Chapter 22

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Jay wiped the sweat from his forehead and moved a little away from the hot steam. But it was a little late to do it already. By this time his face had turned red, tears were coming from his eyes, and his nose was itching from the wildly pungent smell in the air.- Apchi... never liked Mexican food. And as a result? I know only one single recipe where you can use corn. Grandma, why didn't you tell me more? After all, I don't know how to make that starch at all. Jay started complaining when he was at a safe distance from the still cooking soup. And he did it, whether it was for himself or for his grandmother, it was unclear.After sneezing, Jay washed off the sharp steam from his face and checked the already prepared second soup with baked rabbit meat. Well, judging by its rich smell and dark red color, which he acquired mainly because of tomatoes, it could already be sold right now. Since by this time he even managed to brew.- OK. I hope his taste won't seem strange to others. Somehow I don't want to lose clients. – Jay tasted the soup at the end and nodded with satisfaction. Refreshing and a little spicy, in such weather, when the cold has not yet come, it will have to gain popularity, albeit a little. And there already, when autumn and winter come, you can add sharpness and send others to sell it without worrying that you can incur a loss. – Yes, in the end, I myself will not always be able to look after this small business. I have other things to do. - Having finished checking the soup, Jay looked at the remaining hot pepper.As many as four bundles...! It was too much. Among other things, it also needed to be used somewhere else so that it would not disappear. Well, or rather, it didn't dry out, since there was already enough dried chili from Jay. He dried himself enough of this product about a month ago.- Hmm, can I try to make hot oil and sauce? Jay scratched his chin thoughtfully, trying to figure out if there would be a demand for such things.The question was very important, because if he failed, he could not only incur a loss, but he also had to come up with a separate plan to save the same hot oil. In fact, unlike the sauce, it could not stand for a long time, especially in the heat and would quickly deteriorate. Again, here, if we remember that summer is about to end ... it is not known when the cold will actually come. And since he cannot use such a product for himself because of his young age. And his six-year-old stomach will instantly get sick if he eats spicy food every day. It was necessary to prepare the most profitable siding.Jay thought and thought for some time and did not come up with anything better than how to use it in recipes known to him. Hot sauce could be perfect for buns with stuffing, and butter... it can be used without any problems in the same hot pot, which is only cooked in winter."Why didn't I think of that right away?" It's the perfect solution to the problem. So nothing will be lost, but there will be a double benefit. I can say that this is a secret recipe and slightly increase the price. – When Jay thought about the future price, multiple numbers appeared in his eyes, and he immediately laughed out loud, as if he had a premonition that at any second he could become fabulously rich and finally start traveling to interesting places in this world without worrying about his own future anymore.- I'm on business. – But Jay was not allowed to be happy for a long time. Suddenly, the spirit of the earth appeared in front of him and brought him back to reality.- What do you want? – He asked frowningly when he remembered that he had no money in the present. And the future... it still needs to be lived up to.- I remember you asked me to fly for compensation. Well... I got the money. The wind spirit shook an old rusty chest that was twice his size and hung with wind magic in the air.- Really? – Jay looked at the trunk incredulously, not a bit in disbelief. Why would he believe at all? He still had fresh memories where the spirit categorically refused to fly to the tower of magicians. How did he suddenly change his mind? It didn't smell very good. – Is there really money there?- of course. Look, - in the next second, the wind spirit put the box on the floor and opened the lid.Before Jay's eyes, coins really appeared... a lot of coins, the number of which he had never seen so much in his life. Here, apparently, there was a double or even triple amount, the one that he managed to earn last time on the sale of pickled vegetables. "There are so many of them... that's how much I can buy with them. But wait, what is it? Jay was delighted when he saw the glitter of the money, but as soon as he looked closely and noticed the strange blue glow emanating from each of the coins, he frowned.- It's really money. But tell me spirit, why do they glow?- It's okay. It's just the remnants of a curse."About... what?" You mean you brought me the damn money? Do you want me to die?! Jay glared angrily at the wind spirit with his red eyes, which had become so from lack of sleep.- Calm down, calm down... didn't you hear what I just said? These are his remnants. I have already lifted the curse itself. – The spirit, just in case, rose up and hung over the ceiling itself.