Chapter 30

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Jay seemed to think that he would take revenge, and they would both be even. Well, or at least the spirit will disperse the wind, and he will get out of here. Still, Jay was not a fool, and he knew when to stick his head out, and when to be quiet grass below the water. However, who would have guessed that the "villain" would also turn out to be a vindictive person. Shopping center! As for the evil of the second equally strong neighbor nearby, it was not expected anywhere that he would take the blow on himself. It feels like someone really wanted Jay to die right here and now."But I'm a man! I'm not some coward! Can I still fight him?" Jay had conflicting feelings. On the one hand, he wanted to escape, as on the other... he could not and did not want to behave like a coward!- Does he have any weaknesses? Is he a strong magician?- Are you a fool? The Wind Spirit gave Jay a mocking look. "Don't tell me you mistook those little flashes for spells?" Even a child can make them if he has at least one thing full of spells. Yes, even you can do it – an ordinary little man. Are you seriously unable to distinguish a real magician from a fake one? – At some point, the spirit stopped just throwing glances and began openly mocking the boy. Apparently he still wanted at least a little, but to take revenge for the fact that he had previously prevented him from teaching someone a lesson. – But you have always been not famous for a strong mind. Why am I surprised at all?"So he's not a magician?" Then it's all right. – Jay didn't take someone else's mockery personally. In the end, it was excusable for him not to know about such things, he had only lived in this world for the first year and apart from magic scrolls, he did not really know much about spells. And the magicians themselves somehow did not tell him that in addition to scrolls, spells can be transferred into things.Apparently, such a service is too expensive for him. "That's another thing you'll have to save money for. Damn, will I ever earn enough to not think about them at all?" - Come on, come here. Let's fight on equal terms. – Jay turned in the opposite direction and, grabbing a passing branch, began to wait for the opponent, who looked ten years older than him, and maybe even fifteen, to get to him. In appearance, he looked quite tall and strong guy. It was difficult to determine Jay's exact age. But by his taut appearance, it was well clear that he was engaged in sports every day. Therefore, once again he tried not to look at him. It was too painful. The boy immediately began to remember his past body, which was a swan compared to his current one. It's like an ugly duckling! In other words, it was impossible to express!"Although the face should be pretty pretty when I grow up. Maybe I'll build a harem with his help. And that's not a bad idea. Am I worse than other popadants? According to my sister, guys who traveled to another world always had a bunch of fans. I'll have money, girls. It's not life, but as if I'm describing someone's paradise. Here's life will be... it's just a pity, there's nothing good on this guy." Imagining a happy future, Jay did not forget to examine the opponent for money. He turned out to be quite poor. Apart from his usual clothes, he was wearing nothing remarkable: no money bag, no rings, no weapons. Except that the chain around his neck with the symbol of the moon and that's it. But it's silver, it won't cost too much money. "True, unless it's the magical thing the spirit was talking about. But this will have to be checked."- I wanted to deal with you later, but you're asking for it. – The opponent reached Jay and punched.- I didn't enter someone else's territory. If it weren't for your sudden appearance, who knows which of us would be in a similar state. Jay said through clenched teeth (perhaps because of the feeling of pain in his body than because of anger. In order not to hit his face in the dirt, so to speak, he had to pretend that his body was in perfect order and other people's blows for him turned out to be nothing more than a mosquito bite), grabbing a stone and sitting on it.The idea of fighting in the center of a hurricane, as it turned out, is like fighting cotton wool for ordinary people. You kind of hit it, but you don't get anywhere. "And as soon as those two below are fighting. They have a lot of strength, since they not only move around without problems, but also easily sweep each other." Jay glanced down, and then returned his attention to the opponent.– Don't waste your strength. You look stupid.- As soon as we get down, don't even think about running away. You've destroyed years of our work. But how did you manage to get into the cave? – The enemy, without thinking twice, decided to arrange a temporary truce. He was not stupid and naturally knew that it was useless to swing his fists in the center of a hurricane. No, of course, it would be possible to use the magic remaining in the thing charged with magic earlier, but ... the guy did not want to spend it on such a weak opponent. He usually dealt with ordinary people personally, without using foreign objects."Does he want to get information out of me while we're sitting like this? He can quickly navigate the situation. Bad. I'm not going to win a fight with this. Painful brains work well. Apparently, he had more than a dozen fights. It's a pity, I would also like to know where they got the stone of the seven charms."Jay thought glumly, saying nothing in response. He had no desire to talk to "this one". And the fact that he had previously asked him not to twitch, so it was a mockery. He really looked stupid. But it's really a pity that his appearance is only like this. And so I would find out the location of such precious magic stones and live for yourself, rejoice, once again do not go into the city. "But on the other hand, I still wanted to settle accounts with the "lord of ghosts". Anyway..."