Chapter 18

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"Oh, you're here again. – Zel, who pretended to be passing by, but in fact had been looking for a kiosk for several days, quickly got off his horse and ran up to Jay. – What's on sale today?"Sauerkraut," Jay replied, surprised by the enthusiasm of a familiar knight. Although last time he and his comrades went crazy here, but the boy somehow did not think that he could get into his kiosk so deeply.- Then I'll have two servings. – Jay nodded his head and began to pour it out of the bucket, as if casually asked.- Do they sell anything like this on the market? Well, I have something similar to what I sold last time.- Of course not. Our country is more in sweets and cheeses.- And from neighboring countries? – What the knight said, Jay already knew. After all, he had studied the local market in advance. But about outsiders... there wasn't much information. Perhaps it was there that sour foods were popular in some country.- In recent years, few people have visited us. The road is long, plus, because now there is a disaster in our country, no one has a special desire. Only those sellers who really do not have enough money or are used to risk sometimes appear on our market. – Zel took the money out of the leather purse hanging next to the sword and handed it to Jay, took his purchase.When the knight wanted to start trying sauerkraut, Jay, remembering the rumors in the market, asked him about something else:- Now? So we are not the first country where disaster occurs? – He honestly cared about it. After all, so far he had other information. The wind spirit had informed him earlier that only their country had been cursed. But is it really not so?- The fifth will be somewhere. – The knight, especially carried away by thoughts about food, did not pay attention to the fact that actually everyone knew about this information and only one boy in front of him did not know such elementary things. – Oh, by the way, do you have any sauce today? And then we were all called to the night patrol. And that's when nothing happens... It would be nice to kill someone. I feel like I'll spend a sleepless night in vain.For some reason, Jay felt strange when he heard this. Although he had already exchanged the information he needed from the "leader of the vagabonds" early this morning and knew that the king's brother would be in town until tomorrow, but ... Damn, now after that it began to seem again that the king cared about brotherly feelings. And this is definitely how it should have been. A man who wanted his son to starve to death like a dog... no, there was definitely something wrong here. But Jay couldn't figure out what it was yet. And even then, when his head was half occupied with thoughts about the disaster that had already destroyed four countries. Somehow it was difficult.- Yes, from tomatoes. – He took out a small jar, where he had previously laid out the sauce, and handed it to the knight, not forgetting to name the price. He immediately paid off quickly and, fearing that Jay would ask him about something, stepped aside and finally tasted sauerkraut.The sour taste of the brine got on his tongue. Although it contained sweetness, but at the same time this sweetness was very much in harmony with the acid. "I'll probably drink it separately." The knight swallowed the brine with satisfaction and picked up the vegetables on a fork. Those compared to sour tomatoes in the mouth did not melt, but crunched and carried with them a refreshing taste.Jay watched the gourmet knight from the side for a while, sat down on a chair and turned to his neighbor. Since Jay said a word that he would get some information for him, he actually, of course, followed him. And right now I was sitting and studying that very information. Although could it be called information? There are only two small sheets stained with ink.- Do you know anything about the four strange ones where the disaster passed? What happened to them?- Why are you interested in this? His neighbor looked up from his papers and looked at Jay.- Do you know or not? Jay didn't elaborate on why or what. His was his own business, after all, as were the worries.- Two from the disease, on another the earth was destroyed. Nothing grows there now."And the fourth?"- Maybe you wanted to say first? I do not know, no one knows. And whether it was the first country at all ... - His neighbor wanted to add something else, but for some reason abruptly cut off the phrase, while Jay noticed his appearance a little later, he became thoughtful.Having learned everything he needed, he did not disturb his thoughts and continued to sell. Moreover, new customers have approached him. Or acquaintances? These were the servants of his past buyers of nobles. It seems that Jay managed to gain popularity on the first day of the kiosk's opening, which is why he was particularly lucky today, and did not have to wait long to sell sauerkraut with sauce. Already in the first hour, he was completely free. It's just a small matter left, too annoying customers to call when it opens next time.