Chapter 10

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A strong wind was blowing. My ears were ringing. The horse had long since stopped screaming from fright and now only cowardly clung to Jay, who, by the way, was about to run out of patience.- Listen to the wind spirit, finish your performance and let us down already? We've been hanging for three days already. Jay turned to the spirit, trying to make his tone sound pleasant. For the time being, he had had enough of this trick, which he threw out on the road. But who knew that he would not do some petty dirty trick, but "this".What exactly is it? If anyone is interested, listen carefully.Initially, the road was smooth. Jay took supplies with him, fed the horse before leaving, and they rode out. So the day passed. The second... on the fifth, the wind spirit could not stand such boredom and, under the pretext that he was the fastest way to get them to the tower, used his magic. The wind rose, which gradually turned into a hurricane, and with it Jay found himself in the very epicenter of it and had to follow this hurricane. Since he was not afraid of heights, he calmly waited for the spirit to play enough, and they would be able to move to the tower in a normal way. But the day passed, the second, the fourth began. The Spirit still didn't even think to finish his joke. Jay was getting tired of it.But it cannot be said that the spirit of the wind was also delighted with this. After all, he was so expecting the boy to cry cowardly and start begging him to return to earth, and not lazily lie on the cart all this time and eat his poek.- I won't let you down until you cry. Finally, he decided to voice his thoughts out loud. "Aren't you scared?" It's so high. What if you fall? Come on, squeeze out at least one tear.- Why should I be scared? – Jay pushed the horse away from him and crouched down, looked down. Everything seemed so small there. However, Jay did not tremble inside from such a height. He just shrugged his shoulders. – Well, I'll fall and fine. I'm not afraid to die, - "It's the first time it's scary to die, and when the second time ... it's much easier to go through it already." Jay thought to himself, and at that moment he began to look even braver than before.- Well, we'll see about that. – The spirit of the wind decided to act in a tougher way and, having intensified the hurricane, began to throw into it everything that came across on the way: stones, trees, forest animals...- What kind of bastard decided to make a mess on my territory? – Just as the chaos began, someone's angry voice suddenly sounded.Jay immediately turned his head at the sound of it, along with the horse sitting in the cart. And the spirit nervously hiccupped from the fear that surged over him, and instantly stopped the mess, smoothly lowered the cart down and hid under it. Going to put all the blame on Jay, and pretend like he's not here. Since it would be more expensive to meet this person. It was the guardian of the magic tower, after all.- It won't help. Meanwhile, the unknown grinned and quickly followed the cart, thinking that the intruder was going to escape. However, oddly enough, no one was going to run away. – Hmm, - He frowned in perplexity, but still went downstairs.Seeing an ordinary boy on the cart, from whom not a drop of magic came, and a frightened horse. The unknown scratched his head, trying to figure out who could make this commotion. Maybe this fat boy is wearing some kind of amulet capable of hiding traces of magic? In any case, there was not even a ghost nearby, which means that only one person could be under suspicion.Jay, who does not know that he was called a fat man, was also frowning at this time. Since, judging by the squint of the stranger's green eyes, he quickly realized that he wanted to hang some kind of case on him. In this regard, he decided to contact him first.- Are you a magician? – Noticing that the guy, who looked to be about twenty years old, was floating freely in the air, Jay put forward a proposal.- It depends on what purpose you were driving on this road, fat man.The fat man? Maybe Jay misheard? Although he looks pretty chubby for his age, but hey, he's only only 5 years old. Has the right to look the way he wants. How did this bad magician dare to call him fat? Jay had black wrinkles on his face. He was not only angry, but also deeply angry.- I didn't think that magicians couldn't even observe basic etiquette. To call a pretty beautiful and cute child... that's rude of you. – While saying this, Jay did not notice how his cheeks puffed out, either from resentment or anger.But it did not hide from the magician's eyes, and he corrected himself a little, still did not forget to add maliciously at the end, amusing with this look:- Well, yes, and, really, quite nice. Just like a girl. Then he laughed.Jay only snorted at this and did not fall for such a provocation. Is he a fool? Here, even a blind man would have realized that he was clearly not a girl. But about the weight... it's good that he stopped talking about it. So, he can go straight to the main thing."I'm going to the Mage Tower on an important matter. But since you're from there, I'll tell you everything. Recently, near the king's palace, I picked up a boy in an unconscious state. He's a pure-blooded magician. Have you lost anyone? – Jay stopped behaving rudely and spoke in a businesslike tone, looked seriously at the magician.