Chapter 21

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 - What are you waiting for? Go find an elf poppy. We need to destroy the magic circle. - The boy noticed that he was not alone here, gave Jay an order.

- What does he even look like? – Jay, who had just moved away from grief and had already said goodbye to his future fat wallet full of coins, did not argue. He only asked what exactly was required of him. In the end, although he did not know exactly how this triangle drawn on the grass was connected with the disease of animals, but he was in solidarity with his neighbor. It was definitely impossible to leave him.- A white flower, inside there are red seeds, from which the juice flows out. There was a clearing not far away, look there. Only the flower should be blooming. – Jay went in the indicated direction, noting for himself that he would need to study books on the flora and fauna of this world in his free time. And then somehow in the future he does not want to ask about such elementary things all the time. It looks the same from the outside as if he tried to find out from someone what a dandelion or a rose looks like. Is he a fool not to know that?- But thank you at least that the same edible plants were left and new purple tomatoes were not invented. – Jay said, either thanks to the developers of the game, or rejoicing that he found himself in this world, where everything turned out to be someone else's little fantasy.Jay found the clearing itself quickly, but the elf poppy, yes, and bloomed ... there were difficulties with this. Since it turned out that the season of this flower has not yet come. He, at this time, judging by his small buds that Jay saw in the clearing, was just gaining growth.- Either he sent me on purpose, or he hoped that I had magical abilities. Fool. Do I have nothing else, how to hide them and earn money with just a vegetable garden? Yes, if I were a magician ... - Jay imagined how much money he could already earn with the help of scrolls and at the end he sighed listlessly.This money would definitely be enough to explore this world. But, what a pity that this is just his imagination playing out in earnest. At the moment, he can't earn so much and so quickly.– Yes, first I need to create a name for myself. I'm still nobody. – Jay nodded, agreeing with himself, and began to inspect the elven poppies growing in the clearing. It's enough to be distracted, you need to find a flower as soon as possible, before his neighbor has a brain disease. And then you'll have to look for someone else to get rid of the magic circle. And what if the other one demands payment for this case? – Brr... - Jay shuddered and began to examine the poppies as quickly as possible.It took quite a long time to finally find the blooming elf poppy. Because that bud was almost lying on the ground, which is why it could not be seen at first glance.- It's already quite dark. – Jay plucked a flower along with the root and, straightening up, looked at the sky. The stars twinkled, the moon took its rightful place while he was digging here. "I hope he's still okay." – Approximately counting down how much time has passed, Jay excitedly went back. – Really, right? - He didn't know much about rabies, because, after all, he wasn't a doctor, so he had reasons to worry.- You've been a long time. – But fortunately the neighbor was still in himself. – Throw it in the center and move away. – Jay did what he was told, and began to watch with interest the following actions of the boy. Who knows, maybe he'll need it.The boy stood up and, ignoring the sweat running from his forehead, began to say something in a language unfamiliar to Jay. Although the phrase was short, it was enough for the flower in the center to flash brightly, and there was a flash of light, after which the magic triangle disappeared.Jay looked suspiciously at the boy, who was one solid mystery. It would seem that the more he learned about it, the more confusing it became. Unusual physical strength, exceeding even the strength of an adult, a magical gift, clearly some former dealings with the king, because of which they had a conflict with him. He's definitely not an easy kid. "And even if it is... what's the use of it. He's already dead anyway. Connections with him will not give me anything in the future already." Jay shifted his gaze to his bitten hand and turned away.- So it's over, and now ... - The boy's knees began to shake, and he sank to the ground. – You will need to prepare medicine. – Unlike Jay, he did not consider himself a dead man at all, although he did not look well.- Are you sure it will help you? – Jay showed complete skepticism about his neighbor's voiced proposal. Medicine? I'm sorry, if it existed in this world, there would not have been so many deaths during the disaster, which I almost erase entire countries from the map. Maybe it was just his deadly delirium?- You'll cook it, and pour something in there. Is that clear? – Meanwhile, the boy, who fortunately for Jay did not know his thoughts, continued as if he had not heard his previously voiced question. – Use everything you have. – He took out of his pocket a small bottle inside which there was a very small amount of yellow powder. There wasn't even half a teaspoon there. – As soon as it boils. – Jay caught the bottle, saying nothing, but with his whole appearance showing that one of them was clearly crazy and continued to listen further. – You will prepare the medicine itself from five flowers, those that bloom under the full moon. I hope you've heard of them?