- What's the difference between leftovers or not. This money is cursed anyway.- A big one. In this case, you just have a little stomach cramp. No serious consequences, as you can see.- Are you sure you can't die from them? The Spirit shook his head. – Hmm, in that case... if I touch them with gloves, will the remnants of the curse not touch me? After calming down a bit, Jay finally decided to leave the trunk. After all, he was not one of those people who squanders money, even if they were a little cursed.- It works only when a person touches them with an open area of skin. A weak magician was setting up a spell.- Okay, then maybe I'll use it, but first I'll check what the butler bought. – Jay turned off the Mexican chowder, which should have stopped languishing on the fire long ago, and closed the trunk with a rag."Is anyone home?" – At this time, someone's voice was heard outside. – I brought the order. Will you pick it up?- And who else is this and what order are we talking about? Butler, what exactly did you buy at the market?! – Jay frowned and went to look for the old man, at the same time going to deal with the visit of an unexpected guest, leaving the spirit of one full of indignation.- Where are you going? Why are you leaving? Don't you think you've forgotten something? Hey... where's my reward? Why doesn't anyone thank me? The wind spirit soon hurried after Jay.Jay was deaf and dumb to the words of the spirit and, after checking all the rooms, but not finding either the old man or the cook, went to greet the guest. Throwing these two into the background for now. Those, apparently, are in the garden again, eating it up. They loved this business lately.- And what are you here about? – After the greeting, Jay immediately got down to business, looking suspiciously, then at the kid with a hat on his head, then at a huge something hidden under a blanket behind his back, lying on the ground. – If you have something to offer, I don't need anything. And services too...- Stop, stop. You have already ordered the services from us. Here is the document. The kid pulled a scroll out from under his T–shirt and shoved it at Jay. – Everything is clearly written here. We deliver, and you pay the rest of the amount. – When Jay started reading, the boy pointed to the end of the contract.- I haven't actually reached that point yet. Stand and wait. - Of course, it seemed strange to him. They immediately indicate where and what. Apparently, there was a catch somewhere in this documentation, if not a deception. He was going to study it completely, moving some distance away so that no one would interfere with him.From what followed, Jay learned that it was a contract for the provision of services, establishments "three crows". The paragraphs listed exactly what services the Three crows provided and their obligations. In a word, there was a crude advertisement. And only at the end it was written who exactly hired them and for what, and next to the signature of the customer there was an amount with a prepayment of 50%. That is, he still had to pay the remaining part. Ugh!!!Jay finished reading and handed back the contract, mentally scolding the old man. Did he at least see the full amount when he signed his signature? Why couldn't he deliver it himself? Was he sorry for the horse? So she didn't carry such heavy things. What if the spirit hadn't brought the money? What should he do then?! But although he was angry at his employee right now, there was something about this situation that aroused his curiosity."So you're from the magic tower. I didn't think magicians could get out of it.- The old man is gone, now we have a new head of the magic tower, which means new laws. We were given permission and now no one needs to look for us to ask for a favor. After all, not everyone can find our magic tower. Yes, and I think it's right that he did so. – The kid added at the end, as if he wanted to dispel his remaining doubts about the decision of their current head of the magic tower. After all, it happened too suddenly. He was absent for several days, and when he recently returned, he suddenly changed almost everything. – No matter what happens in the future. No matter what happens. Well, so I delivered everything you need, as agreed. Please melt now. – Then he said something to himself and suddenly got back to business.- I'll bring the remaining amount now. – Jay had little interest in the boy's oddities. He was only surprised by the changes that had taken place in the tower of magicians and, leaving him for a couple of minutes, went to get money. – Here you go. – Soon he returned, carrying a small purse and passing money directly in it. Perhaps it is not worth mentioning that these were the "cursed" coins. – Spirit, will he notice their defect as a magician or not? And while he was counting the coins, Jay turned very quietly to the wind spirit.- If he doesn't look too closely, he won't see it. But I would still advise you to hide somewhere in the next few days. Most magicians are vindictive, and some do not understand jokes at all. The wind spirit replied, hiding behind Jay.