Chapter 16

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Jay was walking sullenly to the market, thinking about his morning conversation with his neighbor. On the one hand, he wanted to help him. In the end, it's a trifling matter. All you need to do is find exactly where the person from the royal branch is needed for the "neighbor". There, by the way, as it turned out, it was not the king of his new acquaintance who was interested at all, but his brother. Which, by the way, is strange for a second, and Jay didn't mean the boy's interest in this type at all. And the fact that if both of these people were interested in each other, then it turned out that it was the king's brother who sent the guards. But isn't she only following the king's orders? Besides knowing what kind of king a man is....Do you seriously want to say that he maintains such close fraternal relations and literally throws all his strength to help his family? Ha! A complete farce! Something was obviously wrong here, which in turn caused Jay to have a deep curiosity to look at this man himself. And here the reason already appeared, and even the thought flashed: "And then, in fact, why not help?" But there was one fat "BUT" in all this. Jay was afraid to draw attention to himself in this way. What if someone finds out about him and the facts about his past come out? It is unlikely that his father and mother will be glad that he is still alive. They can put an end to all his plans at once. This is extremely bad and in general.... Hey! He doesn't even have anyone on his side. In that case, who will protect him? He himself will definitely fail this mission. His legs are short, he runs so-so, and he has no secret places to hide, except for a cave in the forest ... he does not have at all.No, he doesn't intend to get involved in this case. At least for now. It was still too early to meet face to face with their relatives.- Hmm, - Jay accidentally caught sight of stray boys, and a crazy idea suddenly came into his head. He immediately smiled and called one of the children to him. – Hey, you, come here.The blond-haired boy, grunted, approached him.- I need your boss. There is a case. He took a coin out of his pocket and handed it to the boy.- I can take you away, but if it's nothing... don't blame me. – He immediately hid the money and, informing the others that they could go without him, told Jay to follow him.At first they walked along pretty good alleys, but over time they became more abandoned and dirty. Rats roamed, corpses lay on the road, like garbage thrown out by chance, the air smelled of rottenness. Jay didn't even raise an eyebrow at that, not that he flinched. Did this guy really decide to scare him in this way? My sympathy for him then. In this regard, Jay was a psychologically strong guy and even somehow specially went to horror movie screenings every day to get rid of cowardice and former timidity. And compared to what was happening on the screen at those moments... everything that surrounded him now caused only boredom."How much longer?" Jay asked, noticing that the one who was leading him had slowed down.- As soon as we pass the road of death, we will be on the spot. – He replied, occasionally glancing at Jay and surprised that he never even shivered. Although he was older than him, but still passing by this place could not feel at ease. What is wrong with this boy at all?Jay, who did not know that he was labeled "strange", even on the way sometimes commented in his head."And the smell here is somewhat reminiscent of cheese with mold. Obviously rich people live...""This corpse has no heart in its chest, and this one has a leg... is there some kind of sect living here for eating human flesh?""Oh, just look at what a well-fed rat. And by any chance it's not she who feeds on dead meat?"When they turned into the basement, Jay felt a slight regret. How quickly, however, the road of death ended. I wonder if he will be able to walk through it again? He hasn't looked at everything here yet.The basement was even stranger than the road of death. Skeletons hung on the walls here, the light flickered brightly, creating terrible shadows from torches, water dripped from the walls. Seeing such a design, Jay roughly guessed why the path was like this and smiled imperceptibly. He had already been through enough to get to know the owner of this place. He's probably quite an unusual person, and as it turned out later, Jay was not mistaken.When a small hall appeared before him, as soon as the tunnel ended, a man sitting on a throne made of various junk immediately caught his eye. He looked to be about twelve years old, with long red hair and a crazy smile on his lips.- Guests? About what? His cheerful voice echoed throughout the hall.- Well, I think I'll go. The blond–haired boy retreated and hurried away. Jay at this moment fully felt to what extent the head of the vagabonds is unusual.He's not exactly a normal person! Just this crazy look, like a patient who escaped from a crazy hospital...Hey, somebody explain to him that he just wandered in here by mistake.- Do you want to join us? – When I heard that Jay was addressed to him, I had to stop mentally kicking myself. It's too late. He's already here. It's pointless to retreat.- I want to make a deal.- What exactly is the idea?- Exchange of some information for vegetables and fruits.- Why not money or something else? – The leader hesitated. He didn't understand what kind of fool would suddenly come up with such an idea. Although some information is really expensive, but... this was probably the first time when he was made such an offer. Even the fake grin disappeared from his face.- Money? And if it makes sense to offer them? There was silence for a while.- Okay, what kind of information do you want and how many supplies are you offering? – Having thought something over in his head, the leader continued and, without noticing how Jay breathed a sigh of relief. Damn, he really thought he couldn't do it when he saw him. This leader has too impressive an image of a madman.