- Hmm, - Jay, who knew nothing but plants, those that can be planted in the garden, not wanting to make a complete fool of himself, just chuckled at this. Let's just let him pretend that he knows everything. After all, he's not going to cook anything anyway. Although ... and maybe still do it. Well, for purely experimental purposes? – What do they look like? – After a little thought, Jay decided to try to prepare a medicine. To be honest, he suddenly became a little interested in what might come of it.The boy explained superficially, since he didn't have much time. Then, while Jay had not yet left to collect herbs, he explained the cooking stage.- Should I put you right in boiling water? – Jay, when he heard about the final stage, was almost shocked.- Yes, because I can't do it myself. I'll have to eat sleeping grass now to slow down the stage of the disease. But that doesn't mean you can procrastinate. – The boy picked something like a dandelion next to him and began to chew.- Remember, if you don't die, I won't be involved in this. – Just in case Jay warned."Are you still here?" – The latter looked at him irritably in response, and he had no choice but to go look for herbs. In any case, he said his word. If he wants to boil in boiling water, then so be it.Jay had to explore more than half of the forest to collect everything he needed. Therefore, it was not surprising that when he finished his errand, dawn was about to come. But he noticed some interesting places during this case and the lake, even managed to find it. In the latter, by the way, a lot of fish swam. If he manages to build a fishing rod, then he can try his hand at fishing.- Yes, I haven't eaten fish for a long time. – Jay came back and found... - Did he really fall asleep from this herb? – His neighbor was deep in a dream. He looked suspiciously at the "dandelion" and made a note to himself for the future, not to eat wild herbs, even from hunger. And then you never know what surprises they will bring. After that, he adjusted his backpack and hid the already extinguished torch in the ground, dragged the "patient" home.It is perhaps superfluous to mention here that if Jay had not been 100% sure that rabies is transmitted only through a bite, he would never have done so. In the end, it is always more expensive than someone else's health. And he is not Mother Teresa to save everyone out of the kindness of his soul. But for the sake of his future chicken coop, he should at least try.- Yes, unfortunately, I need your physical strength, otherwise. Honestly, I just passed by and didn't even help. – On the way, due to the weight of the cargo, Jay grumbled, stopping several times to catch his breath.After all, his night walk through the forest had already knocked him out of his strength, and there was still a living load to drag...if it wasn't for his habit of always going forward and never retreating, he definitely threw someone out in the middle of the road.- I would have known that this would happen, I took a stupid horse. At least she's used to carrying loads. – Jay was sweating and breathing hard when he finally saw his house. – Fse! – He dropped a live load on the path and, wiping the salty drops on his forehead, slowly wandered into the house.Although he really needed to sit down and rest now, but he was afraid that if he did, he would hardly get up. So, then there will be absolutely no one to check whether the medicine works. And is it really a medicine? Again, it is still unclear.The butler and the cook were not yet in sight. Apparently they were asleep. Which was a good thing, because Jay didn't really want anyone watching him right now. And it wasn't because of his neighbor's warning, which he did when he explained how to create a medicine. Like, no one should know about it. He just didn't really want people to see him throwing a person into boiling water. How the hell is he going to explain this later? Definitely nothing. Therefore, when he entered the kitchen, he closed the door more tightly and began to prepare the medicine.It was actually easy to create. It was necessary to pour more water, add the necessary herbs and boil it all for three minutes after boiling, not forgetting to pour out the powder and stir all the time. But, however, before that, Jay boiled a whole bucket of water and put it aside. After all, the portion of the medicine had to be increased so that the boy would be completely in the resulting broth later, with the exception of the head, of course. And it can be done naturally only by dilution with water. In the end, the powder would hardly be enough for a second decoction.Having done everything as he was told earlier, Jay began to fill the barrel with this smelly medicine. The butler brought it earlier, for salting various dishes. However, in the near future, Jay is unlikely to succeed, he will use it for its intended purpose. After that.... As if it wouldn't have to be thrown away in the end. But I think now is not the best time to discuss Jay's future losses. It is better not to distract him from the case, otherwise he will accidentally break someone else's head.Dragging his neighbor to the barrel, Jay climbed onto a chair and began to slowly lift him, gradually lowering him into the barrel. What should be noted here is that the boiling water did not harm the person who was in it at all. What to admit Jay was very surprised.Business...! Is this child even human? After all, when he tried to put his finger in the medicine, he immediately got a burn. Why does this one look like it's just lying in a warm bath?