Chapter 15

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There was a strong wind mixed with sand. It was almost impossible to see anything. Still, Jay could clearly see the silhouette of a tree in the middle of a desert storm. Its roots were rotten, beetles had been crawling along the trunk for a long time, leaving behind a strange black liquid. And its dry branches... they seemed to obscure the whole sky. What a strange picture. Jay wanted to go over and take a closer look at the tree, but as soon as he took a step, he immediately woke up.He just lay there for a while, still wandering between dream and reality, after which he couldn't help but frown. It was the first time he had such a dream. Before that, he usually dreamed of memories of the past world, that he could not prepare for winter in any way. Is it related to something?Someone else's breathing was heard near his right ear. Related? What nonsense ... apparently he was just too tired yesterday to fight with "this", which is now lying on the other side of the bed, so he began to dream of all sorts of strange nonsense. No, well, it's necessary to be such an impudent person and not only did I stay in his house, I destroyed his food, I also wanted to sleep on his bed. Jay has been living in the world for so long, but it was the first time he met such a thick-skinned man. And to his deepest regret, he could not defeat him. But does he still want to give up? Jay listened to himself and noted that his morale was doubly increased today. But even if that's the case, he's completely too lazy to waste it on this boy. And after all, he is not a child to compete with someone every day. By the way, he has more important things to do. We need to think about where to get the money this month to buy materials for the greenhouse.The magician should come in a week and pick up the next last free order. And there you will have to wait a month to start delivering goods to him for money. Too long. He can only lose the right time this way. After all, at first glance, it seems that yes, it's only the beginning of summer, another five months before frost. Why rush somewhere? But time goes so fast sometimes. Sometimes, before you know it, a year has already passed. No, you can't be lazy. Perhaps now it is worth starting to implement your backup plan. Which he had invented for a rainy day.Deciding not to go to bed anymore, Jay got out of bed and went for morning exercises. Not noticing at all that as soon as he left the room, the man who remained in bed opened his eyes. Being in a good mood, he didn't care about his new neighbor who appeared. Although breakfast after a morning jog, it is not superfluous to mention that he cooked for two servings. After all, after yesterday, he still had a shadow that his food might be robbed. Therefore, he decided to be moderately harmful, and at the same time, thus, as soon as possible to use up products that have already begun to deteriorate.After all, there were no refrigerators in this world. Unless there was a cooling stone, if you put a room with it, then a kind of freezer would turn out. But due to the fact that it was very expensive, and Jay didn't even have a coin in his pocket at the moment... forget it! We'll have to wait until better times with the construction of this thing.Having refreshed himself, Jay went to harvest. Due to the fact that the magician had not yet returned some of the boxes to him, he had to pour vegetables and fruits on the floor. Therefore, it is not surprising that a few days later, when Jay finally finished harvesting, almost the entire kitchen was filled and there was no place to step. Looking at this, Jay regretted a little bit in his heart that he had used the potion. Well, that's where he needs so much harvest? Does he have dozens of suppliers? But sometimes it's better to have too much than nothing. Especially when you know how quickly you can get rid of all this. Here, of course, it cannot be said that although Jay was excellent at this method, but he loved doing it very much. From the word did not like at all.But, alas, even if you had something to eat, it was still impossible to exist without money. Therefore, having rolled up their sleeves and given the first order to the spirits so that they would not disturb him, at the same time they continued to look after not only the animals, but also the drying of rice. And those, by the way, were going to fly away from here every day, but because of the daily supply of berries to their mouth ... they were debugging this case all the time, and thus, despite the great desire to get out of here ... laziness won in the form of unwillingness to get food on their own in the future. Jay finally waited for the return of his new neighbor, who disappeared almost every day, and asked him to give the magician pre-cooked fruits and vegetables if he looked at him, completely ignoring the indifferent look of his housemate at his request and closed the kitchen doors.No one knew if he was doing something there or idling. However, when he opened the door three days later and came out, seeing his tired appearance, no one dared to question him. Building their own theories deep down. Jay, even if he needed to rest, there would still be time for that. Now it was necessary to sell what he got without delay, otherwise some part of it could be lost. Therefore, ignoring the curiosity of others, he went to prepare the horse and soon put two wooden buckets on the cart, inside which an unknown liquid was splashing, tied with a cloth on top. In addition, there was a bag filled with something, and next to it was a small piece of text, on which it was hidden due to the fact that it was turned over.- Do you know what it is? The wind spirit, not knowing how to suppress his curiosity, turned to his brother.- How do I know. – In response, the spirit of the earth shrugged his shoulders, he, by the way, was also curious, but unfortunately he could not see through objects.Then they wanted to look into the buckets, but when they saw that Jay looked at them warningly and was about to leave, they had no choice but to retreat and continue to look after the animals. In any case, they themselves agreed to do this light work. It was impossible to take back his word now, especially to the wind spirit. Do you seriously want this proud little guy to take back his word and back down? Never!As soon as the horse set off on a familiar road, Jay made a detour and sent it straight to the city. Although this trip might take time, but compared to the benefits it would bring... it was definitely not in vain. Along the way, Jay tried to drive more carefully and even managed to find time to rest. Still, sleep at a young age was important. After all, it could directly affect his body. And since he wanted to grow tall and healthy... he needed a certain amount of time to sleep a day. But it's not surprising that when Jay finally got to the city, all his bones ached like an old man. After all, he still did not sleep on a soft feather bed these days.