- Jay clenched his fists, and then relaxed when his body twitched in pain, and began to follow the hurricane. In his condition, it was better not to strain yourself once again, otherwise later, as it gets worse, you will have to look for a doctor, drive yourself into debt. And by the way, his roof hasn't been fixed yet.The hurricane maintained its former appearance. The wind outside did not think to subside. Jay checked what the wind spirit was doing. Who knows, maybe he just took it and fell asleep. He was sitting in the lotus position on his shoulder, his face full of concentration. Knowing that he was working on dispersing the wind, Jay did not bother him and decided to move closer to his neighbor for now, and then, if time was already moving close to the ground. So that the bones can then be collected as soon as the hurricane disappears. The opponent sat, sat, and soon began to move after Jay. I felt, apparently, that it is not safe at the height now.It is worth saying that it was not so easy to move down than to get up. Everything that was in the epicenter of the hurricane moved from the bottom up. That is, everything was flying in Jay's face now. In a word, he had to suffer again, only this time from the elements. Meanwhile, do not forget to cover the spirit, because he was working on an important task, which could not be interrupted.- Why are you taking so long? You're a wind spirit... you used to do everything quickly. – At some point, Jay still turned to the wind spirit. Probably, the stone that almost hit his eye this time, exhausted all his patience.- Because of the magic stone, the flow of magic was disrupted in this area. I didn't think it could cause such difficulties. The wind spirit's tone was no better than Jay's. He liked this situation less than the boy. He's the spirit of the wind, he usually manages the wind once or twice. And here it is possible to gather the power of the wind, how to get rid of it ... as if a third extra intervened and does not allow it to be done.In principle, it was, because the stone that Jay destroyed contained, in addition to the collected life force of the forest, the power of the creator embedded in it. Magic stones had two forms of birth with the help of a magical beast or a very strong magician. Each of these living creatures put their part of the power into the stone when it was created. Aura, as it was rarely called.- I will find out who destroyed the stone, I will kill. – The spirit bit his finger until it bled and began to draw magic symbols in the air with it.- So this is for you to them. – Jay pointed to the culprits of his injuries in turn, hiding the truth about his guilt. After all, if you look at it that way, it wasn't his fault at all. If these people hadn't shown up in the forest with their evil plans, he wouldn't have had to save them later.- I'll be happy to, as soon as I'm done with this.- Is it starting to work out?- We'll find out now. – The magic symbols of the wind spirit applied with blood began to glow brightly. Jay checked the distance to the ground and, using the last minutes, jumped towards the still fighting neighbor, grabbing his neck.- Are you an idiot? Get your hands off my neck. – It was an unexpected surprise for a neighbor, after which he looked like an angry lion. He didn't like being used as a riding horse."If it wasn't for your strength, do you think I would have used you?" Jay cast a contemptuous glance at his neighbor's head and grabbed him by the ear.- Jump down, you idiot, if you don't want to break your neck. – As soon as he finished speaking, the hurricane began to dissipate and the two of them began to fall.Huffing angrily, Jay's neighbor quickly began to descend on the objects falling to the ground. As soon as his feet touched the stable surface of the ground, he threw Jay over his head in one sharp movement.- Are you not all at home? – Jay hung on a tree branch, not understanding why his neighbor was so mad.- Haha... - But the wind spirit seemed to understand perfectly, because he was the only one who started laughing in this situation. – Sled... dog. Ha... - He stumbled a little during the conversation when he received an angry look from the boy releasing rage and dryly soon finished his laughter.To provoke the anger of this so "good" person was not the best idea. I had to be quiet.- Hmm ... - threw a look full of hatred at these two now, Jay's neighbor headed away.- How he pisses me off! Someday I'll make you fly like that too... don't think that you'll always be the strongest. Jay shouted angrily after Tom, starting to descend from the tree on which he was thrown. – Who does he think he is? I'm the prince here. And he's... a beggar."Cough... cough... I wouldn't be shouting so loudly right now. – The wind spirit tried to stop Jay from insulting him when he noticed that the neighbor had not gone far."Are you still afraid of him?"The wind Spirit would never admit that he was afraid of someone. Just the look of the boy this time... a little more and they could well cross the line and lose both their lives. And Jay didn't even understand that! Deplorable! What a stupid kid! So he abruptly changed the subject, flying away from here.