Chapter 12

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- I came to see my son. A glamorous lady dressed in a long purple dress, with a fox collar wrapped around her neck, impatiently addressed the count. – I haven't seen him for three years. – She depicted the longing of a loving mother on her face and even managed to shed a tear. This lost look of hers did not suit her at all, because due to the fact that she had overdone her makeup a little, she looked like an evil witch, talking about such things.- Haven't I paid you enough money this month to keep you in your estate? The Count felt a headache at her words. "How much more do you want?" Despair and fatigue flashed in his eyes. He was already pretty tired of such scenes, but what could he do? He couldn't really kill her. She is, after all, the mother of his child.- Money, money... darling, that's all I hear from you. How unfair. The lady clutched her shoulders as if she was deeply offended.- I can just throw you out. Either you say the amount, or I will really do it. How much? The count tapped his cane on the ground and raised his hand at any moment, intending to signal the butler.The woman, seeing the impatience of the count, stopped playing and, throwing off the mask, got down to business.- Exactly as much as has already been paid. The count ground his teeth and immediately signaled to the butler to put the woman back in the carriage and send him to hell. This is too much.- What a serious relationship. – Jay at this time, enjoying the spectacle in the shade of a tree, chuckled. He did not think that the Count could have such a family situation.At least, as he believed that his wife had left somewhere, but to assume that for the sake of status and money she would be ready to step over her own son... It seems that in this world every third person has the same parents as him, with a black and rotten soul. He wouldn't even be surprised to find out that his current mother is friends with this madam. It would be easy for the two of them to find a common language."Just a second," Jay suddenly had an idea in his head.He immediately tried to grab onto it, and as soon as it happened, he felt disappointed with life. After all, if he remembered correctly now, his sister had once briefly mentioned that the mother of the deceased prince had starved to death, just such a friend, whose son was love interest number three. And there also seemed to be magicians in the list at number four and seven.- Ugh... without knowing it, I seem to have become part of the storyline. It sucks. Only I didn't have enough for the heart of some lady there to fight, who flirts right and left with everyone. Let my brother take her. – Jay began to shake his head negatively, starting to clearly regret getting acquainted with the characters involved in the game plot.After all, this will surely bring him a lot of problems in the future. Perhaps one of them will want to kill him for the sake of that very heroine (and there were such slightly bloody scenes in the game). Well, or his business will start to collapse. Let it not exist yet, but in the future it will certainly be, and even what.– It looks like we'll have to think about countermeasures. It is impossible to allow my comfort to be violated by someone. No...- Do you know that this is someone else's territory? Who are you, answer me? Hearing a rustle behind him, Jay stopped muttering and looked around.A few meters away from him stood a skinny, red-haired, curly-haired boy, on whose face the familiar features of the count were visible. He was dressed in a white shirt with a black vest and black trousers with gloves. I must say that all this created the image of a little prince, compared to which Jay looked clearly an ugly duckling.Although Jay would rather disagree with this statement.Hey, who's the ugly duckling here? That's when I grow up and regain my past six-pack abs, we'll see! Ugly? This is clearly not about me.- I have come to the Count on business. I decided to wait until the guests left. – Jay clearly didn't feel uncomfortable about being caught watching the "show".- Wait or spy on other people's affairs? The hatred in the boy's eyes was splashing. And this, by the way, was only their first meeting and no heroine stood in the way. Jay obviously had a talent for making enemies.- I'm just not used to interfering in other people's conversations. Jay shrugged and turned away from the boy. What was the point of having a conversation with him? He has already clearly shown his attitude. And if so... it's not in his legs to start lying around here, so that he doesn't do dirty tricks to him in the future. To hell with him, then in due time he will deal with this problem child.