- Maybe there are other races living here besides humans? – Jay scratched his chin thoughtfully, and after a few minutes she shook her head, not imagining how close to the truth he really was. This is definitely not the case, otherwise his sister told him that. – But it's still a strange thing ... - Jay began to observe what was happening in the barrel and suddenly almost began to suffocate from the sudden appearance of smoke, which he could have sworn came from his neighbor. – Cough... cough... and what is this? – An even bigger stench hit Jay's nose, which made tears come out of his eyes. Not going to take it anymore, he lifted the lid and covered the barrel with it. Right at that moment, the butler came out of the house. His nose also caught an unpleasant and very familiar smell, which even if he wanted to forget, he would never be able to do it in his life.– Jay turned around and saw the butler stopping a few steps away from him. For some reason, he did not want to go further. Jay paid little attention to this behavior of the old man.- I decided to cook something, but apparently nothing worked out. – He answered, looking at the smoke still coming out of the barrel, trying to get rid of the superfluous witness of his affairs as soon as possible. After all, if this old man looks inside, he may think that Jay is now trying to not only cook, but also drown his neighbor. – Probably wild herbs are superfluous here."Did you use wild herbs?" Saying this, the old man sighed with relief. So that's what it turns out to be. He was panicking for nothing. – What were you trying to do with them? – He asked this question in order to completely dispel his doubts.- Another month and autumn will come. And where I come from, it is customary at this time of year to drink ginger tea to promote health. "Jay didn't lie a bit here. – But since I didn't find ginger, I decided to try using similar herbs. – In connection with this threat of disaster, however, he had thoughts to look for ginger in this world. But it's more like that, thoughts for the future."Well, if that's all right then, I'll go. – To be honest, the butler was not interested in what Jay was talking about right now. Having finally made sure that there was no threat here, he went on to sleep. Judging by the fact that it was already dawn, he still had an hour left for this case.As soon as the butler disappeared into the house, Jay opened the lid of the barrel.- And this was already unnecessary. – The boy, who was already completely healthy, immediately made a complaint, getting out.- Apparently, he came to your soul. – Jay ignored this and nodded to the side.- How can you be so sure? – He, once on the ground, began to squeeze water out of his clothes.- From his terrified look, he was definitely looking for someone here. Although maybe this smell scared him too. – Jay began to wave his hand in front of his face to breathe in the freshest air, and not this stench. "Are you really not infected anymore?" He turned around and looked at the hand with the bite of the beast. No matter how strange it was, but the mark of the fox's teeth was missing. It looked as if Jay had just dreamed it."Magic?" Jay frowned, but didn't really make it worse. After all, but compared to the fact that he saved someone's life and he now owes him, it was absolutely nothing.- Fine. If you are healthy, then as a sign of the service rendered, you will help build a chicken coop.- Services? You didn't do anything for me, just returned the debt. After all, if you remember, I also saved you from death recently."Considering that you didn't have to pick herbs and drag me through the forest, can this really be called salvation?"- That's just your opinion. – Having finished getting rid of the water, the boy went into the house."That bastard... is he really not going to pay the bills?" We'll see about that. – After thinking about something, Jay smiled to himself and decided to clean the barrel before going to bed.This case could not be delayed. After all, it is unknown what could have started up in this water, where the person infected with rabies was, and even more so, what microbes were floating there at the moment. Even if after that the barrel cannot be used for salting, after the same multiple washing. It could be quite suitable for the construction of a shower. Although summer is already ending, but it's not so cold in the fall yet, it will be quite possible to go there to take a shower. And for the winter... there will have to worry about building a bathroom. Unfortunately, she is not in the house.Or maybe they forgot to add it when the same toilet was built in a separate room. Either there wasn't enough money for it. In any case, in one of the rooms, which was full of a lot of garbage, Jay found only one toilet with bare walls and nothing more. But, probably, it's still worth saying thanks to Jay's current parents that they at least provided him with such a house. Even if repairs are needed here and even a few rooms should be added, but at least he has a roof over his head and in case of rain or snow he has somewhere to hide. And everything else is solved, the main thing is that there is money. Speaking of them...- Damn, I completely forgot that I have put aside food for cooking. And the rabbits have probably already soaked enough in the water. We urgently need to start doing something of them before anything is lost. What kind of dream is there... I definitely can't sleep. If everything goes to waste, I will not only buy the second part of the greenhouse, but I will not fulfill anything else planned. – Jay sighed in frustration and mentally cursed the mice that had climbed into his garden. Because of them, he had to put sleep on the back burner. And this is at his age, when not only his future growth, but also his health depends on his lifestyle! – Wind spirit! Do you think I let you go? You'll still have to meet your boyfriend and take the money from him. Don't even think I forgot!! Jay shouted loudly, putting on gloves and starting to scoop water into the barrel with a bucket. Fully confident that the one who needs him now hears him perfectly. After all, he's a wind spirit, how could it be otherwise?And of course he heard it. Just not paying any attention to it, frowning thinking that this boy is too annoying. Why does he insist on it so stubbornly, even when he has already said no? Or maybe he's just deaf or pretending to be a fool?"People are strange creatures" - the wind spirit yawned and closed his eyes again to continue sleeping.