Chapter 8

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After the incident, Jay made sure that his pants were not torn anywhere (and oddly enough, the bite somehow passed through the fabric, even without touching it), hurried to the city as soon as possible, not wanting to get into any more trouble. The journey took about thirty minutes. Not so much, just half an hour, but walking all the time under the mockery of the spirit, Jay was pretty tired. And he began to think about swatting his little friend, with one clap, mistaking him accidentally for a fly and getting rid of him in this way. But a miracle happened no other way, as soon as Jay entered the high walls of the city, the spirit hid in the boy's clothes, quieted down, as if he wasn't there at all.Jay decided to pacify his anger for a while and, trying not to limp, walked slowly forward, carefully looking around.Well, life in the city was clearly not as deplorable as Jay imagined. Although the king was selfish and liked to take care of himself more than people, but the stone buildings were not in a shaky state and looked quite ordinary. The sidewalks and the road itself were covered with pebbles. At every turn there were lanterns, inside of which there was a transparent white stone, instead of light bulbs. Most likely, his spirit was recharged with magic so that he would light up the city in the evening, Jay realized without thinking twice. Among other things, there were a variety of wooden signs with handwritten inscriptions: a sewing shop, an inn, a blacksmith, a knight's house, a sweet world, a bakery ... add to this a little of modern things, in general one might not notice the difference that you are in another world. Except perhaps here people rode horses, and the carriages in which they were harnessed, and there were no cars. Speaking of animals...Judging by the armor and swords worn by people, five knights have already passed by Jay in the short time that he wandered here. And yet, for some reason, there are a lot of people gathered in a variety of clothes, from the rich style to the cheapest."That's not what I thought, is it?" – For a second, the thought of "HOME" flashed through Jay's head and he decided to get inside the crowd and listen to what someone was talking about.When Jay squatted down and crawled inside the crowd, he saw in the center of a long thin man in a green pointed hat with feathers. He was holding some yellowed piece of paper in his hands and reading loudly from it: "The building burned down today. People died. If anyone knows the culprits, we ask you to come to the knight's house immediately. There will be a reward. And if the culprit himself appears... so be it, he will have a small pardon: a quick and painless death. In the meantime, the culprits have not been found, the knights will patrol the city. I will ask you to follow their instructions in case of anything. Is everything clear to everyone?".- What kind of building burned down?- I didn't notice anything.- So maybe some drunk was messing with the spirit, so he accidentally set fire to the building. A month ago, a similar thing happened. So the culprit himself died in the fire. Are you going to look for dead people this time too?- Quiet you...! This building belonged to the king himself. If necessary, they will look for them to curry favor."To him?" What is it, then?- What was on the left side of the square.After that, people started whispering among themselves, and someone even said, "Well, at least someone did something good." As if he knew what kind of institution the building belonged to. But, unfortunately, Jay could not find the speaker of this phrase in a crowded crowd. And I wanted to ... because it was very curious to look at this fearless daredevil. After all, he almost hinted in plain text that the king was not doing very good things.Having found out what he needed, Jay began to make his way to the exit, now going to stay in the city for a while and completely inspect it. Since the "HOUSE" was apparently finished, it means that it was not worth worrying about the fact that someone might grab him and take him away in an unknown direction.- I got out in time. When things haven't calmed down yet... well. While all the rats are hiding in the corners, I'll find out everything I need. – Jay got out of the crowd and, brushing off the dust from his pants, chose the direction where he should go.To begin with, it's probably worth going to the fountain in the city square and looking for information about the local currency there. Although there was something about money in the memories of the original owner of this body, but... considering that he could only count to ten... all his given knowledge about the economic situation was nothing. Since I'm sorry, but here only one coin bore the name foreman, which usually depicted two crossed swords and the number ten. What about the others? Surely all the money in this world