Chapter 2

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- Okay, we've sat down and that's enough. It's time to get busy. – After drinking water and washing, Jay took a little rest and decided to continue to deal with the vegetable garden.

The sooner he plants the crop, the sooner food will appear. Otherwise, it's true, it won't take long to die of hunger, because there is not a single person in the whole neighborhood. Only in the distance is the house visible on the horizon.And surely some duke lives there, who has several arches of land and a whole village of people at his disposal. After all, only those who had their own land business could live remotely from the city. 

The rest of the nobles, as far as Jay could judge from the facts known to him, preferred a city where they could live comfortably and enjoy entertainment: hunting, gambling, a daily trip to a special club of nobles where they could discuss politics and more. In general, everything is like everywhere else. The rich enjoyed life, and the poor... the poor just tried to live. And although it was a different century and a completely different world, but Jay, because of this eternal foundation of society, did not even feel it.Air is like air. The earth is like the earth. Grass is like grass. Well, tell me, how does all this differ from his former world? 

Yes, absolutely nothing, except that there are no technologies here, and so... the world is like the world.Jay peered into the distance for a while, then got up from the grass and, going to the vegetables, began to sort them out. To begin with, he cut the tomatoes, previously brought with a knife from the kitchen, when he carried the rabbits. And having cleaned the core from the seed, which he put into the vessel that had it. Having done this, he set that aside, now he had to wait two or three days for the seed to sink to the bottom and thus it could be easily used further, and after washing one tomato, he began to snack. 

No matter how little food there was, it was impossible to starve. The body is young, still growing and growing. In addition, he had a full smell of meat. There was nothing to worry about yet, you could safely eat what you had. The second tomato, Jay kept for himself for the evening. Since he wasn't up to cooking today, there was still enough to do.Next in line was an ear of corn. To begin with, Jay cleaned it and examined it. Fortunately, the seeds were a rich yellow color, which means that they could already be used for planting without throwing them away if it turned out to be a completely young cob. 

Or without waiting three weeks for the seed to ripen for planting. Which by the way was a lot for Jay in his current situation. It was unnecessary for him to waste his time so stupidly right now.After making sure once again that the seeds could really be used, Jay went into the house to look for a cloth in which he was going to leave the seeds so that they would germinate. After all, if they are planted like this, it is not known how long it will take for them to hatch, and it is not yet a fact that they will do it. Since everything here depends on the fertility of the land, well, and also on the weather. And since Jay wasn't going to rely on any of these factors, he decided to do everything the old-fashioned way. Moreover, his second aunt, always sprouted corn grains in this way, and she always had a good harvest. There has not been a single year that nothing has not risen. At the same time taking the seeds of tomatoes, and putting them on the windowsill for fermentation.

The fabric had to be searched for a long time, because at first Jay hoped that there were a lot of rags in the house and examined every room in search of it, intending to choose the right one. But as a result... who could have known that apart from a couple of towels, two sets of bed linen and three suits with pajamas, there was nothing else. It seems that the servants took with them not only the dishes. However... what impudent people! Now you will have to work not only to have something to eat, but also to put on something. In addition, it will be necessary, as soon as the money appears, not to forget to buy something in the house, some kind of rug there, and it would not hurt to have tulle on the windows. And it's even uncomfortable from this situation. It feels like repairs are being done here, or he just moved here to live. And although the second was true, because it was only Jay's first day in this world, but still ... 

such a situation in Jay's house did not suit. To his shopping list, various little things were added to create comfort in the house. After all, but he wanted to live in a beautiful and warm environment, and not with bare walls.Surprised once again by the servant's black heart, Jay took one towel and returned to the well. Where he put it aside, until the evening, until the water warms up under the sun, he also put an ear of corn to it and took care of the last vegetable, hot pepper. 

By the way, it was less problematic to deal with him. It was only necessary to remove the seeds, and then select the good ones with the help of water, which Jay did. When some of them surfaced, he threw them away without regret, so they were bad. And pulling the remaining ones out of the water, he took a knife with him and went to dig the ground with it.

Jay marked the rows with dry twigs, broken from an apple tree that grew near the bush. Judging by the budding bloom, it was exactly her. In total, he got two small rows of twenty-one remaining pepper seeds.

- Well, that's at least what kind of seasoning there will be soon. – Jay stood up and, looking at his work done, sighed with relief. 

The first step has been taken, now it remains for a small matter to wait for the remaining seeds to germinate and plant those. But for this it was necessary to wait at least a couple of days, but for now...

The boy wiped the knife on a torn tuft of grass and, returning to the well, did not forget to wash it. He was the only one, so he had to be protected. After that, I soaked the cloth, since the water had warmed up during this time, and began to throw corn seeds there, pulling them out of the cob with my hands so as not to damage them.

At first, this business went badly. After all, the fingers were thick and the seed, when the cob was completely whole, was not so easy to remove. But then, when it started, Jay dealt with it very quickly. Removing the empty cob at the end, he covered the seeds with a wet towel and looked at the sky. The sun had already sunk below the horizon and was about to disappear behind it.

- Quickly, however, the day passed. – Jay noticed and, having decided to finish everything for today, washed up before going to bed, and eating the last tomato on the way, went to bed. After all, there was even more to do tomorrow. The area around had to be surveyed, which means you have to get up early.

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