- What if the villains come, and you're here alone.- All the villains have long since left. – Jay calmly descended from the tree, and then just as slowly went home, dreaming about how he would come, fall on a soft bed and forget about the pain.It seemed that the recent hurricane, as well as the fight, had been forgotten. All of them, but not really. The villains that disappeared from the field of view at the moment were just having a conversation about what happened. They were two guys already familiar to Jay and a stranger who came out of the surviving tree as soon as they landed on the dense surface of the earth. From behind, according to the men's clothes she was wearing, she could easily be mistaken for a boy, she also did not have long luxurious hair. But as soon as she turns around a little, her real gender will immediately become clear, her breasts were too big.- I came back and what did I see? The stone is gone, the Neck is cut off, and you two kids can't win. I see it was a mistake to trust you with this case. – Although she spoke warmly at the same time, her face showed opposite emotions.- By the way, I almost beat the older one. A little more would be ... - The neighbor's recent opponent shook his fist in the air.- Don't you see, this is a conversation for adults. Then you will show your childish naivety. – The girl threw a bad look at the guy.- Yes, Mommy. Got it, Mom. Well, then I went to our headquarters. – He made a face in response, after which he left them alone together.- Tc... kid, someday I'll blow your head off. – The girl threw after him, after which she turned to the remaining villain. "And what was that?" I know you like to play with prey, but haven't you gone too far this time? You didn't get any information. Red-eyed, I can send you to report to them.- If they have the same goal with us, then we will meet again. It's not worth scaring a snake ahead of time, do you remember that? – The guy came closer to the girl and, bending down to her ear, suddenly stuck out a tongue like a snake, and ran it over the girl's ear. "I've been bored with human flesh for a long time, but I can make an exception for you.- Your threats are already starting to piss me off! – The girl put her hand forward, and if the guy had not had time to put up protection, he would have been carried back by a shock wave that appeared out of nowhere, as the nearest trees did. – If you continue your games without paying due attention to our work..."Until one of us dies, right?" It's definitely going to be fun. The guy grinned, then returned to his usual calm expression. – The magic stone was destroyed, but there was enough time to get the next clue, wasn't there? So, where are we going next?- The stars will show us the way. – The girl answered through clenched teeth and immediately hurried out of here before this face began to annoy her even more. – And where did they get just such... Why does no one understand how important this work is? If they get even a little ahead of us..." Along the way, as usual, she grumbled to herself, and no one, as usual, cared about it.- What an interesting child he was, though. The smell of old magic... I've heard it somewhere before. It's been so long. Those were pleasant days. Well, I hope you won't disappoint me like he did. – Left alone with himself, the red-eyed man raised his head and looked at the sky, remembering a recent meeting. So, frozen in one pose, he stood for a long time, and then, as if by a click, disappeared from his place.Fortunately for Jay, he was not a witness to this picture, otherwise he would have wanted to nail this type on the spot. Is he some kind of clown to him? Seriously believes that everything he did was to entertain him? Yes, he was clearly not himself then!But even if Jay didn't know about it, the eye that suddenly started twitching warned him about someone plotting against him.- The eye starts twitching. This is definitely not good. Those psychos still want to get back at me? Halfway home, Jay turned around. There was no one else on the road but him. – No, it's definitely not for nothing. – Jay closed his eye, his nervous tic did not stop for a second. – But even well, it will be possible to collect money for the scrolls. I'm because of them ... - At the thought that he no longer has the magic scrolls with him, the boy almost burst into tears.In order to acquire them, he, after all, worked for a long time. It was some kind of injustice to lose them and get nothing in return. You can't even win the same victory in battle...- Some losses lately. Now turn to the magicians again. Maybe a sword, which one to buy? I seem to be pretty good with him. It's worth thinking about. Definitely. It would be stupid somehow if I would defend myself with scrolls alone for the next few years. At least the sword won't get lost. Jay rubbed his chin thoughtfully and began to consider this idea.She was not bad, and she gave a guarantee of safety, no matter what, but she did. The same margin of victory. Here he was in a cave using someone else's sword and won the fight. And if he hadn't been there, not one, but then all two magic scrolls would have had to be used at once.