can't be foremen? That would be ridiculous then. But still...It was at least some knowledge that the former servant was not too lazy to cram into the head of the abandoned prince. Which by the way was amazing. Although perhaps some of them had a conscience, and they were not such lost souls, since they decided to teach the boy at least something before leaving. So to speak, to prepare him for an independent life. But it is impossible not to notice that Jay considered such an act cheap. Since didn't they adults understand that by doing so, only a little bit of the boy's suffering would be prolonged? Idiots, there was nothing more to add here. However, it is better not to think about such things at all. I didn't have enough to spoil my mood with these vile people.Hearing someone from the crowd coming to the town square, Jay decided to follow this person. Not wanting to look for her on his own, and literally five minutes later he was already on the spot. It should be noted that he had a beautiful view. There was a blue stone under his feet, with which the square was overlaid. On one side there were trees, on the branches of which birds were sitting, and from time to time they sang. On the other side there was a bakery, from where the fresh smell, just that of baked bread was coming. Among other things, a fountain was located in the center, creating a slight coolness and filling this place with sea air. And it should also be noted that there were a lot of kids dressed in long-worn clothes. Apparently, these were the local street kids.- Maybe I should talk to them? – Without thinking twice, Jay decided to do just that. After all, he is also their age, which means it is quite possible that he will be able to start a conversation with them.But, however, Jay did not have time to approach the children, as someone grabbed him from behind, and almost scared him to death, bending down to his ear, said:"My master wishes to see you." Are you free?- And here we are, - the earl's butler, who initially almost scared him to death, told Jay when they approached the mansion in the center of the city.Actually, there were a lot of them on this street and they were all fenced with almost golden gates. So to speak, to hide everything away from prying eyes, but at the same time successfully communicate your rich status. Speaking of the latter, when they entered the gate with the butler, Jay was hardly blinded by this wealth, because wherever you look, it pointed to it everywhereA beautiful and perfectly trimmed lawn near the path. A little further there was a fountain, in the middle of which there was a statue of a fish spitting out water. A large luxurious mansion, with a balcony on the second floor, where a rocking chair and a couple of rare flowers in pots are comfortably located. On the right side, where the path went from the general one, there was, apparently, a flower garden. Jay noticed him out of the corner of his eye, and even then from a distance. There was also a separate training ground on this square. Jay determined this by the sound of the swords touching and the occasional shout of the coach coming here. The knights' guards here, apparently, were strictly monitored.Well, the last thing, perhaps, that the boy managed to notice, before they did not go inside yet, were three carriages with different coats of arms depicted on the door. And at the present time, every respectable nobleman had his own family coat of arms. And considering that there are three of them here... Jay breathed a sigh of relief, as he understood why he could have been called. In vain he was initially worried, because the most interesting thing was just beginning.When they went inside, a familiar butler led Jay straight to the office, where his master was currently with the others. Here, already on the way, Jay looked around a little, since he was still tired of the "show-off" of his status outside. Of course, it is clear that at the present time it is fashionable and almost every second nobleman in the house keeps paintings with a gold frame, vases with various precious stones, luxurious Persian carpets ... but Jay is not too used to such things, only still tried to learn to be blind and not ignore such things. After all, it's not every day he's in such houses that he gets bored of it in an instant. Besides... in such a rich house for the first time at all. After all, even when he came to visit the first count, he was much more modest. And this one..."Did I really recommend this peacock to the first count?" Jay scratched his head thoughtfully when the butler went to report to the office, and he was left outside. Considering that he only knew the last names, it's quite even very."Then I hope he's at least properly dressed." Jay whispered to himself, at the very moment when the office door opened and he was invited inside.At the same time in the office."Count, take off that hat at last. We are in the house. The Baron read the letter and put it on the table.