- I'll arrange a more comfortable trip another time. – Jay stopped the horse when she wanted to get closer to the city and began to place a small road kiosk right on the side of the road.Putting two buckets that were completely filled with tomatoes soaked in brine. Some of them were ordinary, and others were soaked in their own juice, Jay placed a bag next to them. From it, he had already managed to get the prepared tomato and pesto sauce. The rest, such as dishes, where he was going to put the sold goods, he left there. And having installed the same wooden sign on which roadside snacks were clearly written, he put a chair on the side and sat down on it, began to wait for the first customers, whistling a melody from time to time.I had to wait a long time. Although there were many carriages passing along the road, but due to the fact that the people inside were not interested in what was happening outside, they were not at all interested in Jay's goods. And so it was until the knights passed by.There were five of them. They were all tired, and some even had a hangover. Due to the fact that he had to put a lot of effort into ingratiating himself with the suspect's assistant, he now not only had a wild headache, but also had such a dry mouth...- Let's not use such tricks another time? It's better to start with the threat right away. Zel turned to his comrades.- If she had told everything at once. Some of them are not afraid of death at all. The blond man shrugged his shoulders in response.- Then I... - Zel wanted to say something, but completely forgot when he saw a boy sitting in front of him and wanting to sell something.What kind of wild scene is this? Right on the road? Didn't sellers usually gather at the market? He was not only surprised by the boy's act, but also interested in what he was selling. Is it something poisonous?- Ahem, what do you have? – Slowly Zel drove up to Jay's kiosk and, stopping the horse, got off it and began to curiously try to see what was available. As a knight, he had to find out if it could bring trouble to other people. After all, their house of knights was responsible for security.At the same time, the others, seeing Zel's movements, followed him. Knowing that usually this old man wasn't so easily surprised... there definitely had to be good things here. They jumped off their horses and took a queue for Zel.Jay, seeing his first customers in knightly clothes, did not even flinch. To begin with, he kindly asked three people whose complexion was normal to try tomatoes in their own juice, pouring much more into a glass of juice than adding tomatoes and requesting a small amount. But maybe for Jay the amount was small. In any case, he did not have any special costs for production here, so he was not going to overstate anything. However, it turned out to be very cheap for the knights in general. She even exchanged glances with each other before paying for the juice."Do you understand what's going on?""I didn't hear wrong, he definitely called this amount?""Maybe he's not very smart?"Because of these thoughts, one of them decided to hint to the boy that it could go at a loss for him if he really is going to such a low price to trade.- My master said that we would definitely benefit from this. – Jay, who introduced the economic situation of this country only on the surface, did not pay much attention to the knight's words and, taking the money, handed him the order.For the remaining two, due to the fact that their complexion was gray, Jay chose tomatoes from another bucket, adding more brine as well. After that, having assumed as indifferent a look as possible, he began to wait impatiently in his heart for the reaction of buyers. To be honest, it was an exciting moment for him. After all, these people should have told him if there was even a chance for him to leave here today with a full pocket.But due to the fact that the last two knights froze after trying the drink, the waiting time dragged on for a long time. Until it dawned on these two that not only did their dry mouth disappear, but their headache also decreased. Suddenly, the two of them rushed to ask what else Jay had. While their other three comrades stood aside and drank tomato juice, trying to figure out what it was like. There was a sweetness with a barely noticeable sourness and the consistency was somewhat reminiscent of soup, but it definitely wasn't. And unlike him, he noticeably refreshed their tired state. And, it seems, now they understand why the boy told them earlier that he definitely would not lose in the matter of revenue. There are a lot of people willing to buy such drinks.A lot?! Having drained their glasses, they suddenly, without any agreement, began to look around and, seeing no one nearby, rushed after their two comrades.Seeing such enthusiasm from the first customers, Jay hid a smile and took out the sauces, explaining in detail that, they say, if you want to buy them in the future, contact such and such a count with whom my master is going to conduct a joint business. Even if the knights didn't have something to spread the sauce on, they started eating it straight. Having already considered in the depths of his soul that everything that the boy sells must be clearly unusual food. And it was such a picture that Baroness Ryld found when she was returning home from a visit with her children.Since she was a curious lady, and let's say, a gourmet at heart. Namely, she was very fond of trying new dishes and not a single day went by without her trying something (except today). Remembering so in time that the kitchen, which she managed to taste at a party, was ordinary, she asked to stop and sent a servant to check to find out what they were selling there and buy her something to try.Jay was trying to calm down his already regular customers. Strange, but since when are they permanent? They only have to have a third purchase. He noticed that a carriage had stopped near his kiosk, and soon a man sitting next to the driver approached him. He immediately very quickly shoved drinks with tomatoes floating in it into the hands of the knights, only now the opposite is true: he allowed three to try the usual pickle, and two tomato juice. And taking the money, he drove those aside so that they would not crowd.Seeing that the man was just asking around and didn't know exactly what to buy, but he had the money, Jay took a chance and sold him not only two sauces, but also tomatoes in tomato juice. Due to the fact that the pickle was suitable only for a special situation and Jay did not know who was in the carriage, he did not decide to sell it. And soon the carriage successfully continued its journey, inside with the baroness, who slowly began to taste the sauces using the bread she had. Without even knowing that because of her sudden stop, Jay will have a bunch of buyers of a noble title following her. It so happened that someone from afar recognized the emblem on the carriage belonging to the Ryld family, and became interested in what the stop was connected with. And the next customers already recognized him, then others ... in the end, the bucket of tomatoes in their own juice was emptied very quickly, and all the sauces were sold out. The remaining bucket went to the knights.- Oh, and the people in this world turned out to be kind. – Jay, in a good mood, counted the amount of money and, seeing that it was already evening, decided to find a hotel in the city. In any case, he would have to go to the market tomorrow, there was no point in going back and forth.However, he was completely unaware that things are not so calm in the city right now. He discovered this only when the royal guards came to him.

Although I am now a prince, but in order to survive...BLWhere stories live. Discover now