- Information about the king and his brother, it is desirable to find out his habitat. – If Jay had asked others to do this, he would probably have been sent to hell. After all, this is the king, what right do you have to be interested in his life at all? But the boy was not one of those people. In general, it even seemed to Jay that he was very pleased with his request and quietly whispered:- How timely. – Jay paid little attention to this in principle. He wasn't interested in other people's cockroaches in his head.He waited until it came to the number of products and roughly calculated when he would have the next harvest and so that the magician would not leave anything without voicing the number. The leader was quite satisfied and soon they shook hands and parted. Hands, of course, were mentally shaken, and Jay himself left, leaving the owner of this place to sit further on his throne.And as soon as he disappeared from this cold and damp hall, the boy on the throne turned to the one who was hiding in a dark corner.- You didn't wait for nothing. I have good news for you, I agree. There was still a smile on the boy's lips.- Well, the owner will be glad. – the man hiding in the shadows was about to leave.- Don't forget to just tell him that the price has been raised. And by the way, I will inform you about the exact date later.- As you wish. – That was the end of their conversation, and the boy was really alone now.- Sometimes it's really better to do business with the "scum of society". – Meanwhile, Jay was discussing the boy with himself while he was walking to the market. His business approach, he liked it. Perhaps in the future they will be able to conduct some more joint business. Time will tell, in any case, while it is worth waiting for the results of their first transaction.In the end, deciding to leave this matter temporarily behind him, Jay went to the market and went to look for material for a greenhouse. Due to the fact that in this world such buildings were not built at all, Jay had to pick up a new material completely from scratch, taking into account that the temperature under it did not fall in winter. In total, he chose cloudy glass – a fairly suitable material for his case.It was strong because of the special sand contained in it. No temperatures affected it, plus it had the property of bending, just like plastic. And it's okay that Jay only had enough money for half of this material to build one greenhouse. The main thing is that he at least started with something. The rest will have to be purchased next month. But before going to get the horse and pick up his purchase, Jay began to look for another material with which it would be possible to maintain a normal temperature in the greenhouse. This has already turned out to be more difficult.None of the local goods were suitable for this. However, maybe it was worth looking among the magical things? But considering the prices there and Jay's current earnings... forget it. If he finds something there, then he certainly won't build a single greenhouse by winter. And so he will not only lose time to get a big profit in bad weather, but by next spring he will be in an even worse position than the original owner of this body was. After all, then he won't have enough potions anymore to quickly grow plants, so he won't even have the money to even buy the same bread cake. In this case, it is better to build a complete heating system yourself.- And that this is an idea. – Jay liked this idea.After all, but it will be cheaper at times, because the material there for the heating system is not so expensive and will be required. It is quite possible to make it out of iron. Just draw a detailed diagram and turn to the blacksmith for this. He seems to also live in the market somewhere here, offering his services, but takes a deposit. So next time, it's worth going to him first. It is not known how long it will take to create a system. It's better to start with this earlier.Having made a rough plan for the next visit to the market, Jay seemed to get rid of a heavy stone. After all, to be honest, he was very worried about whether he would be able to earn money in the winter. But now he is quite sure of this, and if so, then perhaps it's time to buy some products with the money set aside specifically. This is of course bread, he has already run out of it. And, perhaps, Jay will also take a pumpkin. The vegetable itself is profitable: not only is it stored for a long time, but you can also cook any dish from it, from soup to dessert. We will treat ourselves to something in winter. And for the remaining trifle, you should take greens that are sold right from the roots. Rather than buying it all the time, it's better to plant it yourself. After all, but some of them are still needed for sauces, and others go to create a better taste in salted vegetables.It is strange that it was among the greens that Jay came across a very young cabbage and onion. A little later, as he found out, they are grown for a maximum of a month. Since from the country where they are supplied, the soil is very scarce and does not allow anything else to grow in time. Although there used to be rumors that the soil was very rich there and what was no longer grown there. Jay was surprised by this situation. To have all the soil disappear in one country at once... it's a strange thing. Besides, it's even stranger that the greens are wilted and too thin. Looking at her appearance, it immediately becomes clear that she lacked mineral substances, however, as well as irrigation. She's literally all yellow over there. Just in case, you should hurry back home. Otherwise, it will completely fade away and the last opportunity to try to settle her on this earth will disappear. Jay left his purchases at the glass seller, promised to return in half an hour to pick