Chapter 7

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Jay tied the pegs brought from the forest with a rope in turn, and then began to drive them into the ground with an axe. Now he was building a cage for future living creatures, and in order not to go to the forest once again for floor boards, he decided to do without him. In any case, Jay was going to use this building only for the first time, and then later get rich and hire builders, and they probably were in this world, to build something better. Such housing, in which no one would be cold in winter.After making sure once again that nothing was staggering anywhere, Jay began to build a roof from improvised materials. Namely, he is thin logs, putting the length of the cage on pegs. After that, he threw a tablecloth that had long since fallen into disrepair on them. He accidentally discovered it when he decided to move the kitchen table to the other side. It turned out that there was a secret drawer inside the table and this fabric actually lay there. Of course, it was unclear why, it was so well hidden, but on the other hand, once he found it, then he should use it.For better protection from the wind or strong sunlight, Jay threw tree branches from above.- Ay-oh... what's happening? – When Jay was already finishing his work, he suddenly heard a small voice coming from the side of his newly made roof. – Hail? Snow? A rockfall? – The boy stopped and tried to find the owner of the voice. As it turned out, it was easy enough to see him, since not only did he glow with a blue light, he also flew up.- Who are you? Jay asked a little man with long blue hair, dressed in pajamas and having transparent wings behind his back, which he kept waving. Trying to figure out at the same time whether his sister had ever mentioned something similar in conversation.If Jay remembered correctly, she only talked about people, she never mentioned any magical creatures. But maybe she just didn't want to discuss such things with the boy. Jay shrugged his shoulders to his thoughts and decided not to be surprised by the appearance of a strange little man. This is the world of otome games, which means that similar things may appear here at every step in the future."I am a wind spirit who is temporarily trapped. Someone caught me, wanted to forcibly conclude a contract with me, but apparently forgot. The wind Spirit yawned and looked at the man in front of him.He was quite young, it had been a long time since he had met such people. Usually, people of much older age called him or tried to catch him, from the age of thirteen, when they could already conclude a contract."What a pity that he doesn't fit. I am so weak now that only my new master can save me. The wind spirit sighed and, descending down, sat down on one of the branches.Jay's eyes did not miss the fact that he abruptly lost heart:- What are you doing? He asked him.- I've been sleeping too much, and therefore I lack strength.- Then why don't you eat anything to replenish them? Do you need any special food for this? – Jay didn't know much about spirits, so he thought so. It was by the way, true, but only half.- For a special reason, I'm afraid there is no person needed nearby. But your human... only fruits and berries are suitable for me. But now," the wind spirit sniffed. – Judging by the smell, it's spring. Nothing is ripe yet.- Why is it not ripe, I have a lot. But...- what? Do you want to sign a contract with me? I'm sorry, but you're too small for that."Not at all. – Jay shook his head, he didn't even have such a thought. A contract? Why does he need it when he doesn't even know with whom exactly he is concluding it and for what. All this situation could be used in a different way to your advantage. – I would just like to exchange information. I'll give you food, and you'll tell me who the spirits are and what they can do.- What don't you know about it? The wind Spirit looked doubtfully at the boy. – What forest did you come out of? Parents explain this to each child on the first day of his birth.- My current parents... I'm afraid they want to kill me more than explain anything. Well, how is it?- Oh-oh-oh. The wind spirit nodded understandingly, then rose into the air and, flying up to the boy, sat down on his shoulder. "Then show me your supplies." While I'm there, we'll eat and talk. Yes, make sure that everything is fresh and not a single stale berry. Do you understand? And then suddenly she's been lying with you since last year and has been covered with mold for a long time.Jay grinned at the grumbling of the spirit and headed to the house where he had hidden the berries. When they settled down in the kitchen and the wind spirit attacked the strawberries, Jay had to wait until he was full, otherwise with his mouth full he did not understand anything at all what he was saying. When his new acquaintance finally finished, the boy managed to satisfy his curiosity about spirits and learn a lot of interesting things.It turns out that this world was not quite ordinary. There was magic in it that a person could use if they made a contract with a spirit. For example, if you manage to