- I hate people like that! They like to poke their nose into other people's affairs, and then scratch their tongue behind their backs. I hate it! – A burning voice filled with hatred sounded in his back. Jay almost choked on air from this. Hey, he just said he wasn't interested. Why did this kid suddenly become so nervous and switched to shouting, and even calling for help? "Where's the guard... where's my guard?" Yuil!- Crazy. Jay left his hiding place and walked towards the count who was escorting the carriage. The lady has long been escorted away to her screams.- Did I let you leave? – The son of the count, seeing that no one came to him, decided to grab Jay alone and throw him out. But it was not so easy to catch up with the stranger. Although he had short legs, he walked very fast at the same time.Jay saw the movements of the count's son out of the corner of his eye and grinned. However, what a nervous boy, and even stupid. Isn't he, what, seven already? Did he still not have time to learn the basic rules of decency in society by these years? Or can his brain simply not remember them? Then it is clear why the heroine will not choose him in the future. Who needs such a fool? He would naturally refuse in her place, too. He walks around here and suspects everyone. Ugh...!- Father! – When they came out of the garden and the count noticed them, the red-haired boy rushed forward, almost knocked Jay down on the way. "Are you really doing business with this fat guy?" He was looking out for our mansion. Tell him to drive him away...Let's omit the fact that Jay wanted to hit someone when he heard such a familiar nickname again. Do these love goals all have the same brain? Otherwise, how else to explain that this is the second character who calls him that. Is he fat? You and your whole family are fat. You just haven't seen how handsome he was in his previous life. Ha! Who else should envy whom? He will definitely make up for everything and make these worthless characters seem like a gray background in his company.Proudly straightening up and raising his head up, Jay pretended to be deaf to the count's son and addressed the count himself.- I delivered a letter and a return gift. – The count patted his son on the shoulder and saw some jars in the hands of the messenger, called the butler who was released. – Then I will arrive in a week for an answer. – Having handed over all the things, Jay freed his hands and, having agreed on the next visit, hurried to leave someone else's mansion.Let's not get in the way of punishing someone. At least, that's what Jay was counting on. However, he did not know that the count had simply sent his son to the room, telling him not to leave it these days for fear that his wife might steal her own son and demand a ransom. She has already had similar attempts.And a couple of days later, it really happened. Another kidnapping attempt... successful. As if someone had croaked. And it so happened that Jay, who decided to go for a walk in the woods at this time, came face to face with the kidnappers. By the way, he wasn't happy about it himself. Since he certainly never dreamed of being a hero. After all, they all always have to risk their lives without exception. Think of the same Batman, Superman or any similar character.No, Jay didn't want to be a hero at all! It's just that at the moment when he saw a carriage passing by him, and a familiar red-haired boy sitting tied up inside it, next to whom the kidnapper was playing with a knife with his greasy hands, Jay inadvertently thought about how the count would feel if he found out about the abduction. Poor man... he has enough problems with his wife, and then there are almost daily kidnappings of his son. So after all, they will go crazy not far away. And this, by the way, will not be entirely profitable for Jay. In the end, it now depends on the count whether the sauce will arrive on the market or not.- Well, then consider yourself lucky, boy, that I was passing by. Wind Spirit, can't you help the carriage stop? – Jay touched his chin and, watching the carriage drive further and further away from him, turned to the spirit sleeping in his pocket. After visiting his brother, he suffered from depression and rested most of the time, and if not, he ate.- I told you not to wake me up.- And you didn't sleep yourself. So will you help?- Hmm... and who needs to kick ass there? The wind Spirit came out of hiding and, following Jay's gaze, saw the carriage. Yawned, he directed the wind in her direction, telling him to move her here. – Do you see how strong I am? You underestimate me for nothing, by the way. – When a small hurricane formed near the carriage, the wind spirit decided to show off. – Yes, the other spirits are nothing compared to me.- Oh, is that so? Jay yawned boringly. Again this fly was beginning to bore him with its long tongue. Can I make earplugs for him? And then, honestly, he's already getting wildly bored with his bragging.