- First of all, Baron, I have to leave soon on business. So what's the point of taking it off? – Count Delstein settled himself more comfortably in his chair, brazenly ignored the baron's attack.- And secondly? – The count remarked, standing at the window and looking out of the window that led directly into the winter garden, where their children were now with the servants.- And secondly, you are all in my house. So only I can set the rules here.- What disrespect to the guests. Yes, you have a count, apparently there is not even decency. – the Baron was about to add something else, but the door opened. Knowing who it could be, all three of them decided to end this conversation at once and looked with great attention at the one who came inside. Except, perhaps, the Count.Jay at this moment, who was under the gun of two curious pairs of eyes at once, was not at all confused. He briefly examined the appearance of the people, one of whom, however, looked a little like a peacock: he was wearing a light blue suit, gold-rimmed glasses, a pair of rings on his fingers with expensive stones and a silly big yellow hat. Then he greeted everyone.- Hello, Count, Baron, despite the fact that we are not familiar with you, I am glad that you decided to follow the advice of my master. If you called me here in order to arrange a meeting with my master, then, alas, I will have to refuse. He's not the kind of person who spends time talking to others. In addition, unfortunately, due to the state of his current health, he cannot afford such a thing.- Can people like him get sick? The baron asked, not keeping his mouth shut in time. He was generally a curious and talkative person, so it was incredibly difficult for him.- Alas, sometimes his seasonal cold bothers him. You know what the climate is like there. – Baron didn't quite understand the question, and considering that Jay didn't have any information about the east in his head at all, just small fragments, then he didn't understand what he meant at all. In this regard, he decided to respond more tactfully, so that if anything, there would be no suspicion in his words or his lies would not be revealed.- The climate there is really terrible, - the baron immediately supported him. – But I didn't think he even affected them. – Jay just shrugged in response.- Well, then it's a pity that we can't see him. We have a lot to talk about. There was regret in Count Delstein's voice.- If you have something to say to him, give him a letter. If he deigns to give you an answer, I will deliver it.- Baron, congratulations, you were right. You can pick up your winnings later at the exit. Count Delstein gritted through his teeth when the boy found another way to solve their pressing problems. Then he took the letter that the baron had read recently and handed it to the boy. – Then I hope for his prompt response. – He said, completely ignored the smile and how disgustingly the baron rubbed his hands, probably thinking about his winnings. Damn him...! This, by the way, was his most expensive painting and a magic flower. It was necessary to lose so stupidly! But never mind, never mind, another time he will definitely win the argument.- If possible. Jay nodded. "Is that all?"- We would also like to send thank-you gifts. Can you deliver them? – Suddenly the count familiar to Jay spoke up.- Good, - the boy nodded his head again in response, trying to restrain his joy. Although at the moment in his head the thoughts said so from one to the other. "Am I really going to be able to fuck something from this case right now? What a pleasant surprise. I hope there's something valuable, or at least useful. It was me, however, who came to the city in time." "Is that all?" – Somehow suppressing his thoughts, Jay decided that it was time for him to leave. And then there's already someone inside the clothes started to move, wants fresh air.- Yes, you can go, you will pick up the gifts at the exit, the butler will give them to you. –"Then I won't keep you any longer. – Jay said goodbye and left the office.- And what do you think, Count, about this? Is he a reliable person? After all, we still have no information about him. Count Delstein turned to the count when the messenger had left. To be honest, he was worried about this issue from the very beginning of this meeting. – What if we made a mistake and decided to trust the wrong person?- That, not that... it's too late to discuss it somehow. The letter has already been handed over. – At this time, the baron got up from his chair. There was, oddly enough, no humor in his voice. – Now we have no choice but to wait for an answer. I hope that after he arrives, you will tell us everything word for word. In the meantime, I think I'll take my leave. Thank you Count for your hospitality, but I have to go home before my Baroness decides to come here. I hope that the winnings will really be waiting for me at the exit, and you will not deceive me like last time.