- I think that's your name. – But could the spirit of the earth, who was very curious about this situation, allow him to do this? – He wants you to fly to the tower again. I saw how you flew into the forest last time because of this. Tell me, what is it about this magic tower? For some reason it seems to me that this is a very interesting place.- Huh?! Interesting?! Have you been there at least once to claim this? The Wind Spirit didn't like those words at all. He considered the spirit of the earth almost crazy because of them. How could one of their kind say such a thing when the ranks of spirits began to thin out because of her?- I haven't been, but I've heard a lot.- Do not trust the rumors. Maybe they're made for fools like you.- Really? Then maybe you can tell me what's wrong with these rumors? – The spirit of the earth did not take offense at being called a fool. On the contrary, he showed even more curiosity than before.- Here's another annoying one. I don't want to talk about it.- Wind spirit! – At this time, Jay's voice was heard again."Oh... then are you going to fly into the forest again?"- Why? I already have a solution to this problem and I don't need your help.- And it's like I offered it. - The spirit of the earth, who wanted to exchange information in exchange for his help, took the most innocent look. – I don't even have such thoughts and never had.- Of course I'm glad of your company, but remember, don't ask me about such things anymore. Or this warm place can turn into a battlefield. – The wind spirit weakly believed in the justification of the spirit of the earth and, after giving him a warning, soon left his sleeping place and flew away only in a direction known to him.- Big deal, a battlefield... It's like I'm scared. I just wanted to find out where the mage tower is. Once again I'm trying to find out, and everything happens as if according to a previously set scenario. It's been fifty years. Will they be able to wait for me any longer? The Earth Spirit scratched his chin thoughtfully, turning over on his other side. – Maybe try to question the boy? After all, I don't think he would have mentioned the tower of Magicians so easily. In principle, you can try. – The spirit of the earth got up and resolutely went to look for Jay.At this time, Jay, who did not know that someone needed his help, without getting through to the spirit of the earth, began to slowly empty the barrel. This matter, it must be said, was not easy, since the water that was there gradually turned into a black liquid, somewhat similar in consistency to liquid resin. And if Jay easily collected the first bucket and poured it on the road leading to the forest, then there were problems with the second one. This time, it was impossible to put a bucket in and pull it out so easily.- What a strange world! Why can even ordinary water become like this here?! Jay tried to pull on the bucket again. But no matter how much he tried to put in his strength, it did not, what did not move by a centimeter, even by a millimeter. – It looks like the task has become more complicated. We'll have to bring hot water so as not to lose the bucket. – Jay shook her head in disappointment, finally convinced that the barrel could not be saved from this strange sticky consistency in the same way. He'll have to, no matter how much he doesn't want to go do extra work. To engage in the next dragging of water, and then pumping it out. Although... - And why, in fact, should I then again scoop everything with a bucket and walk a long distance to get rid of it? You can simplify everything. – Jay jumped down from his chair and started knocking over the barrel. – Uh... - When he succeeded, he wiped the sweat on his forehead and rolled it to the drain point.- The boy. What's your name... oh, right, Jay. Can I ask you something? "And that's what the earth spirit found Jay doing.He flew up to him with a face full of joy. But the closer he got and the more clearly he saw what was inside the barrel... gradually the joy slipped from his face."This is..." He sniffed. – Why didn't anyone warn me?! "Without waiting for Jay to speak, the earth spirit left this place as soon as possible. When he was already far away from the barrel and safe, he could not help but grab his heart. "Ah, I almost died. But who would have thought that this stuff would be here...! She's only... when it happens. Has the time of calamity already arrived? No! I don't believe...! I don't want to believe! Why now? Are you kidding me? After all, I just decided to allow myself to rest after all these flights. Flying off somewhere again? No... - The spirit of the earth completely lost heart and went into despondency."What's the matter with him?" – Jay, not knowing about other people's problems, looked in surprise at how the spirit of the earth was flying away and did not understand anything at all. - Are there any oddities of these bugs again? No, I still will never learn to understand them. He shook his head and continued rolling the barrel.

Although I am now a prince, but in order to survive...BLWhere stories live. Discover now