Chapter 3.

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The next morning, Jay got up early and went for a run first thing. After all, but the body had to be put in order. It was unusual to be so fat. Although it is surprising that in the current conditions of life, the former owner of this body managed to gain extra weight in some magical way. Perhaps the servants were not such trash as he thought, and even took very good care of their master as a child, until greed woke up. Maybe... but Jay wasn't really interested. There were too many things planned for today, there was no time for unnecessary thoughts.

After finishing his run, he rinsed himself with cold water, and hastily dried himself with a towel, dressed in clean clothes. And he took with him a small backpack he had found and a knife that had already become his own, went straight into the forest. It was necessary to examine it for the presence of something edible, at the same time early herbs, which to look for, to use those as a seasoning when stewing rabbit.

The forest was at the back of the house. Bypassing him, Jay walked along a path that had long been overgrown with fresh grass. During his approach to the forest, the sun has already managed to rise halfway, and the stomach is hungry and thus create discomfort. In a previous life, Jay wasn't used to not even having a crust of bread to chew on. Therefore, he endured the current hunger, only thanks to stubbornness and the knowledge that upon his return, a full breakfast awaits him.

When he got to the right place, Jay began to examine everything carefully, afraid to miss anything, as well as trying to find traces of some animals. Growing vegetables is certainly good, but it would be nice to always have game on hand. After all, rabbits will run out sooner or later.Under the oak tree, where there were still acorns from last year, we managed to find traces of a wild boar and three pairs of small tracks. One of the birches growing in the forest had its bark half wiped off. 

Apparently, this was done by a deer, scratching its horns in this way. In addition, we managed to find a couple of raspberry bushes, blackberries and wild pears. And Jay also found a pine tree, going a little further into the forest, where it was full of cones. Near this tree, he decided to take a break for a while, and at the same time have a snack on the seeds of cones and do not forget to take with him a few of those for a rainy day. After that, his path continued again, but not so successfully.

Then there were solid thorny thickets, through which Jay did not dare to climb yet. Here would be an axe ... then he would still think about continuing to wander through the forest. And so ... so only injury can be inflicted on yourself.

- Well, at least I'm not coming back empty-handed, - Jay turned in the opposite direction from where he came and was about to leave. 

He took a step and suddenly suddenly felt the ground under him begin to crumble, and he fell into some kind of hole.Fortunately, it was shallow, so he didn't hurt himself much. However... given his current height, he won't be able to get out on his own. Seeing this situation, Jay began to look for another way and soon found it.

It was a small tunnel, hidden behind the roots of thorny bushes that had grown on the surface, through which he could, if not pass, then at least crawl. Seeing no other options for himself, Jay took a chance to try to get out through a tunnel unknown to him. Getting down on all fours, he crawled.

Time here in the dark lasted with everything differently. It seemed to Jay that he had been stuck in this suffocating pit for an eternity. No matter how much he moved forward, not a single glimmer of light could be seen. One solid darkness, and that's all. He had already taken a couple of breaks and even started to get thirsty, but the tunnel was still not going to end. It would seem that he was stuck here forever, but once again, stopping and licking his salty lips, Jay felt the earth begin to tremble and suddenly he again, as before, failed.

Although I am now a prince, but in order to survive...BLWhere stories live. Discover now