- of course. For your information, a lot of people like to ask for help from me. I remember once ... - he began to share a newly invented story, where, of course, he was a hero. Not paying attention at all to how things were progressing with the carriage there, but they should have. As soon as she was in the air, the dozing cabman woke up and hurried to report to his colleague about the bad situation outside."It looks like we've been overtaken, with the Count himself at the head.- How do you know? – The man stopped playing with the knife and looked out the window. The wind was raging around him, a cloud was passing by near his head. He laughed angrily. – Don't tell me, I can see for myself. That's the Countess... stupid woman. Everything will be successful. Don't worry... ugh! he spat into the corner of the carriage. – I shouldn't have asked to double the price. Well, never mind, let's go back, she will pay for everything at a triple price. Get your contractor."Do you think he'll agree to help us?" Last time, he didn't respond to any threat.- Are you a fool? You didn't have a contract with him then. Now he is, so he must obey you.- Oh, that's right, that's right. – The cabman nodded his head and began to take the bound spirit out of the smoky jacket pocket. He did not move and at first glance looked as if he was dead. However, as soon as the man grabbed him, he tried to bite him. – Don't even think about it, otherwise I'll pull out all your wings.- And then I won't have any magic and you'll be left without anything. – The spirit, dressed all in black and with the same hair color, did not succumb to his provocation.- If necessary, I'll catch a new one. So, it would be better for you to forget about the whims! He began to untie it, but not completely. I didn't free his legs and widened that rope a little, tied it to my finger so that the spirit wouldn't fly away. "Now listen to my orders. Get out of our way, everyone who is in the way.- I really need it. The spirit replied, gritting his teeth and realizing that he could not resist the decree of his current master. Damn this contract. He waited for the wind to die down, hoping to take advantage of some loophole in the order and with its help get rid of these two once and for all. However, the help of those who attacked the carriage would not hurt here. But let's hope they will help him indirectly.- This? – When the carriage descended, and the driver saw only a boy with a bug flying next to him, he laughed. Only here it is not necessary to say that he is their current opponent. "Ha... ha–ha... some fat guy and a fly. They really scared me. Ha-ha..." He burst into loud laughter.- What are you doing there? Are you crazy again? – Meanwhile, his colleague hurried to leave the carriage and see what was happening outside. He couldn't see anything from the window.- You heard him call you a fly.- And you're fat.Jay and the wind spirit exchanged glances and, without collusion, nodded their heads to each other, after which the spirit again arranged a strong wind, intending to flatten the man with its help. Neither of them felt pity for such people.Noticing the action from the side, the spirit of the opponents decided not to miss his chance and gathered sharp stones in a pile near the area where the wind was formed, prepared on the one hand to execute the order with the help of earth magic. And on the other hand, he was looking forward to when his current master would die, very slowly building an earth monster.- Thank you, thank you.... - When the stones rose into the air and one of them crashed into his master's skull with great force and thereby pierced him, he rushed at the wind spirit and began to thank him. However, their hugs did not last long.When the companion of his dead master got out of the carriage, he flew to the side and began to seriously control the ready-made earth monster, full of intent to kill the survivor of his offender.- I promised that you would regret it. As you can see, I keep my word. – He began to beat the man with the monster's thick paws, ignoring his curses."Oh, it looks like my help is no longer needed. – The wind spirit, noticing how resolutely his brother met him, dispersed the wind and sat on Jay's shoulder. – Let's leave it to him.Jay did not answer this in any way, he felt at his own expense that these comrades deserved such a thing. After all, good people certainly would not be able to anger the spirit (he probably forgot that he often did it himself). And he went to free the count's son from the ropes.- By the way, this is the second time I've helped you. – Jay informed the boy when he met him with an unfriendly look, in response to his help.