- What's the last one? What kind of brazen slander is the baron? Yes I am you...- There was such a thing, but I don't judge you strictly for it. Count, see you next time. – Saying goodbye to the first Count, the baron left the office. Count Delstein followed him, demanding that he immediately stop slandering him.Only the first count remained in the study."Still, I wonder who this Duke Gry Delverdan is?" I think he knows a lot more than we do."Should I follow him?" – At the count's words, a spirit appeared in the air. In appearance, he looked a little like the wind spirit, except that he glowed with a yellow light and was dressed in a strict suit.- We don't need problems with the East. Let's see what happens next. Time itself will put everything in its place.And while the count was talking to his spirit in the office, Jay, meanwhile, was already picking up a basket of gifts at the exit and almost beating his own, which he wanted to get out there.- Didn't you say yourself that you can't go out when someone else is around? Of course, I don't care about you, but then I might be in trouble. Sit down, we'll leave the city now and you'll get out.- But I...- Later. – Jay once again shoved the spirit inside his clothes, went out the gate of someone else's house and headed out of the city, in the direction where he left the horse and cart.- Oh, look, there's honey and cookies here. And melon ... - The Spirit was sitting in the basket and listed everything that was there. – Mmm... I hope it will be sweet. I haven't eaten this in over a hundred years. I would not like the taste to disappoint.- Imagine that I not only see it, but also feel it. By the way, I could help. After all, are you a wind spirit or not? Isn't it possible to carry a basket with the help of your magic? Why do I have to carry you and her at all? – Jay put the basket on the road, which weighed a ton, and began to stretch his tired hands. For his current age, it was an unbearable burden.If the way to the city was easy, then getting back to the cart was another task. Instead of thirty minutes, it took him almost an hour. But who knew that he would be given such a huge gift for all his merits. There really was a bunch of different and expensive products. And what the spirit listed is just the tip of the iceberg. Among other things, there was a package of tea, as the locals would say foreign. Since this product could only be purchased in other countries. And two bottles of good wine, and a set of hunting knives, and so on, so on, so on... which Jay hasn't seen yet, since he hasn't unpacked the basket. All this was only from above. But then, these things were enough for him to get tired.- I would probably help, but on an empty stomach... sorry, kid, I don't work.- Yes, you're just too lazy and your stomach has nothing to do with it. Jay remarked, and then began to whistle. A horse from such a distance should have heard his conditional signal, unless, of course, it wandered into a swamp, looking for a good place to hide. But she wasn't really a fool, was she?He whistled several times, Jay began to wait, not forgetting at the same time to check whether he had lost the letter he had received from the count. Then he decided to read it on arrival home. It was in the same place in the pocket of his trousers.- By the way, you haven't thanked me for that. – Noticing the small movements of the boy, the spirit decided to remind him of something. – While you were groaning and pretending to be very tired of carrying all this, I have already returned the letter back ten times. You've lost him almost at every turn."Well, at least you're good for something. – Jay immediately said maliciously, not going to thank the spirit at all and looking out for a horse. She soon appeared, but at the same time it was impossible not to notice that she was running in a strange way: zigzag. "What's happened to her already?" – It was possible to find out only when she came closer.It turned out that she was strange because of the extra luggage she had taken somewhere. Although it was possible to argue about what was taken, because usually no one grabbed people, they themselves appeared.- Well, why did you bring this with you? – Jay looked questioningly at the dark-haired boy with a slight tan, who was lying unconscious in the cart, after which he turned his gaze to the quiet horse that was stupidly looking at him. – I actually told you to just hide, not go somewhere and steal people. That's where you got it from, huh? – The horse naturally could not answer, so Jay had to find out on his own by looking around.There were no duchies nearby, no forest huts, not even knightly posts. Some fields with forests, and a river somewhere in the distance. Because of what this case looked even stranger. It was as if he had just appeared out of thin air. Although it may have been using a scroll of movement for this, but, in any case, it does not change the essence. His appearance could promise trouble. Should he have been thrown off the wagon now and left before it was too late?Jay looked at the boy again. But he looks so pathetic, besides, he looked like he was only about 4-5 years old. What if he dies after that? Jay certainly wasn't going to help everyone he met, but at the moment it seems he had no choice. After all, if he refuses, he can indirectly become a child killer.