- If you want to scare me now because you didn't get anything delicious in exchange for such a generous gift. Then you shouldn't be doing this. The mice made a raid because of you, which means you had a debt.- What a debt. I've never owed anyone anything.- Oh, and even that friend who came with another magician last time? You and I both know that's not true. Is everything right? – Noticing that the boy was putting away his wallet, Jay finished this already meaningless conversation with the spirit and turned to the magician.- Yes, thank you. If you need magical services in the future, come to us. What needed to be delivered is here. Well, I'm off," pointing to something covered with a veil, the magician tore the scroll that appeared in his hands and disappeared.- It's good, however, to be a magician. Scrolls are free... – Jay saw him off, not envying him at all, and went to see what kind of delivery was there.He threw the bedspread aside, and sighed in disappointment when he saw two mattresses and wooden beds in disassembled form."Just a bed. – Jay was going to hide it back until the butler arrived.- Has it been delivered yet? "But he's already arrived.- Delivered, you can collect and put. – Jay turned around and looked at his two employees, who were standing with a bowl full of berries.In the end, he did not reproach the old man for embezzling money. After all, if you look at the sleeping place like that, they really needed to be furnished in the first place, and you can't pull it off. One of them has old bones, and his daughter... it wouldn't be human at all to make her sleep on the floor. And fortunately the money was for payment, so it's better to forget about this incident."But, perhaps, it would not hurt to check if the butler bought everything from my list. The bed is expensive, it might not be enough for something in the end."- Where did you unload the things from the cart? Jay asked, finally considering the situation.- Everyone's in the garden. – These two began to inspect their future beds, trying to figure out how they could be assembled, and Jay left in the direction indicated to him.Arriving soon at the place, he began to inspect the cart, which, as it turned out, was not unloaded. They just untied the horse from her and put it aside.- Here are the workers, they can't do anything worthwhile without me. - He complained to himself and began rummaging through things, not paying attention to some sitting on a raspberry bush and sadly muttering something, eating berries in between.- Should I leave or not? It's certainly good here. Silence is calm, but it will end soon. No, we have to run. What if I don't have time to find a house before the cold weather? No, it's better to stay. But I could die like that. Oh, what should I do?"Shut up and eat berries in peace!" Jay thought to himself, hearing this long-suffering nonsense very well. The spirit of the earth has found a problem for me too. If you want to fly away, then please, the way is clear. And if not, just admit it to yourself and stop playing the fool. In an extreme case, I could take an example from the spirit of the wind. If he decides something, he just does it."No, I won't let a single spirit live here anymore. No matter how this little thing begs." Jay decided for himself at this moment, finishing with the inspection of the purchased things by the butler. Yes, he finished this case so quickly, because there was basically nothing to look at. The old man didn't buy anything except dishes and groceries.- Well, at least now there will be something to sell rabbit and chowder in. Jay didn't get angry at the butler. And it made sense to do it when it was all about money. If he had given him more coins, perhaps he would even have bought new seeds. And so... Now even the cheese in the mousetrap is not free now. What does he even want? – That's the count... and he had to leave at such a time. The demand for sauce has just started to go. – At this time, Jay could not get around the count. He, as a business man, made a promise to do business with him and in such a difficult hour ... well, it's just a crime to take and leave! – Maybe I should look for another business partner? – Jay thought for a second and soon dismissed the idea.What else...! Doesn't he have anything else to do? Then you will have to find out everything about the person. And since he has no connections, you probably need to pay for the information. As in the case of the head of the homeless, which he is about to do. Now only these small glass jars are filled with food and you can, in principle, move out into the city. And it's okay that it's already far past noon, he has a wind spirit, so he should get there by evening. Unless, of course, someone suddenly wants to be stubborn. And he can and still how.- He agreed to move me, didn't he? – Jay cast a thoughtful glance at the shrub with berries and smiled. - Definitely agree. – Taking one of the cans, he began to pick berries, intending to use them instead of fare.At the same time, in a distant city, a count familiar to Jay was sitting in an armchair. He looked gloomy. Well, of course, when he recently received so many injuries.... What's there to be happy about?