- I'm from Baroness Ryld, tell me, on what day exactly can I come to find you on the spot?- And I'm from Count Telshterd....- I'm from the Baron...More and more new names were called, which, to be honest, did not give Jay anything. He had little contact with the nobles, and he did not have many acquaintances among this upper class. Therefore, instead of being surprised at what kind of personalities came to him, Jay grimaced as soon as he heard an incoherent stream of words and, naming the approximate day when he would arrive here, quickly got rid of everyone.- And when do you intend to go? – After finishing his business and putting things away, Jay saw that his neighbor was once again studying the received paper.- Are you sure he didn't give you false information? – He, in turn, rolled up the papers into a tube and threw them to Jay. Fully convinced that there is only the name of the king out of the truth.- Why would he give me false information? Jay sounded doubtful. It's not that he believed his neighbor's words, it's just that the leader of the tramps had no reason to do it. He probably didn't believe the neighbor himself.- And we will find out this as soon as we arrive at the specified address. You didn't say someone else was looking for him, did you?- No, just me.- So they're not expecting me. It's good.In the end, Jay completely stopped understanding his neighbor. What do his words even mean? Did someone recognize the king's son in him? But how is this possible? People have long known exactly how many children the king has. After all, but for each of their birthdays, a party is arranged and literally almost all residents of the city are called. Even if someone sees familiar features in him, they will probably think that he is just a little similar. No one will think much about it, especially the leader of the vagabonds. Their society is not interested in political issues at all. But on the other hand, his neighbor wouldn't just say that.- Okay, let's go and check it out, and we'll do it right now. – Considering that there will be a patrol around the city in the evening, Jay decided not to wait.- Do you have a way to get into the house during the day?- Well...- I checked everything. Everyone arrived today. – When Jay was ready to discuss the plan, the butler returned, whom he had previously sent to the market to check if all the sellers he needed were there today.- Well, then here's a list of what exactly to buy and money. – Jay took a note out of his pocket and with it handed over a bunch of just earned money. – Come back after the purchase, don't wait for us. – He told the neighbor to get off the cart and provided transport to the butler, after which he slipped the wind spirit under the cart unnoticed. With him, he had agreed in advance to protect things along the way. Otherwise, this old man will accidentally meet robbers on the road and lose everything along with a single horse. And she may be stupid, but she is a useful animal. – You can leave now.After waiting for the old man to leave on the transport, and they were left alone, Jay returned to the plan.- I wouldn't say there is. More of an idea than a plan. But I think everything should work out with his help. – Jay lightly slapped the top pocket of his shirt and the spirit of the earth immediately reluctantly got out. He was in a very bad mood, and who would have known how he wanted to recover now after his brother, the spirit of the wind."Well, why should I be the one to be near the threat?" He trembled and, casting a timid glance at Jay's neighbor, immediately hid back in his pocket when he saw that he had paid attention to him.- Call me better when you need my help.- All right. – Jay did not notice the panic on the spirit's face and usually reacted to his behavior. It is quite possible that he was just lazy and decided to sleep for an extra hour. He knows these spirits. They really don't like to work. – Then first you should look around the house where he is staying.No one objected to this idea and soon they entered the city and headed for the right building. In principle, it was not so far to go to him. It was located next to the square and in the daytime everyone could watch it. It was really difficult to get in unnoticed. But by chance it was today that barrels of wine and fish were delivered to this house in the basement.- Listen, who do you think lives in this house? A man in shabby clothes pointed to a small house located to his right. – Every weekend he demands that wine and fish be delivered to him. Yes, I would not have eaten and drunk this amount in a month.- Our work is small. Delivered, received the money and rest. No questions asked. His partner answered him.- Yes, I'm not asking about anything. I just want to find out to satisfy my curiosity.