negotiate with the spirit of fire, you will be able to use fire, and if water, then the nearest rivers and lakes will be at your disposal for sure. Depending on which spirit the contract will be concluded with. True, you will not be able to use it directly again, but by giving an order to the spirit, but still ... it was pretty cool from whatever side you look at it. It was possible to drain all the nearby reservoirs with just one word, or to catch up with such a wind.... That a real hurricane would be.But, however, people themselves did not often manage to conclude a contract with spirits. Since there, in addition to having a special structure of the magical body, it was also necessary to be able to negotiate. But if someone succeeded in this case, they were usually on a special account then and were very respected among the local population. Since in the event of the arrival of a "disaster", they could protect the others. At the expense of the disaster here, however, Jay did not quite understand what it was all about. And the spirit itself only said a few words about it."Don't you know about that, too?" How do you live at all... okay, listen. When disasters come, everyone becomes ill, both nature and people. Hurricanes, diseases, floods, enraged animals... But alas, even we can't do anything about it.- And why?- So this curse was sent to these lands, three hundred years ago, by our brother. He was so angry with the west that he wished that there would never be a good life here. Then he disappeared and now look for him fistula. Maybe he's been that way for a long time..." The wind spirit showed the loop. – Well, in general, you understand. – Jay of course understood what was misunderstood here and, deciding not to interrupt his new acquaintance anymore, continued listening.The rest of his story was already not so interesting. Since actually there the spirit of the wind complained to him in full, since it came to the forcible conclusion of the contract.- No, can you imagine ... they are trying to subdue us by force, and even threaten ... - Jay listened to him silently, occasionally nodding his head and filling his stomach. He woke up early this morning because he needed to go for a morning run, so he had an early breakfast, and now he was hungry, although it wasn't even twelve o'clock yet.- Well, okay, you're here, if you still want, you can eat. In the meantime, I'll go, I still need to finish everything today. – Having satisfied his hunger, Jay decided to do what he was interrupted.Namely, to throw fresh grass into the cage now, and put rabbits there, which he had caught by a lucky chance this morning. Those, despite the danger, decided to check their former home and, seeing a carrot on it, completely forgot about how they had recently run away from here on all their paws, and enjoyed delicious food with might and main."P-wait, I'll go with you." I've had enough, now I can take a walk for a couple of hours. – The wind spirit abruptly flew up, literally swallowing the remnants of the berry on the fly, and hurried after the boy. He was interested to see what he was going to do there.Jay, who had already done his morning run, poured cold water over himself, and while his body had not yet reacted to the cold, he quickly began to wipe himself with a towel. At the same time, the wind spirit flew up to him, and sleepily looked at him, asked a very difficult question for himself:- Why are you getting up so early? You live alone. You can't have any etiquette and you can't sleep until lunch. When I wanted to, then I woke up and had breakfast at any time. By the way... the sun hasn't even risen yet today. Did you wake up even earlier?Jay, once again, seeing the confusion of the spirit, did not hurry to answer. In the three days that they had already lived together, he had well taken into account the fact that in the morning this creature can be very sleepy. And it is better to wait until it wakes up to the end, so that even the most basic things can be talked to it, otherwise ... you will have to explain the same thing ten times.When Jay finished drying himself and, throwing off his wet pajamas, dressed in his day clothes and went to breakfast. Only then did he give an answer.- If in the future there will be a "disaster" and a different plague to spread, it is necessary first of all to improve the body, for prevention. They don't make vaccines here. Besides, I will become stronger this way and I will always be able to win in a duel if anything happens.- Okay, okay, I got that. – The spirit, seeing that vegetables and fruits began to appear on the table, listened with half an ear, especially now interested in the food, and not the explanation of the boy.By the way, they had a varied breakfast today: tomato salad, rabbit meat soup with corn cob and, as always, a variety of berries for dessert. True, the first two spirits were not interested, but the third... he could eat tons of berries. Which right now he began to prove his own with a quick movement of his jaw.- And sho ... pr... xia ... ak but? – Even before he had completely chewed an overripe pear, he asked about something else. Fortunately, Jay understood him.