- What does he look like? – The mockery suddenly disappeared from his face at once and even the tone of his voice changed. Jay clearly underestimated this magician, he was able to switch to a business tone quite quickly.After describing the boy's appearance, Jay began to wait for the moment when it would be possible to put forward the conditions for his return back. But the magician didn't say a word about it. Hearing a familiar description of his appearance, he tied his white hair with a ribbon again and asked him to urgently give the exact address where he is. Jay thought about it a little, informed him, deciding that he could wait for a while and not talk about the reward. The matter could wait patiently. After all, the boy was still in his house, thousands, thousands of miles away. Thinking about this, Jay did not take into account the fact that there is a magician in front of him and soon these miles can turn into nothing, since he can directly use the transition from one place to another.It dawned on him the next time he blinked and saw his house in the distance in front of him. He had no choice but to silently swear to himself: "Damn magicians... why did he manage it so easily?" and, harnessing the horse back to the cart, go home with the magician. Although perhaps this method of transportation was a good one. I didn't have to spend an extra week on the road. He was just a little jealous. After all, the magician just clicked his finger and was already where he wanted to be. Perhaps, it will be necessary to buy portal scrolls for yourself in the future, but more. Even if he is a simple person, he will definitely be able to use them.Because of the instantaneous transfer, they got to Jay's house pretty quickly. It took only fifteen minutes. Immediately upon arrival, the magician asked Jay to take him to the one he picked up. He nodded his head, not taking his eyes off the over-dug vegetable garden and the pile of rabbits jumping on it.Tomatoes. Corn. Carrot. What was done to her....! Taking advantage of the absence of the owner, the rabbits arranged a real holiday for themselves and plucked everything they could eat from the bushes or pulled it off the ground. Now understand that it was once a vegetable garden.... Yes, it's some kind of pile of dirt mixed with some kind of plant! No more. The only thing that was not touched here was hot pepper and melons.- Stewed rabbit, baked rabbit, rabbit royally, rabbit with apples, rabbit in sauce..."Did you say something?" – The Magician thought he misheard. Has he really just heard the recipes of the dishes?- Don't pay attention to me, - Jay waved his hand, continuing on the way to the house, remembering all the recipes of rabbit dishes known to him. Well, he will have a holiday today! The main thing is to catch them all and fry them! So that they never come here again.No, well, it's necessary... just like that, to take advantage of the absence of the owner! They'll regret it! Undoubtedly, they will regret it!- Come on in, - Jay invited the magician into the house, intending to finish business with him as soon as possible. It was necessary to tackle the rabbits before they found out anything.Rabbits at this moment: "Why did it get so cold? Is the weather changing again?" They looked at the sky and, not seeing a single cloud on the horizon, stopped worrying and continued their occupation. "More... trample more with your feet. So that this boy knows that he can't mess with us. Mmm... and don't forget to eat this delicious orange thing."- He's here. – They entered the house and when they passed by the kitchen, Jay was about to point to the corner where he had built a bed for the selected boy. But out of the corner of my eye I noticed a familiar figure in the kitchen, so I quickly pointed there and went there without delay, trying to figure out what exactly the boy who came to himself was doing in his house.As it turned out, he was eating up Jay's supplies. Putting it on the table, and next to it putting out all the food that he found here, and it took half a cup, he sat and ate it all quickly. Jay at first even wanted to remind him of his presence, but seeing that the boy was going to throw hot pepper into his mouth, Jay decided to wait. But there is nothing to take his products without asking. Let him start by paying at least for a box of strawberries that he ate. A whole box! So much money is gone...- A-a-a.... Water! Water! – When the little magician realized that something was wrong, it was already too late. He ate the pepper, and his mouth began to burn mercilessly."Wei, is that really you?" – And while Jay was scooping water from a bucket with a mug to a lover of someone else's food, the magician walked quickly to him and hugged him tightly. – You're really alive. Damn lucky in this life.- What is it? What's happening? Senior? Where are you from? How did you end up here? Wei, not quite understanding what was happening, tried to get out of the tight embrace.- Actually, I'm behind you. After you left, the old man was angry. – The magician loosened his embrace and moved a little to the side, not taking his eyes off Wei and thinking about something of his own at this moment. Wrinkles appeared on his forehead from time to time. "Was he still alive then? Or is it happening now because of me?""To hell with the old man. It was by his grace that I almost died. Had I used that spell to the end... - Wei frowned and, having stopped waving his hand at the tongue that was burning, began to drink the water held out by Jay from the mug. His eyes were red at that moment, water was running from his nose. The taste of the pepper was too hot. "You're not going to do anything about it?" – He turned to the magician when he had drained the whole mug.