Chapter 9

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- No, it's still good to live, - Jay said to himself, finishing pulling out the last weed. After that, he began to inspect the garden, planning for the future what other seeds he would get.The growth potion, if diluted with a little more water, should have been enough for two plantings. So, it was necessary to distribute it correctly, for what and where, so as not to regret it later.- I wish there was rice here, but I'm afraid even with a growth potion, it will be difficult to grow it. We'll have to look for a special place for this near some reservoir. – Jay thought about where to find a suitable place.Can I do it near a river or a lake? There should be enough moisture there for the rice to grow well. In addition, it will save him from problems, he himself will develop a special place for landing.- I understand....! I got it!!! Suddenly Jay's thoughts were interrupted when he heard the excited voice of the wind spirit.- What exactly? – He asked him, still looking around the garden and not even turning around.- And that's all your interest? The wind spirit, which was flying fast, slowed down and glowered at the boy. Then I decided to ignore his indifference. What difference does it make to him, the main thing is that he can share information firsthand. – I know what kind of boy he is.- Has he come to his senses? Jay asked, who had a hope to get rid of the half–dead boy.Tom, unfortunately, did not get better during the seven days that he stayed at Jay's house. Therefore, the boy has long been looking for alternative options. Although this unconscious child did not bother him. He was lying quietly on a bed made of rags in the corner of the house. But after all, it did not bring any benefit. And Jay very urgently needed at least some benefit from this rescue, while he was considering the earl's proposals.- I'm afraid he won't come to himself soon. He was hit very hard by a spell. The body has suffered. It takes time to recover. But it doesn't matter. You'd better listen to what I've learned. This child turns out to be from a magic tower."Are you sure about that?" Jay raised his eyebrows in surprise.- Of course, and completely. After all, he pulls magic so much. My nose can't let me down. – "Really, it's a pity that I didn't understand it right away. The remnants of the spell on it are to blame for everything. It took a whole week for them to wear off. Where have you seen this at all?" The spirit decided to keep these thoughts to himself, otherwise the boy would start mocking him. And he was a very proud spirit. I definitely would not have tolerated such a thing and left. And who would feed him then? It's better to hold off on this place for now (at least until he finds something better), and excessive information... to hell with it. Who needs it at all?Having received such important information, Jay immediately understood what should be done next. But before that... I decided to clarify something anyway:- Hmm, then I think it's worth visiting the magic tower. She shouldn't be under the supervision of the king, should she?- And what does the king have to do with it? The Magic Tower has never belonged to anyone except its founder. But he's been dead for a long time. The Wind Spirit was a little amused by the boy's question. No, he was really a bit strange after all. He doesn't know a single simple thing. As if he had just been born..."Then that's good. I think I can get a reward for the return of an as yet inexperienced magician.- And if it belonged to the king, couldn't you? – The spirit was curious, trying to understand what his previous stupid question was about.- Why not? I could. It's just that then we would have to act in a more brutal way. This is still the "king" and you need to treat him accordingly. – Speaking the last sentence, the corners of Jay's lips tilted in a malicious grin, and a cold flashed in his eyes for a second. But this emotion disappeared as quickly as it appeared. Since, to be honest, his father's affairs, Jay didn't care much. It was just a stranger who should be punished for his misdeeds. No more. – I hope you know the way to the tower?- I know, but it won't be so easy to get to her. It would be easier to send a letter. Wind spirit warned, remembering the road.- I can't even write an answer to the count right now, and you're asking me to try to report the situation on something? To begin with, you need at least ink, and get paper.- Well, I'm sorry, I forgot that although you have a house full of vegetables and fruits, but there is no money."Well, yes, this is not the 21st century, where you can open a small online store and sell everything in a second or use the same simple ad." Jay chuckled to himself, also perfectly aware of the absurdity of the situation. It seems like there is a product, but that's just no benefit from it yet. Except that you can still use it for yourself. Yes, gradually expand its list with the hope that it will really be possible to find a good buyer for all this.In the end, Jay may not have time to eat everything he has now before it disappears. Because of the same growth potion, he now has quite a lot of mature melons. Somehow, when planting seeds, he did not correctly calculate the right amount of potion, and because of that, in fact, he got the result the next morning and barely had time to collect everything before it disappeared. After all, but potions of growth in a second could not only grow a crop, but also destroy it.- Yes, this is not to be trifled with. – Jay stood for another minute and went to wash his hands. It was time to go to breakfast. After all, the day was just beginning, we needed strength. Speaking of the beginning of the day... - So you know the way?- I know about it.- Then we'll go today. I have temporarily finished with the vegetable garden. He can stay for several days without supervision. The main thing is that some kind of animal does not run in here. And the rabbits are fine. They have food and water, too. They'll live somehow. So that's settled.- Are you serious? You know how far it is. Eggs, I'm afraid, can sort things out along the way. – The spirit was not at all happy with the boy's decision, and immediately began to dissuade him. It wasn't that he didn't want to go somewhere, and the tower was just so far away... it just might cause big problems if someone on the tower's territory smelled him. – It's better to wait for the chickens to appear. It's not very convenient to go on the road right now.- And who is telling me this? Aren't you so unwilling to take care of them that you cast warm wind spells on them and immediately flew away. Not even wanting to hear about them anymore. – Jay shook his head negatively at the excuse of the wind spirit, finished washing his hands and went into the house.- I used the most precious thing I have. Own wind. Isn't that a concern?"So you'll leave the wind to take care of them while we're temporarily away. You can support him at a long distance, right?"I'm so weak, I'm such a useless spirit...- Hmm, do you really want me to leave all the food due to you for work to the magician until he wakes up?- And what does he have to do with it? He doesn't do anything at all except lie down.- That's right, that nothing. So, I can safely put eggs under it.- He'll crush them. And in general, all the berries will be gone by the time he wakes up. This cannot be allowed to happen.- Well, it will crush or not, we don't know yet, since we haven't tried it. But we can find out. Really, right? Jay cast a cold glance at the wind spirit. – And lose all the berries.The spirit, sensing the threat in the boy's tone, answered him, grinding his teeth:- Tc... okay, okay, I'll show you the way. – Then he added to himself: "But you will remember this for the rest of your life." So how dare he threaten him, and even the most holy "food"? Nothing, soon the reckoning will come, and we'll see who will beg for mercy and ask for forgiveness. Proudly lifting up his chin, the wind spirit flew into the house, making insidious plans.Meanwhile, Jay saw the spirit off with his smug look and shook his head. As if he didn't understand his thoughts. Of course he knew them. But I wasn't worried at all. So how to scare him ... this bug is unlikely to succeed.

Although I am now a prince, but in order to survive...BLWhere stories live. Discover now