- So I want to go to the city today. It's not a long way from here, it's better to go early. There's nothing to do at home anyway. Plants grow by themselves, rabbits settle down. It's time to start the next step of your plan. Really ... - Jay sat down at the table and took a plate of soup, began to drink it, thinking deeply about the count, not at all intending to finish his past statements.Three days had already passed, the fourth was coming, after he visited him. Could this man, along with the others, have managed to save his children and destroy the "HOUSE" during this time? Jay didn't know, but he hoped it was. After all, he didn't want to be in the city in the middle of a battle at all. In such conditions, neither the local market can be visited, nor the city itself can be viewed and understand how people live here. Even the same gossip under the windows of some restaurant will be impossible to listen to. But on the other hand, Jay probably didn't mind if his "father" was only there. Surely his embittered face is something... it would be worth seeing at least once in your life.At the same time, when someone was stuffing his stomach at the moment, the same count was already in the city in the company of two people that the messenger boy recommended to him. As it turned out later, the data that he told him turned out to be accurate.- This is the last place. Because of the urgency of the case, I sent my man there yesterday to check everything. If everything is correct, he will give a signal. Are you a count, by the way, do you want to share where you got such information from? Of course, we've all heard about the "HOUSE" and what's going on there, but the fact that it can be right under our very noses... Who helped you with this? – A plump man with deep wrinkles under his eyes, pulled back the curtain in the carriage and looked out the window.- Baron, we may be noticed. Be patient. – The third companion immediately addressed him, who, because of his height, had to bend down all the time so as not to hit his head. Although perhaps it was all in the hat that he was wearing, and did not want to take it off in any way."You needn't worry so much, Count Delstein. It's dark now, it's dark. There is no one on this street yet.- In my opinion, it's not for nothing, - Count Delstein noticed how a slightly beaten man ran out of the building he needed and pointed him out to the baron."It's just my man. However, it is strange that he is in such a state."He's got a knife stuck in his back from behind. In what condition it should still be. Come on. – Finally, the first companion, the Count, opened the doors and beckoned the others to follow him. Although he had patience, but under the current situation, he had long since run out of it.- Hey, what's wrong with you? Are you okay? – The Baron, leaving the carriage, hurried to the wounded man. "Did you find them?" Come on, tell me? – He saw that he was about to lose consciousness, he began to shake him, not noticing at all that because of this movement of his, the blood on his jacket, at the site of the wound, became thicker.- Baron, you're going to finish him off like that. Calm down, - But it did not escape the eyes of Count Delstein, and he immediately tried to stop the man from his hasty actions.- I know better what I'm doing. Step aside and don't get in the way, I need to know what happened there. My daughter is there...- You completely forget yourself! My baby is there too! – They suddenly began to argue among themselves.The count at the moment, like a more reasonable person who still retained his sanity, silently approached them and, pulling the wounded man out of the baron's strong grip, laid him on the ground and told him to speak.And the man who had kept his mouth shut before decided to speak. Because he saw that they were really going to listen to him."There... that's it. I was convinced. His voice was quiet, but it was clearly audible. – And I've been wanting to give you a signal for a long time. But someone noticed that something was wrong with my behavior and tried to eliminate me. There was a commotion, one of the rooms caught fire. Baron, it's not my fault, I swear. It was done by a werewolf who was there. – Ait, paused to catch his breath a little.Count Delstein had long since stopped the altercation with the baron and was now listening attentively to the speaker. When he heard the word werewolf, he decided to take advantage of the silence that had arisen and exclaimed:- People from the East? And what have they forgotten about us?- I don't know, - I don't know, the count grunted in response to him, remembering that the owner of the messenger, too, seems to be from the east. Surely it couldn't be him? However, that's not what he should be worried about right now. – Did you say fire?- I left my spirit there to find the children and bring them out.- Damn...! Why didn't you say so from the very beginning? The baron shouted, smelling the smell of burning in the air. – There are children there... I'll go. I have a spirit too.- With your health, Baron? You'd better stay here and watch the entrance in case someone decides to use it, go ahead. Count Delstein and I will do the rest.