- I'll figure it out, but I'll ask you not to get involved. He walked up to Wei again and wiped the tears on his face with his index finger. Then he turned his gaze to the boxes standing here. – Is this all yours, fat man? He asked Jay.This time, Jay has already rolled his eyes at this nickname and, thinking that, perhaps, it is worth strengthening his morning workout, positively replied."How much more of this do you have?"- Until the next harvest.- Hmm, - the magician nodded his head, and after carefully examining and counting all the boxes, suddenly asked. – Do you know about the disaster?- I know. Who doesn't know about him nowadays. Jay replied, not quite understanding why he asked about it and rejoicing that there was no wind spirit here. Otherwise, he would have laughed at him for sure.Wind spirit: "He knows... but he doesn't know a damn thing. I told him that. And if he hadn't, he would still be a fool.- Okay, that's good. Then how would you like to make a deal to supply products for a long time? In the season of disasters, of course, there should also be products.- It depends on how much and what exactly is needed. – Jay barely extinguished a smile full of enthusiasm. How quickly everything, however, turned in his favor, and he took the most serious look possible and spoke.- This can be discussed."Senior, are you serious?" The old man will kill you for it. – When things were about to get off the ground and Jay and the magician were going to shake hands with each other, Wei, a restless boy, suddenly intervened in the negotiations.Jay gave him a frown, trying to convey to him that he was preventing him from making a deal here for centuries. After all, you can say he grabbed luck by the tail, and then all sorts of people climb.The magician furrowed his brows, as if he felt a headache from Wei's words.- I'll deal with it later. You just don't get in the way yet. If you want, I'll explain everything to you later. Ok? – From the outside, it looked like someone was making excuses to someone. There was a strange atmosphere in the air.- I'll be outside. – Jay decided to leave these two alone for a while. Let them have a conversation without him. He didn't need such loving brotherly ties, not that he needed to look at them....If Wei had been ten years older, and even in the image of a girl, he would even have thought that a couple in love had gathered here. By the way, was Wei exactly five years old, or maybe he misunderstood his age?- And what am I thinking about, there were clearly no BL elements in the same game. My sister would have said it otherwise. And what kind of nonsense from boredom will not get into your head. – After leaving the house, Jay shook his head and went to restore the garden and catch rabbits.At the same time, the brothers were left alone in the house."Senior, are things really that bad in the tower? Otherwise, you wouldn't be talking about food. – Wei took two pears lying on the table and, passing one to the magician, kept the other for himself. – Did something happen while I was gone?- I heard the old man talking to someone that the current disaster would be much worse than the others. There will be many dead, including people in the magic tower. If he doesn't take care of himself, he can also become a victim of that time. That's why he wants to leave. – At the recollection of what he accidentally heard, the magician bit into the pear with hatred, as if he represented a person in its place. The juice from the pear ran down his chin and soaked into his black shirt."You mean he made a deal with that one to leave?" That asshole! - Wei, without chewing a pear, began to talk with his mouth full. – What about his promise to give me back my real age? This, by the way, was his fault. I was already seventeen, I could safely go and claim the property. And now what? So I have to wait twelve years again? That bastard, by the way, can already die during this time.- You wouldn't have been allowed to take the title and land anyway. You're a magician now.- Tell me, why do you always teach me? You and I got into the tower in the same year."Because I'm older than you?"- Just for a year. – the Magician shrugged indifferently at this. – So what's your plan? – Wei finally decided to return to the main conversation.- To begin with, take care of ourselves. If the old man did not lie and everything will be so bad, then we will need strength to meet the disaster. After all, according to the contract of the tower, we can only take a magic agreement from people this year. And it is unlikely that they themselves will share our food when they themselves have nothing to eat.- Well, it's true. Last time, many of our people died because there was nothing to replenish their strength in time. – Wei agreed with the elders, not forgetting to add at the end. – Again, it's the old man's fault. If he had stopped them from collecting magic agreements in time, they would have been alive.- It's not profitable for him. After all, the more debtors we receive at this time, the more benefits he will have in the future. – The magician finished with the pear and, going to the window, looked into it. Outside, the fat man could be seen catching rabbits and taking them somewhere. – Meat would be nice to have too. What do you think Wei?