Chapter 4

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For the next few days, Jay was completely occupied with the beds. First, he grew tomatoes with the help of a growth potion and, having harvested all the crops from them, removed the old plants and planted new ones. In this case, unlike the first, he did not plant them with seeds, but already planted them with bushes. To do this, he again used growth potions, which, in order to increase its volume, he mixed in a bucket with water, and as it turned out later, his actions did not weaken at all from this. In the same way, the remaining second third of the garden plot was planted with corn, and the remaining one with hot pepper.

Secondly, since he had fruits and berries in addition to vegetables, he had to create a garden. And to do this, the entire backyard had to be dug up and rid of the grass. This is where the difficulties arose. Due to the fact that there was one knife available, with which the earth could only be loosened, Jay had to try pretty hard to at least create a good look, and only then dig holes and plant bushes with shrubs, which, again, because of the growth potion, grew so quickly. Of course, while doing this, he did not forget to plant a couple of bushes with a ripe harvest. It was necessary to feed with something.And finally, thirdly, in between past cases, he had to decide what to do with the rabbits. In principle, to feed them with what he could find. Fortunately, it was the beginning of spring, and there were still trees with undeveloped buds in the forest. 

The same oak or birch with aspen. And if you really don't go far, he had an apple tree and raspberries growing on his plot. Their branches would also be easy for rabbits to eat. And again, meadow grasses could be searched. Of course, they were just starting to grow, but still ... in a word, there were no problems with food. But with the place of their content...

Jay couldn't always keep those in a closed room. In the end, he will not be able to clean it every day, after they go about their business there (it's only necessary to wash it all day long). And the smell, again, was in the house because of this. It's not that Jay is squeamish, you don't think, it's just that when in the house where you live, and this includes eating and sleeping, it smells like a bedbug, you don't want to live there at all. And since Jay did not have a second home, and he could not create a separate housing for rabbits at the moment, there was only one way out of this situation to let all those who had rabbits into stew. Which is exactly what Jay did.

He strangled them all at once and gutted them, as his third uncle had once taught him. In this case, he was a professional and he always did it so cleverly, and most importantly, it turned out quickly. Of course, it cannot be mentioned here that at that time, Jay did not even think that this knowledge would ever be useful to him. And, to be honest, he thought he would never use it. But live forever, learn forever. Sometimes in life you never know what might be useful and what might not.

After that, he sent the meat to soak for several hours in cold water. And at this time he began to prepare the products that he would sell to a passing merchant. By the way, according to the calculation, he was supposed to appear from day to day, if Jay was not mistaken in the days. And he could, because he had been doing the garden alone for almost a week and had long since stopped counting how many people lived in this new world.Jay didn't decide to sell all the products at once. In the end, it could cause unnecessary questions from the merchant. And Jay wasn't going to share with him that he had a growth potion, which by the way was a little less than half a bucket left. After all, people can be greedy. What if he wants to take it personally? 

He didn't need such problems. After selecting a kilogram of tomatoes, Jay hid all the other products in the kitchen and went outside to wait for the merchant.By the way, he did not actually make himself wait for a long time. He appeared about ten minutes later, sitting in a cart and driving a horse that was already too old for such a marathon. Jay, trying to copy the former behavior of the former owner of this body, cowardly asked what goods were available, while not forgetting to carefully consider the appearance of the seller. And as it turned out later, he did it for a reason, since the person had extremely dark thoughts in relation to the former owner of this body.

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