- Okay. To hell with him, let him lie. Maybe then what will be the benefit from it. – Jay pushed him aside a little, put the basket on the cart, and then climbed in himself.- Yeah, his parents are rich and they will pay you a large sum or give you land ownership so that you can grow berries for me. – The wind spirit immediately began to dream naively.Jay chuckled at this and, turning the horse around, sent it along the road that led to the house, began sorting through the basket, looking through if there was anything useful there. So far, only melon could be used from all this gift set. It remained only to develop an area for planting it and plant it boldly, mixing the seeds with the ground, where the growth potion had time to soak in. And although such a gift was not bad, but I would like to have something more substantial in my diet. In the end, Jay still had enough fruit and berries. But vegetables or the same cereals ... were unacceptably few, or if we talk about the latter, nothing at all. And it was necessary to do something urgently with this, after all, but his diet, consisting of meat and tomatoes with berries, was beginning to get fed up.To this, to everything, at least to get where the crust of bread is ... but this, by the way, is still a dream. After all, he doesn't have the money to even buy the same loaf of bread. But what a smell, there was on the square... at the mere memory, Jay wanted to cry. After all, for the already considerable period of time that he was in this world, he still never managed to eat bread. And, by the way, he would increase the satiety of the body. Apparently, I will have to seriously think about how to get money later, preferably using my current friendship with the same count. Still, the time as previously noted is coming. It's time to move this case from a dead point long ago."I'm completely relaxed," Jay said to himself, adjusting the upper things from the basket to the side.When he got to the bottom, there was a small box in which there were eggs in the amount of seven pieces, in the dry grass. This was probably the last thing from the whole gift set. But it is worth noting the most unexpected and pleasant. After all, now Jay didn't have to go into the forest and look for nesting sites for ducks there. It was possible to get the bird directly. It remained only to plant the eggs and that was it. But to whom to entrust this matter ... this, perhaps, was a very difficult question. However, is it really that complicated? The wind spirit, flying behind the cart and not wanting to sit down yet, accidentally caught Jay's eye at that moment, and he immediately came up with ideas."Hmm, can you promise me something?" – He pretended to ask casually, returning things back to the basket.- I can, but it depends.- No, you promise first, and then I'll tell you.- If it's a contract...- I'm not interested in such a thing. This is something else. It's no big deal for you. You'll get over it quickly. I need to just use your abilities for a while."Magical?" Well, I can do that, but only if you agree to fulfill my every request for a month. If I ask you to bring me strawberries, then you have to bring them."Well, you could say that," Jay said, hiding a sneer. – Okay, I understand your conditions. Doing them won't be a problem. But only you, too, give a monthly promise. Ok?- I don't know, somehow it started to smell suspiciously, - the wind spirit suddenly turned on his brains.- And the melon is probably delicious. I wonder if I can eat it alone?- Okay, okay, I promise. That's a cheapskate. The wind spirit grumbled discontentedly and immediately landed on the melon, hugging it. "But then I'll eat it alone." Is that clear? – Jay shrugged in response, knowing full well that he wouldn't fit that much. – That's good. – He closed his eyes, and was about to fall asleep, but remembered that he had not found out what he had promised. – And by the way, what did you want?- To sit on eggs for a month. And what? You promised yourself. It's too late to refuse now.- what? What kind of eggs? I am a spirit! When did I agree to this?- Yes, literally just now.- You must have misheard. It wasn't ... - The Spirit began to deny everything, but Jay pretended that he was deaf, already thinking about what he could make a nest for his temporarily hired hen hen, and most importantly where to put it.

Although I am now a prince, but in order to survive...BLWhere stories live. Discover now