- Go without any support. You almost killed us! Do you even know that? Since when don't you have trusted people? – Right now, he was not having a very pleasant conversation. His own younger brother.- It's been a long time since you've been to your native estate, since you don't know all the news. Locusts have been eating our fields for the second year in a row. I no longer have the money to pay the same proxies. And there is unrest in the city right now, no one wants to stay here. – His brother, an exact copy of him, only younger by a couple of years, reacted sluggishly to the anger of the interlocutor."Then why didn't you write me a letter?" Do you think I wouldn't help?- What's the use? You've seen for yourself what's going on here today. Do you think money can solve this problem? He shook his head. – Not when people start to be afraid. And it's not about the rampant robbers. It's moving forward. It's on its way. Every living being feels it. And it's not for nothing that he starts to be afraid.- You're talking about the disaster again... How many times have I told you that it's still a couple of years away. Our country is not in danger yet.- How long have you been leaving your possessions? – The interlocutor asked mockingly. – And how long have you heard bad news from neighboring cities? You live near the capital. Of course, they will be silent about it, so as not to frighten people! Besides, as you remember, she is under the protection of serious charms. Even if the disaster comes, it will not immediately affect the capital! What can I say, our king is a very prudent person and did his best for his comfortable life. Not at all like the old king, who didn't care about such trifles. I wonder if he actually died then? It would be good if not. Then he could come back one day.- Brother, did you really believe our neighbor's gossip again? He didn't run away and didn't use any secret spell to hide. He was poisoned and died. Even the funeral was official. This happened back in the days when I first arrived at my estate. So many years have already passed ... - The Count remembered those distant times and for a while there was silence in the office. When his mind returned to the present, he immediately inquired about the following. - Why did she even decide to talk about it? – He didn't understand it at all.- Who knows this old woman. Elle was also surprised.- Since we're talking about the daughter-in-law... how is she? I haven't seen her in the three days I've been here.- Oh, she is now trying to calculate the losses for this year and how much food we have left in the barn. As for me, it's a completely useless thing. And so it is already clear that by the end of this year our county will go bankrupt. I'm afraid we'll have to move and look for a better place.- Then maybe you will stay with me for a while? I have plenty of room, and there's enough food for everyone. This year we have a good harvest in the fields. There will be a lot of flour.- Do you think I was seriously talking about moving just now? Where will I go... if I'm not here, our family estate will be stolen. Yes, and I have lived here all my life, my father and the rest of the generations have also lived here. He waved his hand, categorically refusing his brother's offer. But how can this stop the count from making a decision that he has already made?- No, you're going. You'll take your family, things, everything you need. It's stupid at such a time, as you put it yourself, to hold on to a piece of land. If you don't want to worry about your life, then think about your wife. To die of hunger or a peasant who ran into the house, who wanders here in search of food. Is this, in your opinion, a good death?!- First of all, don't shout. And secondly... how long do you think it will take for the commotion to begin there? Maybe next year, too, there will be no harvest and everyone will start starving. I don't see the point in going. "But his brother was no less stubborn than he was resolute. – If you really end your life somewhere, then only in your native walls.- That's just your opinion. Sister-in-law, what do you think yourself? – The count looked at the door of the study, and it immediately opened and a girl entered. She was in her early twenties. She was dressed simply, which did not correspond to her status, but at the same time she did not lose her elegance at all."Honey, are you done with your chores yet?" Good. We're done here, too. My brother was about to leave. It's time to spend it. – Knowing that soon no one will consider his opinion, the man got up from his chair, ending the discussion.- I just finished counting. We won't even last a month. I'm afraid we really have to leave the estate. The girl looked at the man wearily and shook her head.- But we've... lived here all our lives."You're only thirty. Not even half of my life has passed yet. What are you talking about?! I think we can go at dawn? – The girl looked at her husband in bewilderment, then turned to the count.- I think yes, it will not be so dangerous to go. And what about what's going to happen next... you're worrying for nothing. If something really happens, I think I have someone who can help us."And who is it?" – Drooping, asked the count's brother, sitting back down. In the end, everything was decided for him. How unfortunate...!