Chapter 29

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When Jay split the magic stone, the flash of light that appeared was noticed by everyone who was within a mile of the forest, including the wind spirit with Jay's neighbor. These two were just breathing fresh air at this moment, when everyone else was busy with something. And naturally, they immediately decided to check what it was and, without agreeing among themselves, went straight into the forest. And it just so happened that they showed up next to Jay when she was being beaten."He knows how to make enemies," Jay's neighbor thought angrily, climbing to the top of a tree and watching everything from afar, clearly not going to rush to help. What for? Is he his brother, uncle or father? Not at all, Jay was just an ordinary boy for him, of which there are a great many in the world. That is, no one. If it wasn't for the circumstances, he wouldn't even have met him, much less lived in his house. "Yes, if only they weren't looking for me..." At some point, the boy's face drooped when he thought about who exactly had forced him to be here.- How long are you going to look like this? – The wind spirit arrived a little later from Jay's neighbor, but unlike some, he was not going to watch from the sidelines. After all, if Jay dies, it will be quite difficult to find a new fruit supplier. – Go help him. – He turned to Jay's neighbor for help, overcoming his fear at that moment.- Why? Personally, it will be good for me if he dies, and you know why. The boy didn't budge.- You signed the contract yourself then. He didn't actually do anything for it. – The wind spirit naturally knew what it was about and could not immediately refute other people's words. After all, but he was a witness to that process and knew the truth, as it turned out, better than some. – Since when do members of your species lie? As far as I remember, you always told the truth, no matter what it was. Are you half human? There was curiosity in the wind spirit's voice.It is not known what strings of the soul were touched by the words of the spirit, but Jay's neighbor seriously broke up after that.- Shut up! Don't talk about what happened before! If my father had been smarter at that time, we would not have had to leave our lands. I hate him! The old fool! Now I have to take responsibility for everything... Let his bones rot and his ancestors refuse to accept him. The boy's words contained such a thick hatred that the wind spirit had to fly back in order not to be hurt by other people's emotions. It was as if he felt that something was about to happen. Perhaps. After all, as soon as he moved away, a large stone flew past him. And then another and immediately followed by someone's already stone fist.- There's another one here. What's lurking? Come out, I'll beat you! You're going to answer for everything right now... all the work is because of you... I'll kill you! – The one who waved his fists did not forget to swear at the same time.- I should have left right away. – Jay's neighbor jumped off a tree, which cracked in two and began to fall. "I don't know what you're talking about, but if you want a fight, I'll give it to you. – The boy grabbed a part of the cracked tree trunk and rushed at the enemy.Hit. The opponent offered a stone hand. Part of the trunk shattered into splinters. The boy did not lose his head and began to strike the enemy, using his fists on other parts of the body. No matter how he tried to dodge, he couldn't keep up with the boy's speed. Hit. Another blow. Another blow. After making a couple more superficial ones, the boy suddenly started laughing."What... what are you laughing at?" – A guy who looked about seventeen years old, and was fighting with a boy at that moment, it made him even more angry. He fiercely swung a stone fist trying to hit his smiling face. – Are you making fun of me? Yes?- And why not? I thought you were a serious opponent, but you..." The boy spat on the ground. – Only on the hand I dared to use a stone spell. Coward.- what? Who did you call me? Repeat..."Ugh... what kind of game is he playing? He can knock him out. What is he waiting for?" The wind spirit, hidden in the foliage of the tree, cast a hateful glance in the direction of Jay's neighbor. He hoped that he would deal with everyone now. And what about him? He didn't even look at the second villain who was next to Jay. Well, then tell him how to get him out? They'll notice him! And they'll catch you! They will definitely catch you!- They can't do anything without me. We'll have to take a risk. Later, you will only need to remember to ask for payment. More strawberries with raspberries, and pears. The wind spirit left its hiding place and headed towards Jay. He could no longer sit out, for one simple reason. The villain, whom few people paid attention to, now threw Jay on his shoulder and was about to leave. It couldn't just be left like that. But what about his reward, which he was going to receive from the very beginning? The wind spirit began to flap its wings faster, summoning the wind."You're lying, you won't leave. Now I'm a bastard to you... you will fly to another country with me."The quiet forest suddenly began to fill with noise, and the trees swayed from side to side, almost bending to the ground. The wind gradually gained strength, and then suddenly rushed to the point indicated by the spirit.