- You'll get the money and you'll satisfy it. Let's go, - They took one of the barrels and rolled it to the house.After waiting for the moment when the workers would leave, Jay and his neighbor, after exchanging glances, very quickly ran up to the barrels and while no one was paying attention to this corner, each climbed into one where the fish was."Brr..." It was so cold there. It feels like you've been locked in a freezer. Jay immediately felt a chill go through his bones and barely restrained himself from getting out. The realization that he was not the only one in such a situation held him back. But is it possible? In fact, his neighbor, compared to him, did not feel the cold at all. In principle, he could even enjoy sitting in a barrel, if only not for the terrible smell of fish, which was on all sides. With his sensitive nose, inhaling it was terrible. So each of them had their own difficulties, and it was simply impossible to envy any of them.As soon as they got inside and closed the lids behind them, the workers returned and continued to do their work. It was difficult to understand whether much or little time had passed, but soon the queue reached their barrels, where they were hiding. Due to the fact that the workers moved them to the house by riding, Jay during this time managed to fully understand how a hamster feels when running in a wheel. It seems like you want to stop, but you can't, because it keeps spinning and spinning. Having somehow endured the discomfort and the "neat" rolling down the steps that suddenly appeared out of nowhere, Jay thought that it was already the finish line until his barrel was upside down.How he wanted to get out at that moment and scold the clumsy workers. Are they blind, didn't they see where the lid opens? How could such a simple thing not be noticed? Idiots!! Brainless fools!!.... He would have mentally scolded them for a long time if someone hadn't hit his barrel, thereby allowing him to get out.- thanks. – Thanking Jay when he got out of the cramped and narrow space and threw out the fish stuck in his clothes. At the same time, he almost crushed the spirit of the earth, who was sitting in his pocket. Tom, by the way, had to go through worse fear than Jay. He really was practically crushed!!!- You... you almost killed me! What was that? This...- Quiet. – Jay told him to be quiet when a noise was heard from above the basement. – We are not alone here. If you don't want any trouble, shut up for now. – The spirit, who almost started tearing his hair, wanted to say something else, but then it was the turn of threats from Jay's neighbor to him. Of course, he immediately calmed down and crawled back into his pocket, completely forgetting that he almost became his grave a minute ago.- What a smart little buddy you have. – He said mockingly, then pointed up. – Shall we go and see?— let's go. Jay ignored the taunt and followed his neighbor up the stairs.When they got out of the basement, there was no one in the house. Except for a sitting corpse in a chair with a suspiciously familiar crown on his head. Wait a second, isn't that exactly what the king of this country wears on a leaflet Jay accidentally saw? Then is he really...Jay swallowed nervously and took a step forward to the corpse. Suddenly, something suddenly glowed green under his feet, and Jay suddenly felt ill. His stomach twisted violently. He would have fallen, definitely fell in pain in the next instant, if he hadn't been pushed out of the green glowing thing by his neighbor. As Jay later found out, the magic circle.- Can you explain? – As soon as Jay stepped away from the corpse, and the pain disappeared as if it did not exist, he was not even given a clear understanding of what it was, as he was attacked with questions.- What exactly? He cast an uncomprehending glance at his neighbor, then looked at the green glowing circle.- How are you related to the royal family?- Why is there such a conviction that I am somehow connected with her? Jay sounded surprised. "How the hell does he know?!" This was too unexpected a turn of events. He didn't have time to hide his surprise. He wanted to know too much how such an unknown fact was revealed before this boy here.- The man in front of us is the king of this country. There are enchantments installed next to it, on which the blood magic spell is applied. If one of his relatives enters the circle of these charms, he will die.- Did you say die? But I'm...- Yes, you are not his close relative, rather a distant one. That's why the spell didn't have much effect on you. But how the hell are you connected to them? And why did they want to kill you? – And while his neighbor was demanding answers to the voiced questions, Jay... he himself would like to know the answers to them. Is the information he knew about the introduction of this character into the game false? Is he really not the king's son?

Although I am now a prince, but in order to survive...BLWhere stories live. Discover now