- The Duke from the East.- East? But this is... are you sure it's Bayverd?- Get ready, we'll discuss everything later. It's getting dark, there's almost no time left. – The count did not go into more details of the case and hurried his brother, thinking about how he could contact the messenger of Duke Grai Dalverdan in the near future.Jay suddenly sneezed unconsciously. Is anyone really thinking about him now?- Are you crazy? It's getting late. You're going to mess up my sleep schedule. - However, it doesn't matter now. We need to somehow achieve cooperation with the spirit, that's the main thing.- If you are going to carry out my small such errands in the near future, I may think about providing you with fresh fruit in winter. – "Well, or at least I'll stock up on dried fruits and give them to him. It's almost fresh fruit, too." Jay did not say the last one, fearing that the wind spirit would not agree with such demands. After all, he loved to eat exclusively fresh food."Magical errands, you mean?" Perhaps I will agree, but the fee must match. I'm afraid fruit alone can not do here. The request is serious. – The wind spirit, who was recently disturbed by the magic tower, suddenly came up with a brilliant idea. Wait, why doesn't he try to kill two birds with one stone? Not only make your life comfortable, but also safe? He's a genius! "You're going to have to do something for me.- What exactly? Jay frowned, expecting a trick. And that one, judging by the insidious smile of the spirit, will definitely be.- Also small such assignments. I'll tell you later when the time comes. - But the spirit was smart and did not immediately reveal all the cards.- Okay, I agree. – Jay reluctantly concluded an oral agreement between him and the spirit. His ass felt that it wouldn't be so easy here. But how could he have done otherwise? Unfortunately, fast delivery was important to him right now.- Fine, - the wind spirit rubbed his hands contentedly. "Then I'll get to work immediately. Where are you saying you need to deliver?- I hope I won't regret it. To the city, the one from where you delivered the butler today. Just make sure nothing gets broken along the way. – Jay took a place already in the prepared cart, and, having made sure that everything was tied, gave the go-ahead to the spirit.He immediately lifted the horse and cart into the sky in an instant, and when it reached the clouds, he allowed it to float smoothly forward with the help of the wind. The animal, which was not the first time I traveled like this, did not feel much fear. But still, despite this, I wanted to get into the cart, so to speak, to be closer to Jay. If something happens, she can try to cover herself with this person.- Stay where you are. – Jay, even if he didn't know her thoughts, still wouldn't let her approach him. What else! It was just not enough for her to crush all his efforts with her carcass.Thus, Jay had to be vigilant all the time. He was only able to relax after two hours of their leisurely journey, when they landed successfully a few miles from the city.- Brrr... You would have used a warmer wind another time. – Jay got out and, moving his frozen limbs, began to tie the horse to the cart.- Only with the north wind you can get there very quickly. If you want to be warm, just entrust all the horses. – The spirit, unlike the boy, felt fine. Well, of course! After all, he surrounded himself with the south wind before moving out. And deep down at that moment I was very glad that someone had to suffer. Finally, he somehow repaid this boy.- You know, if a horse could, like you, I would drive all of you spirits away. – Jay finished doing the job and climbed into the cart. Soon he started off and drove forward.It took him a moment to notice that someone was catching up behind him. Only when the horse's clacking became more audible did the boy turn around.- Wow, you're alive. The knight who was in a hurry, seeing Jay's face, slowed down, saying weakly. – Recently found a boy who looks like you. Luckily it's not you. Are you going to sell something today too? – Thinking about the food he ate last time, the man forgot about what he had been talking about a minute earlier and immediately asked the question he was most interested in now. Without noticing how Jay's face fell in surprise. So, a man like him was recently killed. Is it a coincidence?- Today I have small dishes for warming up. I plan to bring them as soon as the cold weather comes. – Jay pretended as if what was said did not affect him and, showing the goods to the knight, as if purely out of curiosity, he asked. – And how often do children find dead here?- Yes, I wouldn't say. Since these orphans have had a chief, their mortality has decreased many times. Before, how was it before him? They were very much stealing, for which they died accordingly. After all, but we are strict with this case. Three or four corpses were collected every week. But thanks to him, the work has decreased. – Zel began to inspect the goods, debating whether to take them or not. Some kind of candle with a strange color. But even in the first purchase, the water in which the tomatoes were was almost bloody. And as a result, what? It tastes very even. Zel scratched his newly grown mustache thoughtfully, trying to make a choice.Jay distracted him again at this moment with his question, not even realizing that he could thereby lose the client.