- Okay, then I'll visit the blacksmith. I was going to the city anyway. – Having decided on this, Jay continued to walk towards the house, the roof of which had already appeared in the distance.After some time, he reached the territory of his house and, calling the butler, went to the well.- He's gone, he'll be back in a couple of days. – Reported Giselle, and now Jay's cook.Yes, she had such an airy name, like the heroine of an old French TV series, which the boy's mother in his native world liked to review often. Therefore, it is not surprising that when Jay first heard such a familiar name, he wanted to return to the past world even more than before. To where he had a family. Damn, how he missed his family, therefore, with an indescribable warmth that warmed his heart every time he faced problems. Perhaps this behavior was a little strange on Jay's part. After all, it wasn't his first day in this world. He had to accept, get used to the same idea that he would never see them again. But it wasn't in Jay's rules to give up until all the possible options had been tested. Someday he will find the old spell he needs, and then this whole world will become nothing more than a dream."It will be bad if my hopes are not fulfilled. – Jay ran his hand over the place where the heart was, for a second it seemed to him that he again felt a long-forgotten, unfilled void in his chest. – It's not time yet. I have to wait." – He mentally repeated several times and, returning to his usual state of mind, poured a bucket of water on himself, standing near the well.- On some business or personal? Jay asked Giselle as he cheered up from the cold water.- Personal, - she did not hide it.- Then tell him to warn him in advance another time. – Jay stopped further questions on this. After all, the old man was his butler, not his prisoner. Since he needed to leave, he can do without him for a couple of days. At the same time, this is a great chance to save money on someone's salary. And what difference does it make that he did not pay it, and from time to time he provided pocket money instead of it. Isn't that the same money? – And where is this... other boy. – Since no one else was observed apart from the two of them, Jay asked about the neighbor a little later, halting slightly in the middle of the sentence."It looks like the name is still worth knowing," he tossed his wet hair back.- He's not back yet.- Yes? "Are you seriously angry? Then what about our agreement? Winter is still far away, who will help me dig a vegetable garden? He's not going to run away like that, is he?" Jay began to worry a little about the future of his back, yet the last time he saw his neighbor, his facial expression was not very good. "Then you'll let me know as soon as he comes back." – But I decided to wait a few days before starting to mourn the escaped free labor force. – How touchy children have gone these days. One tsundere, the second piece of ice. – He said to himself when he went into the house.- Can I invite a doctor? Giselle, who had remained standing in place, shouted after him. Jay's condition certainly did not escape her eyes. Yes, if only a blind man wouldn't notice him there. The clothes are all torn, there are scratches or knife wounds on the exposed parts of the body, the face is half swollen. The shock wave that was heard from the forest clearly did not arise from scratch.- I have wine for that. – Jay immediately rejected the girl's offers.Firstly, it was too expensive. And secondly, worrying about such minor wounds was like wasting time. He got them with a simple weapon, not some kind of magic. If that were the case, he would have died long ago, or his wounds would have started to rot, the temperature would have risen there, the skin would have turned green again... various such sores appeared. It depends on what kind of magic power the magic artifact, as the magic weapon was also called, contained. Well, you can almost say simple. The sword of that boy was not quite ordinary, but clearly his magic was not used to injure the enemy. Rather to protect the owner.The sword itself is good, but unfortunately, ordinary people without mana in the body could not use it in any way. To put it bluntly, this required activating an "artifact". This, in turn, took mana from the body. It cannot be said that there was no loophole in such a method. An ordinary person could, of course, try, but either he would have lost too many vital forces (he caused damage to the body in turn), or he would have died on the spot. Precisely because Jay knew such facts, he did not touch the sword. Again, thanks to my sister, that sometimes she told him useful information, and not only chatted about 2D boys.Entering the kitchen, Jay took out the hidden wine and, throwing off his torn clothes, began to wipe the wounds with it. This is certainly not hydrogen peroxide, but it also decontaminated microbes quite well.- The wounds are only superficial. It turns out I'm not that weak. Nevertheless, a reaction began to develop in this body. – In between, Jay checked the depth of the wounds and could not, as a result of which he was not happy. It seems that his training has not been in vain lately. The current body finally began to cease to look like a defenseless dumpling, the instinct of dodging blows began to manifest.

p.s. this is the end of the first volume of the story. I will start writing the second one in a couple of days, follow my profile.

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