Chapter 17

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As soon as there were more tenants in the house, Jay realized how small the house really was. Naturally, there were not enough beds, which caused Jay to have a headache. Oh, these problems of poor people. For the first time, we had to make improvised beds from what we had and provide these two with one single guest room. Promising two of his new employees that the owner would soon deliver the missing furniture. After that, so as not to bother your head with it anymore and not to think about empty pockets, and this is too painful a topic for Jay lately. After all, there was so much to do, and there was never enough money for these things. He gave everyone a tour, including for his neighbor, who seemed to be tired of idling and told them exactly what they needed to do here. At the same time, he did not forget to ask who these two had worked before.As it turned out, the old man was a butler. And here Jay did not even hesitate to appoint him to his former position. However, he promised to give money for household expenses a little later. After all, the new butler was now responsible for the purchases, which, by the way, it can't be said that Jay's life did not make it easier. Instead of going to the market, he could now spend more time looking for how else he could earn. Although why look, last time his kiosk was quite popular. It would be possible to pull off such a scheme again, only with some new product. Sauerkraut could come here. In the end, Jay had the missing ingredients to prepare this dish. If those of course still take root with him. Jay hadn't dropped them off yet, so he didn't know about that yet. He could not, after all, abandon his new employees to fate and go about his business. Firstly, it will be piggy, and secondly... no one will take him seriously. And he is an image of an employer, even if no one knew that it was actually him, a good one to create.The girl turned out to be a cook. Jay, as in the first case, agreed that she would continue to work with them. However, there were some nuances introduced here in connection with her position. The girl was in a position, he didn't want to burden her too much. Even if she refused in every possible way and said that she would cook three times a day and this is not discussed. As a result, we agreed that the morning and evening meal would start with her, and lunch... would be prepared by Jay. However, in the future, Jay was not given this chance, since the girl turned out to be quite stubborn and responsible to her duties. But since this has not happened yet, we decided to leave it at that and sent these two to cook, after the road because everyone was hungry, Jay finally went to plant plants, not forgetting to get seeds from the pumpkin.Here he had to develop another new plot, after which, according to the usual scheme, he mixed the land with the land impregnated with a potion of growth and a potion of high yield. Having somehow found out what kind of last potion he got, he diluted it and, as in the case of the first one, he also soaked the whole earth around him. Of course, it is impossible not to mention that sometimes Jay regrets this, but as long as nothing disappears from his harvest, he is even very happy about it.When the pumpkin seeds sprouted, and the greens came to life and stretched out a little, his neighbor, who had been accompanying him all this time, decided to ask something.- What kind of magic do you use?A grin immediately appeared on Jay's face. "Does he really think it's magic?" Afterwards, the boy almost laughed at the thought. Since no one knows better than him that no magic of a rich and fast harvest is capable of giving, unless of course the plant itself is mutated. Here everything primarily depended on the nature itself and the conditions in which the plant grew. And of course for the care of him. After all, I remember in his past life, a lot of scientists tried to create some kind of magical elixir so that just one drop per nut and in return you could have a hundred boxes full of nuts or some other crop. But in most cases, they ruined the plants with these additives (so-called elixirs). In the end, here it was necessary to take into account the genetics of the plant and not try to get from it what it could not give.For example, a pear gives you five fruits every year, naturally you can't take more. Only if you don't find "mutated" among the seeds from the fruits you received, as Jay's father called them. That is, when growing up, it brings about seven fruits, and no longer five. That's actually the only way to achieve a high yield. Well, or at least when crossing one type of plant with another. But here, again, it is necessary that they are genetically suitable, and, then this may happen, something on the example of a pumpkin with garlic flavor or a cucumber with a taste of hot pepper. Brrr... this would definitely not be eaten by anyone.And on account of the fact that Jay in this world still received such elixirs ... let's just say it was probably a gift from someone for his new life. After all, but it's stupid to deny that without this gift he could have survived. While the plants would have grown by themselves, he was most likely a corpse for a long time. And let's not even deny that. After all, Jay himself agrees with this. He has calculated his chances for a long time.- Consider that nature itself is helping me so far.