- Did he really manage to unite all these orphans together and take the lead among them? I've heard that they usually have everyone for themselves.- Well, between us, in fact it has remained so. They just got some work that their head provides in exchange for food. About how this boy managed to become the main one... I don't know. It actually happened quite strangely, to be honest. Just one day it became less noisy on the streets of the city. Well, one of our people wanted to find out why. As a result, I found out that they had a boss."Right out of nowhere like that?"- There is a rumor about him. They say that he is from the former nobility, and there who knows him. Okay, let's take four each. – In the end, Zel decided to buy, not intending to stay here any longer. After all, but he was in a hurry to his superiors with a very important assignment. It will be bad if he is not paid extra for urgency.Jay, as usual, voiced a not very expensive amount and as soon as he received the money and was left alone, he could not help but swear.- Damn it! Seriously?! There is nothing?! Do I have to do everything myself? Aah... not a second of peace. And what should I spend my youth on? He lay down on the cart and sighed sadly. It seems that his desire to find out everything at least here without doing anything is not destined to come true.- No, after all, what weak people live today. As that so immediately suffering. - The wind spirit, watching Jay from the side, snorted, then asked about the next one. – Will you still need me today?- Apparently, yes. I'll have to go to some place. You'll cover for me there if anything happens. Who knows how he will behave in our second meeting. But that's after I sell everything here. While you can sleep. Jay sat down again and guided the horse to his usual place. Soon he was on the spot and, having opened the "roadside snacks", began to wait for customers.And then the evening dragged on for a long time for Jay. Since, unlike the same day, not very many people passed by at night. Perhaps it was because of the night robbers, or perhaps because of the wild animals that sometimes came out of the forest to hunt when it got dark. But the fact remained that Jay's trading was going badly. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the end he had enough endurance to sit only until midnight and leave with half of the unsold goods.But of course Jay wasn't really going to keep it for himself. After all, then all his early efforts to save the harvest would have been in vain. But this could not be allowed. He simply decided to come back to this a little later, when there will be more people traveling. Closer to morning. In the meantime, in order not to accidentally oversleep by this time, hiding the horse, I went to visit my friend.It cannot be said that he was not a coward before this. After all, the enemy was unknown to him at the moment. What if he has the same magic? Or what kind of spirit does he have? Well, or does he carry any hidden weapons with him at all? The same knight, no information was given to him about this red-haired boy. And although about who the enemy is, it would still be worth figuring out. Maybe things weren't really the way Jay thought they were. But he could not fail to make his enemies this leader in one case or another. After all, it was because of him that he fell into a trap and almost died. And after that, do you want him to be friends with this deceptive bastard?! Yes, he would rather challenge him to a duel with swords than endure such a thing.The city was quiet. There was no sound of a drunkard, no cry of night birds, not even the footsteps of strangers. Jay got to the habitat of the leader of the vagabonds, looking around all the time. After the last visit, by the way, his nerves got a little loose. Because of which, as a result, the wind spirit almost suffered.- Will I help you there soon? – When he sleepily asked Jay how soon he would get to the place, he almost crushed him. – Are you quite already? Who are you trying to raise your hand against?- I asked you to keep quiet earlier. Why did you suddenly decide to talk? It's his own fault. – Jay rubbed his red eyes and hid a yawn, feeling no remorse at all about this. You'd think too much, he almost killed him. This is a blatant lie and slander. If he had tried to kill him, he would have lain down next to him, most likely. Because knowing the spirit, he definitely took the murderer with him to the grave. – And in general... he screamed here like some kind of hysterical woman. Night on the street. People are sleeping. Don't stop them from resting.- So it turns out I'm to blame now? Eh?! Me?! What impudence!! And you still want me to help you after that? Well, you know...- Quiet, we're here. – Jay shoved the spirit back into his pocket, and swallowing nervously, entered the territory of the leader of the vagabonds. The wind spirit at this moment had no choice but to shut up and promise himself to take revenge on the boy a little later.

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