- I didn't ask you or anyone for help at all. – He immediately gave the answer when the rag was pulled out of his mouth, thinking about what kind of lies he was telling him. The second time? He would have clearly remembered if this fat man had helped him earlier. There was no such thing. Exactly.- And also tell me that you voluntarily went into the clutches of these. There was a hint of mockery in Jay's voice, which gradually began to subside when he saw how nervous the earl's son began to behave after that. – You really went to them voluntarily. – He did not ask, but rather claimed, after which he suddenly began to laugh. No, this man, in fact, was impossibly stupid. – Fool. – Having finished laughing, he untied his hands and, allowing him to free his legs himself, sat down on an empty seat in the carriage. – Have you even thought about your father?- That's my business. – Jay didn't say anything about it. What's the point of this fool trying to explain anything?He's an impossibly capricious spoiled man. He wanted to, rushed to the kidnappers, wanted to say nasty things to the first person he met. And he doesn't care what his loved ones will feel at the same time. No, I'm still sorry for the Count.- Come on, I'll walk you.- Why? I can walk myself. – They got out of the carriage and came across a fresh mutilated corpse. The count's son turned pale and staggered as soon as he saw him.- So are you coming? – Jay, not noticing his condition, stepped over the corpse."Y-aren't you afraid?" – But the son of the count saw that he, unlike him, was clearly not afraid of such scenes. Although he was younger than him in age."Does he kill people so often with his spirit that he's used to it?" A suspicious thought crept into his head, followed by another. "What if he threatens my father with something? He obviously wouldn't have anything to do with it." He shuddered and looked at Jay strangely. He did not understand what exactly was in his gaze: either fear, or admiration, or a desire to beat him for no clear reason.Jay decided not to focus on the behavior of the count's son and took him by the elbow, pulled him forward, thereby forcing him to step over the corpse.- No, no ... - He suddenly pulled out his hand and, stepping aside, checked for blood stains on his clothes, after which he breathed a sigh of relief.- Actually, it wasn't me who killed him. – Jay, as if he understood his thoughts, pointed to the spirit of the earth flying in their direction. – He avenged himself.- Oh, - "so you're doing everything with someone else's hands? Apparently, there are no forces at all." He narrowed his eyes, looked Jay up and down, and then a brilliant idea came to his head, after which he began to chuckle softly. "Definitely. I will challenge him to a duel and win..."For some reason, Jay started at that moment. He looked around, trying to figure out if someone was looking at him with an unkind look, and it seems that in the distance in the bushes, he noticed someone's burning gaze. Was it a man or a wild beast? He wanted to take a closer look, but his view was blocked by the spirit of the earth that appeared at the wrong time. It was not possible to find out.- Brother, don't you want to help your brother? Don't you have anything to eat? – He turned to the wind spirit that was sitting on Jay's shoulder.- No, - he felt that someone wanted to cut his amount of food, shook his head negatively. – I would be happy to help you, brother, but I have to get my own food. This one doesn't even feed me. – Jay, who was "this one", realizing that someone is simply a glutton, and even an impossibly greedy person, rolled his eyes in his heart. But, unable to resist, he snorted. He confirmed it too.- Finish it. He said to the wind spirit, then looked at the earth spirit. – You helped yourself. Thanks are not needed. We're leaving. – He wanted to take the Count's son by the arm, but he dodged.- I can walk myself. You're just this... go ahead. – Fearing Jay, he didn't risk turning his back on him. However, Jay didn't care about that. He boldly headed forward along the road leading to the edge of the forest, through which it was possible to get to the count's mansion, albeit not quickly, but safely.He did not dare to lead the boy through the forest, because there was definitely someone there right now. And although this man did not carry a threat, as it seemed to Jay, it would be better not to meet him once again.As soon as Jay moved a short distance away, only then did the earl's son follow him. And then the spirit of the earth decided to fly after him. He didn't have anywhere to go right now anyway, besides the terrain was unfamiliar. It's better to go after your brother first. Spirit to spirit was a comrade. He's sure to help him if anything.

Although I am now a prince, but in order to survive...BLWhere stories live. Discover now