Chapter 5

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Phew... - Jay wiped his sweat and looked at the work done.

The entrance near the house was clean. After Jay removed the bloody ground and planted grass, it was impossible to suspect that a crime had recently occurred here. There were no traces of the cart any more, however, as well as her and the horse themselves. The boy hid them in the forest. Just in case, he temporarily drove them away from home. And then you never know what, the friends of the current "dead man" will show up and, after looking around the house, they will understand what's what. 

They won't give a damn about it.Among other things, Jay created a small illusion that he does not live here alone. To do this, he really had to try and use his imagination to the maximum. But now, thanks to this, a small shadow resembling an adult can be seen in the nearest window. If someone really comes here, then he will not act thoughtlessly, which means that Jay will have an extra minute to figure out how best to act in this situation.

After making sure that he had not forgotten about anything, the boy decided to do other things, not wanting to waste time waiting for the next intruders. They still don't know when they will come. Maybe in a week or a month. And if he spends so much time idling... yes, his whole garden will disappear. Which cannot be categorically allowed, because only he can feed him. Although about this... 

Jay hoped it wouldn't be for long, because thanks to the axe and rope that were in the kidnapper's cart, he could now build a small rabbit base. And there it was already a small matter, somehow to catch those very animals.

- And maybe a chicken coop? – Jay thoughtfully surveyed the work area. – Put it temporarily with the rabbit base for now and let them get along with each other. It would be nice... but where will I get the chickens? 

Jay scratched his head thoughtfully.Even if these were not such advanced times, the peasants should already have had them here, whose lands were in the possession of the nobles. But then what does it mean for him to go to someone else's land and steal chickens? Jay immediately shook his head at the thought. Let his position was not very good, but he was not going to fall so low yet. If anything, he'd rather catch some wild bird and domesticate it. By the way, it was a wonderful idea.

It was possible to catch the same ducks or wild geese and take care of them. Moreover, now was the period of their nesting. If the ducklings are born in captivity, consider that he will have a chance to get the next generation from them, because they will already be semi-domesticated in this way.

- Yes, and I love duck meat, with it you can still try to make your favorite salad with oranges. However, at the expense of the latter, I think there may be a problem here. They are most likely growing in neighboring countries. Here... I don't think the climate is suitable. However, let's focus on one thing. To get everything at once anyway, it won't work out. So ... - Jay squatted down and took a dry branch and began to write a plan on the ground.Firstly, if he is seriously thinking about domesticating a bird, he will have to get food for them first of all.

To do this, it would be good to live somewhere near the water, because a wild bird feeds on everything that is not only in the reservoir, but also next to it: algae, duckweed, fish, plantain, clover, dandelion. Of course, in addition to this, they also eat cereals, but they already need to be grown again. After all, it is best to give them a mixture of crops here, rather than the same corn again. Eventually, it will affect their body. But in such a case, while there are no necessary seeds, it would be possible to temporarily mix the same corn with herbs and give it. 

Changing alternately with chopped carrots. Since Jay doesn't have any other suitable vegetables for wild ducks yet.

- I remember my aunt's friend said that this includes pumpkin, cabbage, lettuce leaves, fodder beets .... She is an expert on ducks, so she knew a lot about it and talked about it. I hope her experience will help me. And there... who knows, suddenly, and these seeds will be able to get. – Jay nodded his head and noted several important points in the diet of wild birds for himself, moved on to the next point of his plan.

Secondly, to find a habitat for wild birds and rabbits.With the search for rabbits, Jay did not think that there could be a problem. After all, recently a couple of big-eared brothers visited him in the garden, so to speak, checked their former housing. The main thing here is to wait for the right moment and grab them.

By the way, there should be no problems with food with them, after all, the forest is nearby, and now he can grow the same carrots. But at the expense of wild birds ... for this you will have to go hiking in the forest, in search of a lake. If you think about it, he only examined half of it and in the second half it is probably there, because it was not for nothing that he heard the cry of a duck at that time. Most likely, there is somewhere very close to their habitat.- Well, everything is clear with this point. Now thirdly... 

Here Jay sighed heavily before continuing to write, as if he was going to do something unthinkable or very difficult for himself. Although, however, it was. After all, the third point in the plan was the extraction of materials for the construction of a chicken coop and a rabbit base.It was necessary to get small poles, boards, and build a roof out of something so that no one would run away. 

With all this, do not forget to take into account the small presence of a rope. After all, it will be used instead of nails. Of course, Jay has already checked how long it is. It came out about seven meters. In total, if it was divided in two, three and a half meters for each building came out, which was not so much. It was impossible to walk around on this. Although on the other hand... and Jay actually wasn't going to start a whole farm of animals and birds right away.

To begin with, two rabbits and two rabbits would be enough, and two ducks, each of which would hatch eggs. For the first time it would be quite enough. After all, at the end of the konov, it must be taken into account that it will not be so easy to domesticate livestock. After all, Jay had no experience in this matter. Let him sometimes help relatives in their household, but usually he was only required to feed the animals domesticated in ancient times.

- I'll try, I won't lose anything from it anyway. Maybe a little harvest. – Having finally finished drawing up a plan, Jay destroyed everything he had written on earth with a branch and decided to deal with the first item for now. 

Especially when he still had the growth potion, there shouldn't have been any problems with that.Having developed a separate plot for carrots, Jay planted the five pieces he had, again obtained from his unsuccessful kidnapper, and began watering them with potions of growth, after which he waited for it to ripen and give seeds. And then, having received those, he carefully dug half of them into the ground and began to grow the first batch of carrots for future animals. 

When she grew up enough, again thanks to the growth potion, Jay took the harvest into the house, and planted the rest of the seeds, sprouting those a little, leaving them alone.Well, that's all, the first point could be considered finished. In any case, until he has other seeds. Now, perhaps, it was worth moving on to the third. After all, before you look for the same wild ducks and bring them to settle in a new place of residence, you need to build this new place again. But for this, perhaps, you will have to go to the forest, and look for trees there suitable for cutting. 

The extracted material can already be brought by horse. In the end, Jay at the moment was not quite the right age for him to be able to carry at least one log from such a distance on his own. Yes, it will take him a whole day, if not more.But since he is going to use the same horse again, he should bring her something to eat along the way. And then he tied her there near one of the trees, she may have eaten by this time that everything there was nearby edible. And at the same time, among other things, it doesn't hurt to have a snack right now and take something with you on the road. Although Jay wanted to lose weight, he wanted to do it gradually with the help of physical exercises, and certainly not hunger strikes.

- So... what do we have with rabbit meat? – So he immediately washed his hands and resolutely went to cook. So far, someone else has not spoiled any plans for him with his sudden visit.

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