C.F / summer

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❊ summary : you're visiting cousins this summer for the first time and meet Conrad fisher ♾️

This small town was beautiful, the way the sun glared, the smell of the salty beach close by. When I needed a place to escape summer, cousins beach was what my heart had set on. I remember being in 'awe' just looking through my airbnb app looking at the house I've rented for a couple months. As I drove through the town smiling, I had this feeling of being at home, it felt strange since I've never been here before.

Finally I parked my car at the gas station, I heard multiple voices in the car next to me, my eyes gazed over at the boy who exited his car, his dark blonde hair, his smirky smile, 'he's cute' I thought to myself before filling up my tank. I realised he had a full car, probably all his friends. A girl popped her head out of the car and stared at the cute boy who got out to fill his tank.

"Conrad, hurry up! We need to buy the alcohol and pick up Shayla" she spoke.
I tried my best to look like I wasn't eaves dropping as my gas filled up, I stood there staring everywhere else.
"Why rush Nicole? It's still early, the bonfire party isn't going to runaway" he replied, his voice so smooth and dark. The next thing you know, he made eye contact with me, we locked onto each others gaze for 2 seconds before he smiled, then he left and drove off with his friends.

Back on the road, I was only 2 minutes away from my air bnb house, I was glad it was close
to town and the beach. Having the beach in your backyard was definitely a win. Slowly I pulled up to my driveway. When I unpacked my stuff and made sure everything was put away, I heard my grumbling stomach, shit I was so hungry. I managed to make myself two turkey sandwiches and had taki's with them, I gulped down a chocolate milk after my dinner and sat there super full. Hmm, what to do now? Maybe a walk on the beach before bed, yeah that sounds good, I said in my head.

Conrad point of view ❊

I had just finished my second beer and Jere came on over, "Con, how are you and Nicole?" He asked with a grin, I bit the inside of my cheek before replying, "yeah we're just friends, I ended up telling her I didn't feel anything...anyway she told me she has some college sophomore chasing her" I explained, jere folded his arms and nodded, "fair enough, well me and belly are just going to go back to the house and watch a movie with the moms, wanna come?" He asked, I politely said no, "it's fine jere, that's probably best to take Belly home, I'm good here" I replied then watched him wonder off with belly.

I made my way to the cooler to get me another beer, my eyes caught a glance of a girl that looked familiar, she was walking along the beach coming toward our bonfire party, it was the girl from the gas station. I blinked and hesitated,
Should I invite her to join?, 'should I?' I asked myself. I ended up making my way toward her. Screw it.
"Hey, um the girl from earlier? at the gas station ?" I spoke walking towards her, she nodded in agreement,
"Yes I am she. nice set up you have over there, let me guess... bonfire party?" She said with a cute grin, I ran my fingers through my hair and chuckled.
"Correct, it's just an annual bonfire party people throw here for the kids at cousins. I'm Conrad." I replied, she raised her brows,
"Hi Conrad, I'm Y/N. I'm just here for the summer." Y/N said as she took a step closer in my direction, I couldn't stop staring at those eyes, and that smile, I tried my best not to make it obvious...
"Hey Conrad?" She whispered, I snapped out of my thought and nodded, "yes?", "can we sit somewhere and talk? I'll be very honest with you, I just ate so much dinner and drank too much chocolate milk, and my body just feels heavy, you know like I'm entering a food coma." She explained, a laugh escaped my lips and it made me grin, this girl was something else.

Y/N point of view ❊

We'd sat down away from the party but still close enough to see everyone.
"So what made you come to cousins for the summer?" Conrad asked, I bit my lip before answering. "I just needed a getaway summer before college, I decided I needed a break for myself so I saved up and rented a summer
house here. I think I deserve it." I replied, im glad he listened. We talked forever, I told him about my home town, my family, favourite food, hobbies, even where I got into college, and to my surprise, he had applied there too and got in. The way he spoke about his mother, his brother and what he enjoyed most, like surfing &  science , I got lost in his eyes. I couldn't help it.  His eyes were addicting, and so was his smirky smile. My first night here and i was the happiest I've ever been in months.
"Thank you for listening Y/N." Conrad blurted out after a sip of his beer, I grinned and said the same thing. "It was nice meeting you Conrad, maybe we can do something tomorrow?" I whispered smiling, he agreed straightaway. Before leaving, we exchanged numbers.

That night in bed, I received a text.

To: Y/N
From: Conrad
goodnight y/n i enjoyed tonight, meet on the beach tomorrow?

I held my phone against my chest and blushed. This feeling was amazing.

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