- Well, then, may the spirits come with you. – The Baron, knowing that every minute counts now, did not argue and agreed.- May the spirits come with you. – The countesses, in turn, also wished him good luck and hurried into the gray barely noticeable building, where they usually sold various women's trinkets during the day. Not noticing at all that as they opened the door, a wolf cub slipped past them, whose fur was covered in blood. They were in a hurry, and they were not up to the little things around.And apparently, they now had to survive the last difficult morning for them. It is today in a couple of hours that everything will be decided. Finally, everything will become clear about their children.- Hey, wind spirit, are you with me or what? – Jay, completely unaware of what was happening on the other side, calmly finished breakfast, and having already climbed into the cart, he was going to drive towards the city. He did not dare to walk, because it would be too long. – If you're with me, then hurry up. – But before leaving the house, he decided to remind the spirit that he was leaving, who decided to go back to bed after breakfast.- Yes, I'm here, - the wind spirit got out of the boy's hair and answered him yawning. – Don't shout like that, or you'll scare my whole dream away. You go, go there, but it's better to do it in silence. – Muttered, he lay back on the boy's head and fell asleep.As it turned out, it was not so long to get to the city. In total, it took half a day of travel and a couple of hooks to cut off, where the spirit of the wind prompted. According to him, he knew very well the shortest way to the city and, out of his kindness of heart, decided to share this with Jay, since he feeds him. However, it cannot be said that following the instructions of the wind spirit, Jay did not very quickly begin to regret. Since there was such an impassable path... in a word, the wind spirit was lucky that he did not strangle him at the first wrong turn. Although his hands were itching to do it.- Do you see the walls ahead? When they were back on the road, the wind spirit proudly pointed ahead. – This is the city. See, I didn't lie. I know exactly the way.- Following your path, you can wring your neck. – Jay stopped the horse and began to get rid of the thorns on his clothes, which he put on along the way. – When was the last time you were there? – Then I went to clean the horse from them. If Jay didn't have a lot of them, then she was almost all plastered with them.- About a hundred years ago. So what?"Then I see," Jay said with a grin, at the same time coaxing the horse, which began to neigh irritatingly. She didn't like the fact that not only the thorns were being pulled out at the same time, but also her mane. – Yes, you stay where you are. Otherwise I'll leave you here. – The horse began to rage even more. – Then, as you wish. – Jay stopped cleaning the horse and walked away.- And-and-and ... - The horse meanwhile made a sound, now she did not like that her cleaning was abandoned halfway. She looked at her beautiful mane, then shifted her gaze to the boy and reluctantly approached him, after which she buried her face in his shoulder.Jay, at this time, peering at the walls of the city, the most visible on the slope, was thinking about how he could, without attracting attention to himself, understand the standard of living of people in this world and find out some state of things in this world, he had already forgotten about the animal. But how could she allow such a thing?- And-and-and ... - she made a sound again, pulling Jay out of his thoughts.- Just a second, let me decide what to do next, and then I'll continue pulling out the thorns. Wind spirit, could you fly to investigate?- They'll catch me right away. Didn't I explain to you how spirits are treated these days? The wind Spirit, who was sitting on the boy's right shoulder, pointed to the horse. – I see you have a gift for communicating with animals. So you can negotiate with her."It's not a gift. I just know how to get along with them and nothing more. Yes, and I can't send her, she will attract more attention to you. Apparently, you will have to do everything yourself. – Jay sighed and patted the horse on the head, told her to move a little to the side and finally got busy ridding her completely of thorns. When he finished it, he had already roughly decided what to do next and, by the way, even began to half carry out his plans.According to the plan that had just come to his mind, first of all it was necessary to get rid of everything superfluous, namely the horse. Since a man with a cart would certainly attract more attention than the same boy wandering around the city. By the way, there should be a lot of people like him at this time, the so-called street kids of this time, who, according to the idea of the game, were created only in order to put the hero on the right path. They say he would have seen the plight of people after the "disaster" and would have tried to end it once and for all.