- As you wish. Maybe. But it would be better to talk to the others first."We'll do it as soon as the old man leaves."Are you so sure he's going to leave soon?" And what if he wants to do it before the disaster."Considering he told everyone you were dead... I don't think so. He'll run away as soon as he sees you alive and well.- Oh! Is he already so distrusted?The magician turned and cast a faint glance at Wei:- Remind me, when was the last time you were in the main tower?- Probably last year.- Then it's understandable why you don't know anything. The old man's reputation has been wanting the best for a long time. Even his top archmage can't do anything more.Wei widened his eyes in surprise when he heard this and immediately asked for more details about what happened. The elder shook his head in response.- Ask the others when we arrive. Now we need to settle everything with the delivery of fruits and vegetables to us. So far, this kid hasn't found anyone better yet. By the way, have you seen any of the adults here? – He answered in the negative. - Strange. Not even a servant. However, this is not our business. Let's go. – Since the magician was a person not very fond of poking his nose into other people's affairs, he left this question and soon the two of them left the house with Wei and came to Jay.By this time, he had already finished catching rabbits and began to restore order in the garden. For this, by the way, I had to work hard. Since some plants were literally dug out of the ground by the roots, and some were completely buried. At the very moment when he was checking whether the roots could be restored and whether tomato bushes could be transplanted, two new acquaintances approached Jay.- Let's talk like this. – Jay decided to discuss the terms of the deal at work, so as not to waste time in vain, and not to let some crops have time to die before the end. After all, if the plants were transplanted in time, they could still be saved.The discussion about the supply of products was not really long. It only took ten minutes. During this time, Jay clarified exactly what he would deliver, in what quantity and in what way. In total, they agreed on the supply of tomatoes, some corn, for all having berries and about thirty melons. At this point, Jay had to give everything he had of the above. The magician will deliver these products himself, using the portal. By the way, he will pick up all the other products himself in the same way.They set the next delivery date in a month, from what will ripen in Jay's garden by this time. In addition to vegetables and fruits, we talked separately about meat. Here, of course, the magician himself could easily go into the forest and hunt, he, by the way, usually did so. But since disaster was approaching, we had to shorten the trip to the forest in order to repeat some of the spells. After all, this time the magician was going to protect himself from all sides, including stupid Wei, who was not very strong in spells. In addition, he mainly agreed on the supply of meat for the winter, since he knew that during this period the boy would not be able to supply him with vegetables or fruits. Here we will have to go to neighboring countries to negotiate. Since some of them had a warm climate all year round, and they had no interruptions in the supply of food. But the prices there, too, of course, were great. And although he certainly managed to save enough money on the sale of magic scrolls, but there were other things where they could be useful.- First of all, let's wait until autumn, and then we'll see if I can or not. Jay caught the apprehension in the magician's voice and immediately dispelled them. Promising to surprise him without fail.How exactly he has not yet specified. In the end, these were only plans, and who knows if he will be able to build at least one greenhouse by winter. After all, Jay is used to eating fresh fruits and vegetables even in winter. Well, if it fails, it would be possible to save the products in another way, by conservation. Here, after all, it seems that this method of processing products did not exist at all. Since when Jay mentioned it briefly, the magician did not understand him at all. It cannot be said that the boy was not happy about this. After all, he had another way to earn money. And this is very good. In this way, he will live a better life here much faster than he previously thought.- Well, then I will arrive tomorrow morning with the money. – After finishing the negotiations, the magician promised to pick up everything tomorrow and pay immediately, after which he and Wei left. At this time, Jay, left alone, almost whistled with joy.After all, he finally got his first money! He will be able to buy everything he needs, and buy construction material for the remaining seeds or for the construction of rabbit cages. Of course, there won't be nails in these times yet, but something similar to them should be sold. After all, but he already has an order for meat for the winter, which means it's time to start stocking up on them in advance. And the future chicken coop also needs to be built already, because soon chickens should appear from eggs. By the way, it wouldn't hurt to go and check the eggs themselves. What if the wind spirit deceived him and removed the warm wind spell a long time ago? Jay decided that as soon as he finished putting things in order in the garden, he would immediately go to look at the eggs.

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