- Don't tell me if you don't want to. – He didn't believe him, which made Jay think about whether it's really impossible to get a quick harvest in this world with the help of magic?Basically, what did he even know about magic? There were two categories of it. Some are spirits who, with the help of thought, could control one or another element of nature. And the second is people with an innate gift, able to create magic with the help of a spell. Is any of this... going to help? Really? Believing very deeply in the laws of nature, Jay doubted this very much. Even though he knew very little about magic in this world and what it was actually capable of (as in principle he was not interested in it, only if not for self-defense), but he knew one thing for sure, it had its own laws. Accordingly, she could not jump above her head. Therefore, no matter how people in this world overestimate magical talents or the benefits of spirits ... perhaps Jay will remain of his opinion.- If you don't want to, don't believe it. In any case, I told the truth. – Finished landing, Jay went to wash his hands, going to have a snack and go to bed. The neighbor followed him, to which Jay almost rolled his eyes. Oh my God, don't tell me he's going to be his tail now, trying to figure out his secret, growing vegetables? – If you want to make sure of this, you can help me later. I just the other day, I wanted to expand the area of tomatoes. And maybe carrots, too," Jay added a little later, when he thought about sauerkraut.- Aren't you afraid that I might reveal your secret? – Oh, so it turns out he guessed correctly.- Please. – Jay spread his hands, saying I don't mind and wiped his hands.- Then when to start? Tomorrow? – Seeing that Jay is so relaxed, his neighbor began to worry that he might change his mind at any moment.- No, tomorrow we need to remove the rice, and the day after tomorrow we need to collect a new one. In three or four days, I think.- Are you talking about that plant that was in the cave? By the way, everything is growing fast there too. He cast a thoughtful glance at Jay as he hurried to seal his lips with his palm."Shh... you'd better not talk about the cave. No one about her, okay?"Is it really all about the cave? But what is there?" The boy narrowed his eyes.- Okay, but if you only take me with you on the next trip. – Jay, who was already slightly annoyed by such an obsession, nodded his head without much joy. Let him go, maybe after that he will leave him alone and, by the way, will understand why it is impossible to talk about the cave.Having finished the conversation, the two went to dinner. The new chef, I must say, tried very hard on the day of his first job and set the whole table. Jay, who has already lived in this world for some time, saw so many dishes at once for the first time. And at that moment, he even praised himself for being smart. He was quite right to pick up these people. Now he will definitely have less worries.After dinner, everyone went to bed, and in the morning... Jay didn't want to wake up. Since it was worth remembering what he had to do today, he wanted to pretend to be terminally ill. But knowing full well that no one can do it for him, Jay eventually had no choice but to leave the bed and, after finishing his morning run and breakfast, go peel rice from the husk.It was a slow business and so tedious that the spirits who wanted to greet Jay after his return and report that, as it were, there was nothing to feed the birds with. There's enough food for at least two or three days, which Jay bought them earlier and that's it. They decided to postpone this matter until the deadline and, seeing his sour face, returned back to their corner to the animals. Let's wait until he's in a better mood.I must say that the spirits were not the only ones who visited Jay at work. But unlike these two lazy people, the girl and the old man offered him their help, thereby speeding up the work. And thanks to this, it was possible to deal with unprocessed rice in just a day and a half.- Well, thanks for the help. If there's any more business to come up, I'll let you know. Jay said to the cook and the butler, pouring the last peeled rice into the second bag with sore fingers.Oh, how my hands ached after that... as if you had been peeling paint off the floor with your nails for a week. Before that, it was terrible. But there was no modern technology in this world, as well as magic that could simplify the work. Although it was necessary to think about the second option. Perhaps wind magic could help, but could Jay tell his new employees that he has two spirits living? And the same neighbor? These three have never crossed paths with them before. Perhaps, perhaps, we should wait with this. Considering how spirits are hunted in this world... it's better to look at these people once again.- Absolutely. It's our job now. We naturally have to do this. – The butler especially liked Jay's words. Since he was a man who was not used to sitting idle, and he felt like a freeloader at the same time. Unpleasant...- Here I brought it. – At this time, a girl who had previously gone to cook food for Jay came out of the house. He was going to go to the cave right now.Of course, almost two full bags of rice is good, but it's better to harvest while there is a growth potion in the ground. Who knows if there will be any force majeure in the future.Jay accepted the bundle of food and sat down in the cart, directed the horse to the forest. The neighbor has long occupied the place and was just waiting for the moment when, finally, it will be possible to unravel the mystery of plant growth. His look at the same time was as if someone's life depended on it."What a pity that I still can't get rid of him." Jay thought and began to eat sandwiches on the way, which the cook made for him. By the way, the neighbor did not go far from him and also managed to steal a couple.- Listen, why didn't you go to the tramps? – Watching the last sandwich disappear into someone else's mouth, and he didn't even have time to eat half of his first one, Jay decided to ask this person why he actually occupied his house? Usually, after all, children who lost relatives and were left alone with other children united. And he himself would most likely have done so if he had not had a house and a plot of land.