- Horse, find the nearest place where you can hide and wait for the signal there. I'll whistle when I get back, like this. Jay whistled loudly three times. - Did you remember?- and-and-and ... - she neighed and shook her head.- Well, then go quickly, hide.- And-and-and? Jay barely managed not to roll his eyes. The horse, apparently, although it was smart, but also wildly cunning.- Are you happy? He took two apples from the cart and handed them to her. She threw them into her mouth, and slowly chewed, looked at Jay again, as if begging for more. – And how your last master didn't kill you with such a character. He was far from being a kind person," the boy grumbled, but still took out one apple, and this time, almost forcibly stuffing it into the horse's mouth, hurriedly said goodbye to her and almost ran towards the city.- What a smart animal. Meanwhile, the Spirit admired the horse's audacity while Jay ran away from her. – It will be nice to chat with her. Maybe you will be able to learn something about your brothers and sisters. – The spirit has already said the latter to himself rather than to the boy. However, Jay, in principle, ignored his first offer. Since he knew well that sometimes his new acquaintance just chattered uselessly and had already learned to ignore these empty words.After making sure that the horse was not visible from behind, Jay stopped and rested. Although he trained in the morning and could not stand running so weakly, at least for short distances, but he still had to enter the city soon. It was necessary that he had a calm spirit, not an agitated one.- Ps... could you move a little away from this dirty stone. – When Jay was about to continue his journey, the spirit suddenly whispered nervously in his ear, feeling someone's heavy and cold breathing nearby."What stone?" – Jay looked around, but he didn't find any stone, just some animal with blood-stained fur on the side of the road. But who exactly it was, whether a puppy of a dog, or a wild animal, Jay could not make out. Most likely, the mixture was of both options. – You've probably gone blind in your long time. This is an animal and it seems to be injured ... - Jay determined the last by the color of the fur, but just in case, to make sure of it, he decided to get closer to him. After all, he was not the kind of person who could pass by someone else's misfortune. If he had the opportunity, he might well have helped. Why not?- No, it's not an animal, it's a stone. The wind spirit immediately began to nervously deny the boy's words, begging him to leave as soon as possible. – And he doesn't need any help. And in general, we were going to the city, let's go further? – Seeing that the boy ignores his words, the spirit flew up and grabbed the boy by the ear with his tiny hands, pulled him up. And although it looked like it was no bigger than a beetle, but you need to give it the strength this beetle had... Jay, instantly felt it on himself and screamed in pain.- Are you crazy? You almost tore my ear off! – He hissed angrily at him when he managed to escape from this strong fight and not lose his body part.- If I say go, then you need to go. It is not necessary to climb to the beast when he is sleeping. – Especially when you know what this terrible creature is. The wind spirit had already added the last sentence to himself, trembling all over and hoping that they would still be able to avoid the trouble.But only a deaf person wouldn't wake up from such a noise. And although the animal was injured, it was clearly not. It immediately opened its eyes, as soon as Jay screamed and, taking advantage of the moment while the boy and the spirit were quarreling, it opened its jaw and rushed at its obvious opponent. He must have come from those people to finish him off. After all, they promised that they wouldn't let him leave alive, especially that bastard man....And at the moment when the beast was about to bite the boy's leg, he suddenly turned to the side and the bite accidentally fell just below the back in one soft spot of Jay.Everything happened so quickly that the beast simply went into shock. He was clearly aiming at the wrong place! So what the hell! Why did he have to bite someone unfamiliar at all, and even there! After all, they considered it a holy bite if one of his relatives found out... In a word, he wanted to shed bitter tears at this moment. But Jay was no better than the culprit now either. Unlike him, he was even more shocked.W-wait... was he bitten? Have you really been bitten? And right behind the ass?! Jay gritted his teeth and, swinging, raised his fist to hit the beast on the head. But he managed to leave earlier, a second before, he opened his jaw and ran away, as fast as he could in his wounded state, trying to erase this moment from his memory forever.- That's right... so run! Otherwise I'll-" Jay shook his fist, frowning in pain. The bite was not weak.- Haha... I thought... and it is. Haha... - And in the midst of all this chaos, only the wind spirit was having fun, who initially began to run away, seeing that the beast went on the attack, but stopped halfway, noticing how everything turned out.

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