- What the... - The villain who was going to take Jay away noticed that something strange was happening around and turned around, and froze. A hurricane was coming right at him, sweeping away almost everything in its path. Trees with roots broke out and rushed to the center of the emerging element, birds that got in the way were there too. Even the small stones also took off. – I knew he wasn't alone. – The villain said, quickly recovering from the shock, and took out a magic scroll from his pocket and began to tear it. However, before he could do it, he was caught up by the elements. It's still paper. She flies from any breeze. Then the guy started running. I took a couple of steps and... found myself in flight."Ha ha ha..." The wind spirit laughed happily when he saw the man fall before his power. And it doesn't matter that it was actually the force of the wind element. Since he controls the wind, it means that the power of the wind is his. – So you people! Know how to catch us. Who's doing well? I'm good! Who's smart? I'm smart! Who is strong? I... - Before the spirit had time to praise himself properly, the hurricane created by him, in turn, picked him up. – Hey... what's up! I'm not allowed. – He immediately tried to reduce the force of the wind, unsuccessfully. He was thrown in all directions, he could not really concentrate, then he had to dodge stones, then pieces of earth. There was somehow no time to use magic. After all, among other things, his life was also threatened by Jay's neighbor, who was also brought into the center of the elements.- Cough... take away... the wind. What are you... Khe ... - the boy coughing, tried to spit out the earth that got into his mouth in this way, shouted at the spirit and, waving his fists in flight, tried to hit the flying bug.- And I have something to do with it. Ugh... I didn't do anything. These are these. – The wind spirit spat out the earth that got into his mouth and pointed out two villains who also happened to be in the same boat with them, so to speak. – I am the wind spirit. If I had summoned the wind, I could have handled it easily. – Not wanting to admit that it was all his fault and if he hadn't overdone the call of the wind, none of this would have happened.- You're lying. It's all your fly's fault. – The villain flying by, angrily flashed his eyes in the direction of the spirit. It was the same one who had previously fought with Jay's neighbor. "But I can kill you all here, too. – He tried to move closer to the center of the hurricane, where the wind was not blowing so much and soon began floating through the air to move towards his former opponent.- Haven't you realized that you're a weakling yet? So I'll prove it to you again. – Jay's neighbor was not against continuing the fight, despite the fact that the conditions were not very suitable. He has not yet completely poured out his previously accumulated anger. A punching bag was still required.The wind Spirit cast a contemptible glance at the two annoying people and began to look for the third. He did not forget about his main goal – to save Jay from the clutches of the villain. Let's just say I got a little distracted from it. But it doesn't matter... no one knows about it. So, the future reward is still waiting for him. – Well, where is he? This? No, a stone? Wow, how big. Hmm ... as if this hurricane did not demolish the whole forest, did not take the boy's house with him. He's right there. And there are berries... I'd better hurry. – The wind spirit appreciated the scale of the elements when he saw large objects flying, and until trouble happened (his food was not lost), he began to use not only his eyes, but also his wings in the search.To do this, he naturally also went to the center of the elements, where it was quieter."A villain... another one. Where are you lost? Return rather what you took. You don't need it. A weak, stupid, non-magical child. Yes, it can't even be used in any ritual. Come out! – The wind spirit reached the middle of the element, flew around two fighting boys, and sat down on one of the trees floating in the air, tried to call the missing villain. Somehow he got tired of flying. It took too much effort. Almost the air itself pressed on the wings. – Hey... come on... – A stump floated by, a deer that came from nowhere, three sparrows, a Christmas tree. A green one with needles, on the side of which the same villain was lying. The spirit quieted down as their gazes crossed. He probably thought that he would throw at any second to catch him. He's a spirit after all. Hunting for such was very popular at any time.The villain blinked lazily and allowed the tree to carry him on, without showing the slightest curiosity to the bug noticed earlier. Bewilderment appeared on the wind spirit's face. What? Did no one really catch him? He scratched his head, not understanding the behavior of the villain, and after a while, when he swam by for the second time, he asked where the child he had taken had gone. The spirit did not see Jay next to the villain, nor did he meet him in the center of the hurricane. Perhaps he was floating somewhere below. However, his exact location was known by the one who lost him. In order to protect himself from injuries, which will certainly appear during the next search (he was almost turned into a pancake by stones and branches here anyway), the wind spirit deigned to speak to the villain.- How do I know. Probably flew away somewhere. – Grinning all over his mouth, he replied, pointing somewhere to the side. – However, it's too late to save him. He's dead.