had never tried to frame him. He really took it seriously. Just amazing!After saying a few more words of farewell, Jay hurried away before anyone decided to detain him once again. He's had enough for today. By the way, he still needed the remaining strength. After all, but in connection with the postponement of the launch of the sauce on sale, plans for the future will have to be revised. After all, if you think about it, the count is right. If you want to get a good revenue from the sale of the sauce, you will need to enlist the support of some nobles, plus to fill the customer base. In this world, after all, there is no such advertising as there was in his past. But in principle, this is a better result than he initially expected."Only six months. That is, already this winter ..." Jay sighed and decided to shorten the way home through the forest, continuing to think mentally. If the count did not deceive him and calculated everything correctly, then he can safely spend the money received in the future from the magician on the construction of greenhouses, and there ... already with the profit from the sale of sauce to patch up the house. It's going to be November, it's not even winter yet. So he will have to cope with the cold weather. And, in the end, he has no choice but to do so. After all, if he does not have products that can be delivered in winter, then he is unlikely to last the winter at all. During this period of the year, it's not that he himself will have little to eat, so, among other things, there will be no money to buy the same food from someone. Besides, considering that he is no longer alone, but he has a whole family of rabbits and even turkeys have recently appeared ... the costs have now increased. It will be necessary, among other things, to buy the same bird from someone to feed them for the winter.- What a pity that ketchup can only stand for six months. If it had a shelf life of three years, I could, I've put on so much of it now... and no greenhouses would be needed. But after all, with pesto, the problem then arises for the same reason. It will generally last even less. – Jay frowned, it seemed that wherever you turn, there was a pit waiting for you everywhere. It was impossible to do without greenhouses. – What a pity that I can't even get a meager share from the treasury from my status as a prince. No... in this way I will not get out on vacation soon. – Jay wilted. Once again, he had to bury the desire to escape and see the world.So, thinking about different things, Jay got home. It was not quiet here as always. The rabbits could be heard tapping on the cages with their paws, as if beating a drum. How the turkeys squeaked and two spirits laughed next to them. Hearing the hilarity in that tone, Jay felt a headache. These two fools were starting to do something again. Obviously, it was a mistake not only to allow the spirit of the wind to live in the house, but also to allow the spirit of the earth to stay. It was necessary to drive them all away.- And who am I just so kind to? – Jay was surprised at himself and headed into the house, deciding to look in on the spirits a little later and check what they were doing there and whether they were doing his errand at all, to feed the animals. But first of all now it was necessary to throw off all these sticky clothes. While he can still tolerate it.Taking a change of clothes in the closet, Jay went to the well and finally, getting rid of the sticky cloth, poured a bucket of warm water over himself. The weather was warm now, so the water itself warmed up during the day. With the second bucket, which Jay recently bought for himself, he washed off the shampoo.- No, Wei is still better. – Jay, busy with business, did not immediately notice that he was not alone. It was only when he finished washing and began to dry off that he heard someone mumbling. Turning around, he saw a familiar magician."Ugh..." He immediately swore to himself. "What the hell is he doing here?" Does he have nothing better to do than watch others wash?" He mentally rolled his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief when he remembered that he was wearing underpants. Although they both had the same gender, but Jay somehow did not want to be under the eyes of a pervert. And that's exactly how he christened the magician after this incident.- You came early somehow. Jay spoke first, throwing a towel over himself.- Something happened. The magician replied, not noticing the boy's thoughts at all. – You need everything you have.- Hmm, just out of curiosity, how many of you live in the tower? Jay asked in response, trying to figure out how it was possible to destroy so much food in these two short weeks."About thirty or more?" - The magician frowned, as if he himself did not understand, and, in fact, how many of them are left now? He decided to remember last night and everyone who gathered because of what happened, thereby transferring his mind to the events of yesterday...

Although I am now a prince, but in order to survive...BLWhere stories live. Discover now