Chapter 14

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Jay looked around once more, and finally making sure that there was no one here, he entered the secret cave familiar to him, holding rice sprouts in his hands. It would seem that nothing has changed here in the past time. Strawberries grew in the same place, sunlight dripped inside from a familiar crack, and among other things, a small underground key appeared here. Well, it looks like Jay was right, and last time he didn't hear it, there is, however, underground water. It's very good for him now. In such a place, and even in such good soil, rice should yield enough for winter. Perhaps even with the surplus they will be able to stock up.Putting the rice sprouts on the ground, Jay went to dig up the stream. It was necessary to make sure that there was more water. Rice didn't like dry conditions. As soon as the underground key began to beat more, Jay quickly began to drip around a small lake with a height of no more than a palm, and in breadth somewhere with his height. To begin with, this should have been enough, and then ... well, he will rest and continue to increase the planting site a little later, when there is enough new harvest. After all, but these are only five bushes, and even grown from damaged seeds. They will definitely exhaust themselves quickly. It is better to worry about this in advance and plant a lot of new shoots around them. And then who knows how soon he will come here another time. Jay is definitely not going to visit this place often, so as not to attract attention. Although this place is hidden, but the forest is big and sometimes people walk here.Creating a small lake, Jay was so carried away by this that he did not notice at all that a little later someone entered the cave behind him and, after examining it, rushed to the strawberries and began to eat them like a person who had not seen food for a hundred years. Only when he finished his work and climbed up, he heard unnecessary sounds. Turning around immediately at the rustling of berries, Jay saw the back of the child. His clothes were torn in places, and the look... when Jay looked at his face, although he looked sloppy, there was some kind of nobility, albeit barely perceptible, coming from him. By the way, it was in him that his eating habits betrayed. Although he ate quickly, but it was so elegant that Jay quietly in the corner could not help but envy.Who says he doesn't dream of looking beautiful even during breakfast? To open his mouth elegantly, to hold a fork beautifully in his hands ... although he is well trained in table manners, but to do this... forget it! There will clearly never be such a sense of refinement and nobility coming from him. He is clearly a person who grew up in an ordinary environment, which can not approach this style at all."And they also say royal blood can do a lot. They're obviously lying. I have it, though, but what's the use of it? I look normal, I live normally and I eat normally too." Irritation appeared on Jay's face when he began to compare a boy he barely knew with himself. What is this? He actually sees him for the first time in his life. Well, big deal, he looks like a prince who ran away from the palace with his dark slightly curly hair, long dark eyelashes and a small nose. By the way, his appearance is also not worse. It's just that there are a lot of traces of baby fat on it now. That's when he grows up and gets six cubes of abs, we... wait, he even has a thin stomach and the figure is already quite developed at that age.Jay, seeing the barely noticeable outlines of muscles, almost burst into tears. Well, can anyone explain why he wasn't given a body like this during the relocation?- I wonder? – The boy suddenly turned his head and looked at him, his gaze was annoying."I don't envy you at all. Is that clear? I don't envy you a bit. – Jay gave him an even more irritated answer, after which he ran back to the lake.When he sat down near the water, it dawned on him. Wait, why did he run away? Wasn't it the other way around that he had to drive this "vile and disgusting" type out of the cave? By the way, he eats his berries. And it doesn't matter that he doesn't take them here and he has quite enough of them at home. It's a matter of principle. He didn't ask for permission, which means... Jay turned around and looked in the direction of the boy. The latter, as if sensing his gaze, turned his head. This time there was obvious hostility on his face.Jay mentally assessed his strength in the fight, hurried to turn away. Forget it. Let him eat as much as he wants. In any case, they are growing fast here. That's enough for everyone. Deciding not to waste any more time on some unknown personalities, seeing that the water depth in his lake was already quite suitable, Jay hurried to plant rice.Here, to begin with, it was necessary to dig deep pits already under water, after which the rice roots were sprinkled with earth from the place where strawberries grew. After all, let's not forget that only in that part of the cave was the growth potion spilled. Thus, the remnants of the potion that were in the ground got into the water and the lake was no longer just a lake, but an ideal place for germinating all kinds of crops. However, for the time being. Given that the water occasionally came from the underground key new, the potion would eventually disappear, but for now, that time will come... Jay will definitely grow many more crops during this time. So there was no need to worry. By the way, it will not be superfluous to mention here that this formula of the growth potion did not affect the human body in any way. Jay had already had a similar idea to grow up as soon as possible, for the convenience of doing business, but in no case! No matter how many potions he drank, his height remained the same. Even the hair didn't grow from