up everything, and then hurried to the hotel. It was there, in a separate stable, that a horse was waiting for him. But, however, he did not go there immediately, as some incident stopped him on the way.Before reaching the hotel, Jay heard screams mixed with crying. Although he was in a hurry, he still decided to spend a minute and go check out who could be shouting on the floor of the street here.A girl with a belly and an elderly man were standing near one of the houses. A suitcase was lying at their feet, and a little further away stood a man, judging by his appearance and clothes, a nobleman, and angrily told them:"As I said, my mother is no more. The two of us can get out of here. – One of the servants came up to him from behind and threw a bundle of rags at two people standing on the road."But he's your nephew. Are you crazy? Aren't you afraid of your brother's anger at all? When will he be back...- Will he come back? The nobleman chuckled. "I think I forgot to tell you something." He's been dead for a long time. I personally killed him. So how can he come back?- You...! The girl's face twisted with anger when she heard this.- If they try to enter, call the knights. Let them be taught a lesson. – The nobleman was completely indifferent to other people's emotions and, after giving the servant an order, soon disappeared into the house.Jay followed the owner with his gaze and stood aside for a while, allowing these two to calm down a little, and went to them.- If you need help, I can offer my own. The old man and the girl, whispering among themselves about something, glanced at Jay. He scratched his nose, feeling a little pressure from these other people's heavy looks, but in turn continued to speak. – Perhaps you misunderstood. My master is looking for workers in the house. He himself rarely happens, so you need someone to look after him. Since he is new in the country, so far there are problems with finding people.- And where will he come from? – Asked the old man, who was a little skeptical at first about Jay's proposal. Seeing that they were personally driven away by the owner of the house, only some fool could volunteer to help them. But after learning that the boy's master was not from this country... maybe he was not a fool at all?- Most of the time he lives in the east, the rest of the time he visits the west, and sometimes comes here to visit one of his distant relatives. - Over time, Jay's legend has acquired more and more new facts. Oh, he's so smart. Now, even if someone has doubts, they still won't be able to recognize a lie."Are you sure he'll take us?" The girl asked doubtfully. The gentleman, after all, apparently was rich, even richer than their master, if he could afford such trips.Could they really suit him? After they were kicked out of the house, and not just the person she worked for, but almost a future relative, her trust in people was shaken. But on the other hand, where to go and how to continue living is unknown. There are no relatives, after all, except for the father. The girl looked at the old man, then at her stomach and burst into tears. My whole life collapsed in one moment.- You can be sure. He'll take you. If you agree, then follow me. – Seeing that the girl is crying, and the old man drooped. It seems that both of them began to realize what was happening. They really were thrown away, like some kind of dogs. Jay briefly said a few phrases and followed to the hotel.It's good, of course, if he has extra helpers. In the end, he himself can no longer cope alone, besides, he has long wanted to find people. And these, apparently, will consider him their benefactor and, if anything, they will definitely not betray him. But since he didn't know how to persuade people, he let them decide for themselves what to do next. What should they do? Of course they soon followed Jay. His offer is certainly better.When they all got to the stable together, a ready-made horse was already waiting for them here.- And-and-and ... - When she saw Jay, she laughed stupidly and tried to hide behind him right there, almost knocking down a boy working at the stable with a cart. But noticing that the breath of an evil person, wherever she went, did not disappear, she stopped and sat down on the ground with her ass, as if thinking about the meaning of life.Jay, who was already used to every kind of behavior of a stupid horse, thanked the stable worker and gave him the remaining last coin as a tip, told the others to sit down. At the same time, he noticed that there was already someone in the cart.- Are you with me this time? – He asked his neighbor in surprise. After all, it was the first time that he took the initiative to follow him. He was usually on his own. Did this promise to fulfill his request have such an effect? But he hasn't actually promised anything yet. – Have you forgotten that they are looking for you? Everyone will be checked at the exit."I'm just going to cover myself with something." – Compared to yesterday, today he wasn't even worried about being found.- Oh, - Jay looked at such a calm person and, not knowing what else to add, directed the horse to the market.After picking up his purchases, Jay packed them, trying to fit everything and drove to the exit of the city, ready for the fact that he would be checked. But it wasn't even necessary. Due to the fact that two of yesterday's guards were so frightened by Jay's story about the disease, they noticed him from afar and allowed him to drive straight through, moving away at the same time a decent distance.Jay, remembering the relaxed behavior of his neighbor, could not help but ask him when they left the city:"Did you know about this?""About what exactly?" – For some reason, he decided to pretend to be a fool.Jay looked back and, seeing that he was staring aimlessly at the disappearing city, waved his hand. Forget it. He didn't ask him anything.

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