- Do I look like them? – He ate the last sandwich and looked at Jay. The boy who wanted to nod his head, not knowing why he didn't dare to do it. Maybe he felt threatened, or maybe...Jay was pinched on the cheeks and he shouted irritably:- You look like a dog! The dog...! Your whole family are dogs!! – He hit his abuser on the torso and moved away, crying in his soul that he could not beat this guy. In terms of strength, he is nothing more than a chicken for him! Weak! Stunted! Chicken!!Jay angrily banged his fist on the cart, promising himself for the future that he would definitely become strong and beat him up so much... that he would start calling him dad. We'll see which one of them will come out the winner. We will definitely see...!Having finally reached the cave in this way in a bad mood, Jay poured out his anger when he cut bunches of rice. His neighbor, in turn, did not interfere with him and examined the cave, checking some of his guess. When something was confirmed there, he smiled and turned to Jay, who was still burning with anger.- It's all about the earth, right?- Wow, I didn't know dogs could be so smart. – Jay did not, did not confirm, did not deny this fact, continuing to scold him.- I agree, I'm pretty smart.- I didn't call you smart, I called you a dog.- No, you said I was so smart. – Jay wanted to throw a knife in his direction, but unfortunately he needed it. Therefore, for the next few hours he had to pretend not only to be deaf, but also to be mute and to be engaged in harvesting and planting.During this case, Jay noticed that the lake has expanded significantly compared to the last time, as well as the area of rice has increased. It is worth, perhaps, to visit this place more often. Until the water flooded this whole cave.After finishing the rice, Jay decided to spend the night, as always in such cases, in a cave. And in the morning to go. However, before sending, he did not forget to pick strawberries. Anyway, it grows endlessly here, and now he has extra mouths in the house. Food is needed.After collecting all the berries, Jay covered the wagon with branches with bags and went back. The neighbor was not with him this time. Having learned what he needed, he had already gone home a long time ago, which Jay was very happy about. At least for a day he won't see this nasty type. And then I got into the habit of pinching his cheeks. Is he a child to him? By the way, his soul is about twenty years old. He hasn't been a child for a long time...!- Maybe I should throw ants in the bed? But I sleep there too. - Jay sighed irritably.- You're finally back. – At that moment, the wind spirit flew up to him. – How long are you going to drive? Are you thinking about animals? By the way, we have nothing to feed them with. – And began to accuse him of almost all mortal sins.- I have already told you carrots, you can take them in the garden for rabbits, they should still have enough grass.- I'm not talking about these big-eared ones.- And you're talking about turkeys. – Jay immediately turned away so that someone wouldn't see his guilty conscience.- yes. – The wind spirit noticed Jay's behavior, and at that moment remembered a question that had been bothering him for a long time, which he immediately voiced. As if I couldn't find a more appropriate time. - By the way, I've been wanting to ask you for a long time, why didn't you say that you need to feed them personally for the first week?- Hmm, well, you guessed it yourself. – Jay tried not to delve into this question and to translate the topic as quickly as possible. – Yes, and they already have to eat on their own. It's better to talk about what to feed them. I still have cottage cheese, I think it will be enough until the next purchase, and the chopped greens, harvested remained. About the chalk... use the one I asked you not to touch. Maybe that seller will appear another time on the market. I didn't think he came here so rarely. I'll boil the eggs a little later and bring them.- There's no need to shirk. You specifically assigned us the hardest work, because we do not provide you with magic and we do not agree to conclude a contract. – Another story of the spirit has begun, they say, they are so poor, they have not done anything bad to anyone, but they still have to do such menial work.Jay grabbed this bug and put it in his pocket, not forgetting to threaten:- Then maybe I should send you to harvest or peel rice? Are you sure you can do it with magic without damaging a single seed? – The spirit shut up, because he knew he couldn't. In this job, it was necessary to be very careful with his element, and he ... he was used to doing everything wildly, but at the same time, so that he had fun.Jay was pleased with this effect, and when he got home, he told the spirit to return to his room and set about freeing the cart. After arranging the bunches of rice in the usual order, Jay went to prepare food for the turkeys. Going a little later, how to take it, do not forget to check them. They should have grown up by now. And if that's really the case... it's time to add something new to their feed.Damn, and how did he not remember about it when he was at the market. We need to get there urgently now. The animal must eat a variety of foods to be healthy. After all, who knows if there are any animal or bird diseases in this world. If during the years of disaster people get sick and die, as if the plague is walking, then everything is possible here. Then it's not worth debugging this case.So, when did he arrange to exchange information with the leader of the vagabonds there? Will he have time to harvest by then and cook sauerkraut, and tomato sauce? Surely it should, if of course the cabbage has already grown, and the onion too.

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