- Are you lying? – The wind spirit did not believe the words of others, and did not dare to do it. The truth would be too bitter then. His food... she comes out all gone. There will be no reward for him, for having entered into a fight with the villain, nor future snacks. Again, you will have to change your place of residence and save energy, until better times. "If you could throw it away, you wouldn't forget to get out of here yourself." Well, how? I'm not a fool. I know how to understand what's what. – It is not known why, but the spirit suddenly began to praise itself again. Apparently he had such a bad habit. Or the memory is bad. He forgot that there was an enemy in front of him and suddenly took him for a good friend."You're all such proud spirits. The villain shook his head, as if speaking to himself. – In the end, it is pride that ruins you. – Then he pulled out the needles from the Christmas tree, and with a wave of his hand threw them towards the wind spirit, using a small magic trick. He didn't have much magic, but he could do such small tricks with ease. Fortunately, there was not much magic required. It was just necessary to be able to use the natural elements to your advantage. At the moment, the wind was all around, so he took advantage of it."Well, that's what I should have expected from you. – The wind spirit covered himself with a wind shield. - Yes, yes, I was waiting for this. We spirits may be proud, but it's not easy. We have talent and intelligence. – Noticing how the interlocutor's face frowned unpleasantly, he smiled in response and immediately hurried to refute the previous words.The villain looked at him like a fool, finally pulling the needle of the Christmas tree out of his thigh. A minute earlier, it was because of her that he had a bad expression on his face. And not because he was angry at someone for using protection. It wasn't the first time he had fought with the spirit (yes, he used to have such a hobby, he trained, you could say, in this way), so he knew what they were capable of.- I thought to calmly wait for the wind to die down, but you... are too annoying bug. If that's what you're asking, I'll do another workout. The last one this time.- Are you challenging me to a fight? Aren't you afraid to stay without pants? – The wind spirit has set up a protective wind ball around itself. Any moving object in his direction in contact with his protection would fly back. And then he beckoned his opponent with his hand. – Come on. One on one. The loser loses a life.- No other way. – The villain got up from the tree and started attacking the spirit using various small tricks. Thus finding out the opponent's abilities. Still, it was the first time he had fought with the wind spirit.The spirit, continuing to lie on the branch, laughed at the efforts of others."Is that all?" A weak man. I've met stronger people. Legends can be made about them. And you... a piece of apple core.The villain did not pay attention to other people's words and continued his work. Soon, he managed to create a small gap in the spirit's defense. "Minus another spirit on my list." He prepared to deliver the final blow.At this time, or maybe a little earlier, Jay, who had been buried by someone, came to his senses and with a bitter expression on his face was forced to watch the tooth that had fallen out of his mouth float up somewhere. Just imagine, Jay lost his tooth. The top one is the one in the middle. Most likely, it still happened when he was beaten. But since his mouth was tightly closed, the tooth remained in place, however, when the strong wind blew ... everything that was holding badly began to fly away. The tooth naturally waved a pen at him.- No... where are you going. I'm going to have a hole in my mouth now. Don't spoil my image. – Jay wanted to get the tooth back, but his body, and bones, too, hurt so much ... despite the fact that he was in the center of the hurricane and hovered, he could not move through the air. – Well, fly ... just think. I have a new one growing up. Has the same body's baby teeth not fallen out yet? Probably not yet. Ouch... how everything hurts. – But he didn't worry about his trouble for long. Remembering his current age, he calmed down and began to examine his wounds. – It hurts here. Ugh... not here. And here... - he did it, of course, feeling himself, since he was not capable of more now. And that's what he soon found out. – The bones are intact everywhere, sort of. At least some use from this thick flesh. But there will still be bruises. Those assholes! No one dared to beat me up like that in previous fights. Everything was fair. And these... attacked from the back, so they also knocked out to defend themselves, I couldn't. I have to take revenge on them no matter what! Where are they?! Um... where am I even now? Is that... the wind? – Jay just now paid attention to the surroundings around him and finally noticed that he was in the epicenter of the storm. – I think I can guess whose handiwork it is. – Who was the culprit of such a phenomenon, Jay quickly realized. After all, he had known the wind spirit for days. He knew well what he was ready for, especially if he imagined too much about himself. – But I'll deal with him later. These two... are they still here? – Jay raised his head and began to peer up, trying to determine if there were living beings in the hurricane besides him.Trees. Stones. Branches. Forest animals. Birds... He kept searching. Two shadows flashed overhead. Jay narrowed his eyes, enduring the pain and moving a little closer to them.The identities of the two soon appeared before him, and at that moment Jay had such disappointment on his face... as if he had not been informed of a cutlet for lunch in the dining room. He expected to meet his main offender, who knocked him out and knocked out his tooth. And not these two, whom he held for empty air. It was about Jay's current neighbor and the comrade of the villain who knocked the boy out earlier. Speaking of the latter, even if he also took part in his beating, Jay was not in any way interested in revenge for this. At least for now. After all, in his memory, until he fell into unconsciousness, he screamed more than he waved his fists. As if he didn't know how to vent his anger and immediately took advantage of all the ways. If there is a chance, he will pay him off later somehow (let his neighbor teach him a lesson first. At least there will be some benefit from it). In the meantime, he needs to avenge his tooth. Damn, and how can he just talk with a hole in his mouth now? He will be laughed at, and by the way, he needs to earn money!