it. But what a good idea it was!Having finished with the planting, Jay began to wait for the harvest to appear, so that part of it could be planted and part collected in bags prepared in advance. The last time he was at the market, he bought a lot of small things for himself. You never know when this or that item will come in handy. And so that the waiting would not be so boring, he, still not paying attention to the boy, picked himself strawberries."I wonder why he planted it, and most importantly, what is he going to do next? Will he leave here?" The unknown boy meanwhile watched Jay and, noticing how he sat back down by the lake, breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't like that he kept flashing before his eyes all the time. At the moment, he had filled his stomach and was now looking forward to staying here alone to rest. But will it work out? The one who accidentally brought him to this place obviously will not leave here soon. But sleeping in company... now never again. He would rather kill everyone in the neighborhood to rest in peace than agree to sleep under someone else's eyelids.Thus, deciding to wait until Jay gets out of here, the boy sat down near one of the walls of the cave and, watching him occasionally, yawned. And soon, when Jay began to harvest and plant a new crop, he himself did not notice how he fell asleep. And Jay himself, in principle, didn't care whether he was sleeping there or not, he didn't notice anything around, continued to do his job.Unlike a simple harvest, rice was not so easy to harvest, especially by hand. I had to bend down a lot of times and cut the plant in bunches, since the ripe seeds were in the tops themselves. Of course, it was good that Jay took a knife with him for this case, but due to the fact that although the water level was not very high, the plant was still wet and there was no sun to allow it to dry enough, the rice trunks were cut badly. And during this, Jay managed to damage the skin on his hands a little.But fortunately the wounds were shallow, and the harvest so far was none of the five bushes. Therefore, soon Jay finished with the harvest and started planting a new one. And compared to the first lesson, it was more in his spirit. Well, what about it? Go yourself and bury the seeds in the pits. No injuries or fatigue for you. At least, compared to the rest, it's just a little warm-up. And here it so happened that Jay planted all the previously obtained rice as a result. Oh, yes, there would be a lot more of it ... it has grown so-so nothing. There are about 70 grains in total. Jay didn't see any point in taking such a small amount home. In any case, it would definitely not fill all the prepared bags. So, it's better to wait for the next harvest. Which he actually decided to do, at the same time taking a breath.And there is nothing surprising here that it took a couple of hours to re-assemble and land the third one. After all, it wasn't five bushes anymore. Therefore, I had to spend the next half of the night. And by the time Jay finally stuffed bunches of rice into all the bags, the new crop had grown. In order not to go once again, besides there was still two hours before dawn, Jay spent it on another harvest.And only when the first rays of the sun penetrated into the crack, he stopped working. And having planted new seeds on the cleared area, he began to carry the finished crop to a cart hidden in a nearby cave in the forest. Bunches of rice tied with a rope, Jay put on the bottom, and on top of them he put bags around them, not forgetting to cover those parts of rice that were visible with twigs. And as it turned out on the way to the house, he did not make such a disguise for nothing. As I was driving along the road, I accidentally came across robbers riding a horse. When they saw branches sticking out of sacks in a cart passing by them and almost dragging them along the ground, they cursed with displeasure and drove on. Jay could barely contain a sigh of relief at the same time.He was glad that the trouble had passed him by. Although if anything, he could use magic scrolls in case of anything. Let's just say he didn't really want to do it when there was a whole cartload of harvest. After all, it is unknown where the same portal scroll will send. After all, he didn't have a specific destination. He could only throw you over a certain distance set by the creator, no more. And here I'm sorry, even if you suddenly get into the den of robbers, we ask you to keep all your dissatisfaction with yourself. Since the magic tower does not accept all complaints and wishes.Arriving home without incident, Jay first went to get a large piece of previously purchased fabric. Having spread it on the ground, he began to lay bunches of rice on it from the cart for drying. It would seem that the most difficult thing was done, but if... compared to peeling rice grains from the husk, picking bunches was nothing.- But let's hope I can do it. Here, after all, two bags should quite come out. And there, in a couple of days I will still go and so until I fill all the bags that have. – After thinking out loud what else to do, Jay had already half freed the cart when he suddenly stopped."What is this?" He saw someone's legs half covered with bunches of rice and frowned when a guess flashed through his head. But could it really be? He didn't even know this boy. No! Definitely not!Jay quickly began to toss aside the rice, thereby revealing the face of the one who got into his cart while he was away in the cave. However... Yes! It was him! He wasn't wrong at all! That's it...- Wake up and get out of here. – Jay began to wake him up, feeling a growing irritation in his soul and completely forgetting that he had been a little afraid of him before.Why did he follow him at all? First the cave, now this... Does he have nothing else to do but follow strangers? What kind of impudence is this?! By the way, he lives well alone.- You hear... - The stranger suddenly woke up and, knocking him down, hovered over him."Is anyone here?" – Although the boy looked no more than eight years old, but he clearly had the strength of an adult. No matter how Jay tried to move and escape, he couldn't do anything.Seeing that his question was ignored, he grabbed the strangers' two wrists with one hand, and pinched his cheek with the other.- It hurts ... - Jay hissed angrily when tears came out of his eyes because of the pain.What kind of fool would ever think of pinching someone's cheeks? Bastard, Jay thought. I can only believe that I was still envious of his beautiful appearance. Uuu... yes, he looks like a pig. No, ten times worse."- Who lives here? The stranger repeated his question. Jay, still ignoring him, began to call the spirits.- Spirits...! Perfume! Who am I feeding?! Are you thinking of saving me? – Unfortunately, no one came to his cry. Since the spirits, having felt a familiar smell in the air, have long since hidden. Allowing Jay to find a way out of this situation himself.- I can do this forever. This time the stranger pinched his other cheek.- There are a lot of people living here. Now they will come out and beat you. – Jay, who wanted to get rid of this boy, promised to send a bunch of adults to him right now. And nothing that they were not here. He didn't know about it.- Really? – But who knew that he would immediately see through his lie and even laugh at Jay's anger.However, Jay was so angry that he didn't notice at all that no one believed him.- of course. They'll break all your bones and throw you out on the road."Oh," he didn't take it seriously, and after pinching Jay's cheeks a couple more times, he let him go and headed into the house.Jay, who did not believe that he could not defeat an eight-year-old, immediately got up and, running up to him from behind, attacked him. How could he be stronger than him? They only have a difference of three years. I don't believe it! Yes, he even killed the villain without any problems. He definitely had to handle it. But ... once again, the fact proved to him that this is impossible.The boy easily intercepted his hands again and could not even resist pinching his cheek. Jay's skin was too soft.- You...! Jay hissed in anger, not knowing what to do anymore. He really was ten times stronger than him. He can't drive him away. Can't...!He laughed at Jay's expression in response. Usually, after all, at the sight of him, most showed nothing but fear and, deciding that the enemy had had enough, let him go, and, entering the house, began to examine him.Jay followed him thoughtfully and decided to go in search of spirits. Why the hell didn't they come out to help him? What's going on anyway? Their house is being stolen here, and they... no, in no case should this annoying creature be allowed to stay here. Come on, he'd just ask to spend the night. He might have thought about it then. But he immediately began to threaten him! Where has anyone ever seen him threatened? Some have already tried to do this once, and what did this action lead them to? Coals are still being collected."Spirits, I know you're here somewhere. – Jay approached the rabbits and began to look into all the cages. – Come here. – Behind one of the rabbits, he noticed a familiar glow from the wings. – It's better in a good way. I can see you. I'm counting to three. Two...- Well, what do you want? – The wind spirit, pretending that he had just woken up and, flying up, yawned at Jay."Didn't you hear me calling you?""Oh... did you call us?" Probably, you really haven't heard. Something happened? The wind spirit peeked behind Jay's back unnoticed. There was no one there. He breathed a sigh of relief and signaled to the spirit of the earth that he was fine.- Yes, did something happen? – His friend immediately joined him.- Usually I don't ask you for anything, but now... they want to rob us. Go and chase the thief away. Jay pointed in the direction of the house."W-what thief?" Wind spirit asked suspiciously. "Has he not left yet?"- But go and check. – Jay decided not to go into details, especially how he was defeated quickly.- And you yourself, why can't you deal with him? Apparently he is alone. Meanwhile, the wind spirit continued to question Jay suspiciously. It was necessary to confirm whether the one they smelled had left. If there really isn't... can I escape from this place at all? Of course, they feed well here and they don't force you to do almost anything, but... to live next to "this", sorry, for nothing in the world.- He's got a gun. – Jay cheated without even batting an eye. – I've never seen such a weapon before. I don't know what to expect.- Let's fly and see then? I want to see this weapon. – The spirit of the earth was interested in Jay's story."Are you sure about that?" – The wind spirit meanwhile tried to give a sign to his brother. Like, don't be so hopeful and don't rush. Perhaps this is the right person.- of course. – But the spirit of the earth either did not perceive the signs well, or maybe he just ignored it. After all, hadn't his friend already said that everything was fine. So what is there to be afraid of?He picked up the wind spirit by the hand and flew towards the house. But in less than a minute, they came back in fear.- Um, you know... we changed our mind about helping. Deal with it yourself. We'd better get some sleep. – With these words, they, having slightly buried themselves in the fur of rabbits, hid.Jay looked at them for a while, then at the house, after which he stopped his teeth, spat on everything, and went to deal with everything himself. He didn't seem to have a choice. That's just how to win in this situation... that's another question.

Although I am now a prince, but in order to survive...BLWhere stories live. Discover now