- Ugh... - Jay exhaled painfully and barely avoided someone else's fist (these two got into the taste of the fight to such an extent that they didn't notice anyone around, it's probably good that he didn't rush to take revenge brainlessly.), went on.He grabbed one of the stones hanging in the center of the hurricane, and, bouncing off it, reached the one that was higher. Then he sat down and began to catch his breath, at the same time trying to lick his wounds. Because of his previous movements, they were just hurting like hell right now. He couldn't move anymore, even with the help of that very willpower. But, oh, how he still wanted revenge!- Or maybe... he's not. Jay glanced toward the swirling center of the hurricane's vortex. — no. Gritting his teeth, the boy lifted his ass off the rock and grabbed the legs of a deer flying past.That poor, already scared, immediately tried to shake off the extra load, thus creating the illusion that he was running through the air. Jay, in turn, was glad of this. He was moving forward at the same time, not using his strength at all. You can say luck by the tail, well, or by the legs in his case, grabbed. For which, a little later, he did not get in the teeth. The deer did not give up to the last and, seeing that his efforts were in vain, suddenly bent his hind legs, and then, once, they jumped back. Jay, seeing that all his teeth were under threat, unclenched his hands and rushed to the side like a scalded man. The deer immediately gave him a look full of hatred and continued to fly in the center of the hurricane alone again.- No, today is definitely not my day. Jay patted his chest reassuringly and directed his gaze upward. From this place, where he was, the view should have been enough to get a good look, finally, at the entire top of the hurricane center, without moving anywhere else. Thanks to the deer, he gave him a ride enough for this."I found it. Here he is." And since Jay didn't suffer from chicken blindness, he immediately noticed the only person staying upstairs. The flashes of the spells he used or whatever he was doing were too blinding. What he was doing to the end at that moment Jay did not understand, but he did not bother himself with it. Having finally found the offender, he grabbed a branch nearby and, taking out the last hidden magic scroll from his clothes, wrapped the branch in it and threw it, aiming. The branch soon hit the offender's leg, he cried out in surprise and sat down on a tree, completely forgetting about his attack on the wind spirit and now starting to deal with the wound. That is, trying to pull an extra object out of your leg.And he can not say that he was not disappointed with this. After all, it all happened when they were going to attack him, and he was about to teach the impudent man that he considered all his brothers and sisters weak. Of course, the wind spirit saw that the "enemy" allegedly found a hole in his defense (he himself created it). And I was waiting, you know, for a good joke, and not this whole thing.- Who messed up the whole thing for me? What an impudent fellow!!! – The spirit all roused up, took off and began to look for the offender. – You? – Having found him, to be honest, for some time he did not know how to react correctly. Should he take revenge that his affairs were interrupted, or rush immediately and tell about his exploits, expecting a reward? All this mess was brewed earlier because he wanted to save the boy. But now that he appeared before his eyes... in a word, the wind spirit had a difficult mood. – Okay, live. Finally, he waved humbly in Jay's direction.- what? – Jay saw his gesture, but did not fully hear what he wanted to say. Live? What does that even mean? – We'll talk to you later! Blow away the wind before the whole forest disappears! – He shouted back to him, deciding later to find out exactly what they wanted to tell him.- The wind? That's right, but I think I forgot. Yes, it probably needs to be removed now. – The wind spirit scratched the top of his head and suddenly flew towards Jay. Although the boy could hear him perfectly now, this did not mean that he understood his movements. He's a wind spirit. Why not snap your finger and dispel the wind? What is he flying to him for? Did he really want to get something in exchange?"Then what are you waiting for?"- I need to not move, I need to concentrate. With these words, the wind spirit landed on Jay's shoulder. – Just don't let the flying things hit me."How long?" Jay asked.- As soon as the wind clears.- Then do it quickly. So far we have not had a problem. – Jay started trying to move sideways. – You haven't forgotten that you left someone to miss alone, have you? You should have warned me, by the way, that you were having a battle with him. I have neither scrolls nor the strength to defend myself. – Shouting with accusations at the wind spirit, when the culprit of his knocked-out tooth, quite predictably, headed in his direction.

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